Newstoryleadership for Middle East - chances of it working.

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Newstoryleadership for Middle East - chances of it working.

Post by Omeganian »

Here is an article about a project attempting to deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, called New Story Leadership for the Middle East.

A USAToday article

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The project, basically, is several prospective young people from both sides spending time together in Washington, and attempting to find common ground. The project is currently at its second group (and year).

Do you believe it can get results?
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Re: Newstoryleadership for Middle East - chances of it worki

Post by Simon_Jester »

What would you define as "results?"
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Re: Newstoryleadership for Middle East - chances of it worki

Post by Mr Bean »

Omeganian wrote:
The project, basically, is several prospective young people from both sides spending time together in Washington, and attempting to find common ground. The project is currently at its second group (and year).

Do you believe it can get results?
No because young people have nothing to do with the future of Israel and Palestine but only those who have spent six decades in a endless cycle of violence and hate and by the time those young are in positions of power the hate will have corrupted them just as badly. The only way for peace to have a chance of breaking out is for there to be some kind of break in that cycle... except that's only possible if both sides are stirring up the violence and racism.

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Re: Newstoryleadership for Middle East - chances of it worki

Post by Big Phil »

Yes, if you forcibly remove two entire generations of Jews and Muslims, transplant them somewhere else, and indoctrinate them not to hate each other. Then move them back after everyone else is dead.

Otherwise, this is a pointless exercise in feel-good bullshit.
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Re: Newstoryleadership for Middle East - chances of it worki

Post by cosmicalstorm »

My impression is that Israel will continue to slowly displace the Palestinians as fast as they can get away with, occasionally making token gestures of trying to create peace to lay out smoke and mirrors for the rest of the world. Maybe they will try to strike up peace with the other countries once that is done. What are the alternatives?

- Global boycott forcing them to stop it?
Unlikely since countries like the USA, China, Russia and India won't care too much.

- Israel is attacked and conquered by other countries in the region?
Unlikely because those countries are disorganized, have been beaten in past wars and know that a war would end with at least a major regional nuclear exchange (and possibly a global thermonuclear war?).

- Internal shift in demographics causing a democratic shift away from the current path?
Best bet, the one I'm hoping for, but also unlikely since they will likely create some kind of apartheid like system to deal with that before the problem grows too big.
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