Off the top of my head, these not-terrorists include:CHETRY: You don’t think that those facilities could keep some of these detainees secure, at the same time, protecting the surrounding communities?
INHOFE: No, I don’t, Kiran.(...)
CHETRY: There has been, though, here in the United States a number of people who have been convicted on terrorism-related charges in U.S. courts. … They’ve been held in our U.S. prisons. Why can’t that be replicated with the Guantanamo Bay detainees?
INHOFE: Because those individuals who are actually criminals, they actually committed crimes and were not involved in the type of — in the type of terrorist activity as we’ve been experiencing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The 'Blind Sheik' and three accomplices from the 1993 WTC Bombing.
Timothy McVeigh.
The 'Shoe Bomber'.
Moussaoui, conspirator involved in the 2001 WTC attack.
They are not terrorists, though. They are just criminals. Or so the GOP talking points go.