I've generally been content to lurk around, but this really got under my skin, so this is my first post.
Great. Then you should now that we will apply harsh scrutiny to this.
Reading into the case i saw no actual evidence of rape, it was basically he says-she says.
Congratulations. You just described a majority of all rape cases.
They both say that they had sex, they disagree on whether or not it was consensual. There is no other evidence one way or another.
While eyewitness-testimony is weak evidence, it is still evidence.
In cases like these, the woman's past sexual history IS valid evidence.
Ok - this is what get's under MY skin.
Because - NO, IT'S NOT. A claim from a woman who is chaste and one who has a lot of sexual experience should NOT be treated differenty.
Unless you can show us that there is a
statistical difference between the two.
So here's your job: Look up such a statistic. Then analyze it to show that it says that her claim has less credibility.
Or, at least, give us an actual explanation how it is
supposed to work.
If she has a proven history of riding the Cock Carousel, chances are she jumped in willingly.
So what?
Honestly, so what?! Do you think that does mean it
wasn't rape?
I know at least one woman who willingly went with a man to fuck him, and then got drugged and raped.
This is NOT "blaming the victim", it's evidence that the victim may be lying her ass off in the first place and it's a damn shame that Feminists convinced Western Governments to disallow a woman's past sexual history as evidence.
Explain why it should matter. You have presented no evidence that she is lying.
In any other criminal case, where there is no hard evidence and the case has to be judged based on deciding which of the the two parties giving is lying, and any circumstantial evidence not directly related to the case at hand that establishes/diminishes the credibility of the testimony is perfectly acceptable, but rape is apparently "not like other crimes" as the feminists like to say.
It is far more traumatic than most others. Quite often, the victim and criminal also have a vastly different social status - as in this case. Besides, it's not like an accusation is automatically enough for conviction - at least in germany.
would suggest, to the army of self righteous defenders of women's purity on this thread, that they google "false rape accusation".
Oh, wow, what a revelation. If only i had known that people could lie
There are hundred's of well documented cases of women accusing me of rape for inane reasons such as: not paying a cab fare, making her boyfriend feel sorry for her, making her friends feel sorry for her, because she was depressed, to get revenge,etc.
Hundreds of cases - compared to how many real rapes?
Furthermore - can you present a motive why she should be lying? Because that's something that
should be taken into account!
Their accusers got off with a slap on the wrist instead of the decades of jail time the men were facing.(I could put up the links if you guys want, but seriously, this is from the first page of the search results.)
If you can't even present your own evidence, you are either a liar or an idiot.
Besides - false charges should be a serious offense. If they are not in your legal system, complain about that.
This case proves that in Western countries the legal system for men operates on the principle of "Guilty until proven innocent" and all you have to do to get jailed for rape is to have sex with a woman who regrets it the next morning and not have any hard evidence to prove otherwise.
This is simply not true.
In nearly all cases where someone is falsely accused of rape, it is quite recent after the crime. Which means that you can find traces if you do an exam. Which shows wether she was raped or not. So there you have hard evidence that easily prevents such things.
Failings to use such evidence are a failing of your legal systen, but not related to your complaint.
Furthermore - well, this is somewhat of an appeal to emotion, but not just that.
I guess you have never met an actual rape victim. I know at least three (and others where i suspect it, but she doesn't want to talk about it). It is one of the most traumatic experiences possible. That alone justifies lessened scrutiny for the possible victim.
And no one WANT'S to be raped. The sheer notion that sexually active behaviour indicates such is ludicrous.
A word of warning, since you are new:
Back up your claim (that being sexually active makes one prone to lying about being a rape victim).
I let you off easy for now - proove it, and you have an argument.
But if you do not do that, i will rip your posts to tiny shreds and push them up your ass until your intestines bleed.