I post this story not only because it's a person of minor interest but because of the fucking misleading headlines I sawAP wrote:Tom Brokaw unhurt in NY highway wreck that kills 1
(AP) – 52 minutes ago
NEW YORK — Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw and his wife said they escaped injury in a three-car accident on a New York City highway that killed one woman and injured a mail truck driver Friday afternoon.
The accident happened about 1 p.m. as Brokaw was driving in the left lane of the northbound Bruckner Expressway in the Bronx.
The Brokaws said they noticed a spool of cable bouncing in the far right lane, which caused the driver of the green SUV to lose control as she tried to avoid it.
The Brokaws said the SUV slid into the middle lane, forcing a mail truck into the couple's lane. The truck collided with Brokaw's vehicle.
Police say the SUV overturned after hitting debris in the road. The unidentified woman was thrown from the car and killed.
A U.S. Postal Service spokeswoman said the truck's driver, who wasn't identified, was hospitalized.
The 69-year-old Brokaw and his wife, Meredith, said in a statement they were "greatly saddened by this loss of life." Brokaw didn't say in his statement where the couple was headed at the time.
The New York Police Department declined to confirm that Brokaw was involved in the accident.
Brokaw retired as NBC anchor in 2004 and was succeeded by Brian Williams. He has made frequent appearances on the network, filling in as anchor of the network's "Meet the Press" for months after Tim Russert's death in 2008.
For example
The Local ABC's was "Tom Brokaw, wife involved in deadly accident"
Or SooToday "Tom Brokaw & wife involved in fatal accident"
TMZ's is great "Tom Brokaw Involved in Fatal Car Crash"
So once we get past the "We are implying that Tom Brokaw is dead click here" stories we get the next ones
ABC 23 "Woman Killed In Accident Involving Tom Brokaw"
I saw this as the main headline on a dozen stories repeated verbatim. It's great to think that Tom Brokaw is dead oh no! Wait no he's fine but he killed someone!
Or... as the AP covered, a truck hit Brokaw and he's ok.