TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violation

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TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violation

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Nothing more needs to be said really, that would not simply amount to rage-venting, seeing as this is what I drink.
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by The Romulan Republic »

So Perry was in on this?

Hopefully it'll become a big enough scandal to sink his Presidential ambitions. The thought of such an utter cocksucker becoming President...

Of course, that's not enough. Anyone who knew about this should be in prison.
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by The Spartan »

Just FYI the MUD in question isn't nearly as large as they show in their map up there. (http://www.whcrwa.com/maps/2009/WCHRWA_ ... s-2009.pdf You can find it in the light purple area, on the east side of it, to the right of the 529 symbol)

That said, it's still disturbing. It's what I drink, it's what I cook with, I bathe in it, wash my clothes, etc. If this is the way they approach checking radiation levels in drinking water, what else they are missing?
The Romulan Republic wrote:Hopefully it'll become a big enough scandal to sink his Presidential ambitions. The thought of such an utter cocksucker becoming President...
I wouldn't bet on it. Not from the Republican nomination standpoint anyhow. This could even boost that since it's a local government vs the Big Bad Big Government EPA. But there are other things that (might) sink his bid: the Texas budget shortfall, taking Federal money while raging against, the secession bullshit. And the TEA partiers might possibly sink his ambitions on the basis of his past in the Democratic party...
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by The Romulan Republic »

No, I doubt it'll cost him the Primary. If anything, the libertarians will consider him a hero for defending his people's right to get cancer from their water.

But in a general election, if this scandal gets enough attention...
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by Anguirus »


My only consolation is that if I'm getting irradiated by my water, so is that bastard Perry, because I live in Austin.

Also, my guess is this won't hurt him in the primary (the Republicans love to play "who's the most callous?") but it's a hell of a poison pill in the general. Anybody whose mind isn't made up already (the people who decide these elections) is going to be pretty freaked by the idea of clicking hot water in Texas.
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by Dalton »

Perry will escape unscathed, simply because nobody gives a shit about environmental scandals.
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Dalton wrote:Perry will escape unscathed, simply because nobody gives a shit about environmental scandals.

I dont know. If (and this is a big if) Obama jumps on it, the words "radiation", "Drinking Water" and "Above Safe Levels" and "He Knew, and Lied" could be spun into some glorious talking points. Hell, all he really needs to do is is string those words into a sentence.

"Rick Perry knew and lied about radiation in texas drinking water which was above safe levels and did so for years" then, every time Perry talks about Integrity or "I did right by Texas" just hit him with it.

Repeat that enough times, and it will sink in.
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by Dalton »

I disagree. It will seem like a distraction from the bigger issues (economy, jobs) and Perry will slam him back with "you're trying to take focus away from what's important" yada yada yada. It sucks and is sadly expected from corporate profiteers, but I doubt he'll lose much ground from it (especially if the Tea Party succeeds in totally neutering the EPA).
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by The Romulan Republic »

I think what gives it potential strength as a talking point is partly the incredible paranoia much of the public has when it comes to radioactivity. Especially after recent events in Japan. This could be turned into a damaging talking point, I think.

Is it an instant "loose the election" issue, the way Al Qaeda connections, being an atheist, or having a gay lover probably would be? No. But could it hurt him? I think so. If the election is close, it could even make the difference. But its far too early to predict such things.
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by Dalton »

The Romulan Republic wrote:I think what gives it potential strength as a talking point is partly the incredible paranoia much of the public has when it comes to radioactivity. Especially after recent events in Japan. This could be turned into a damaging talking point, I think.

Is it an instant "loose the election" issue, the way Al Qaeda connections, being an atheist, or having a gay lover probably would be? No. But could it hurt him? I think so. If the election is close, it could even make the difference. But its far too early to predict such things.
The Fukushima frenzy has died down significantly. If this gets any media exposure I'd be surprised.
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Re: TX falsified drinking water test results, fed law violat

Post by The Spartan »

FWIW, around here the general feeling from people I've heard say anything is more or less, "That report was blown way out of proportion."
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