Ars Technica
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The music industry's latest annual report on the digital world has one main "ask" in it: would governments around the world please, please, pretty please get off their collective lard-filled posteriors and start passing the sorts of laws that would dragoon Internet providers into the antipiracy wars?
Whatever one thinks of this as a policy approach, it certainly represents a considerable shift in Internet regulation. Given the strength of the medicine, it's worth examining just how bad the disease is; that is, how many music pirates actually exist?
Given draconian public pronouncements in the past that, for instance, 95 percent of digital music has been illegally acquired, one might be forgiven for thinking that almost everyone on the 'Net is a pirate. It's not true. In fact, according to the music industry's own research, only a small percentage of Internet users are even pirates in the first place—and even the pirates turn out to spend money on music.