The short version: because Wisconsin has open primaries (ie you can vote in them whether you're registered to the party or not) a bunch of Republicans ran against the actual Democratic Party nominees, calling themselves Democrats and encouraging Republican voters to come out to the polling stations. The actual recalls were meant to be held today, but by forcing primaries the Republicans delayed their day of reckoning by another month.
Along side that there were robocalls to registered Democratic Party voters encouraging them to apply for absentee ballots and mail them within seven days to ensure your vote is counted... on the day of the election. Real classy.
On the bright side, the real candidates crushed their "competition" with an exceptionally large primary election turnout, hopefully a bellwether of the elections to come.totally not someone connected to the Wisconsin Republicans wrote: ... xTLoxYEcHA
(I know it's customary to link to articles in N&P... but there are a lot of articles out there, none of which seem to hit all points. Here's an article from Salon that hits the high points, though.)