weemadando wrote:
So you're saying that tracking down and killing Bin Laden in
Pakistan provides all the justification required for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan?
Fuck, good thing he didn't turn up in Taiwan or we may have had to invade China to secure a base to kill him from.
Pretty sure he wasn't hiding out in Pakistan in September of 2001 Man. Or did you know something everyone else on the planet didn't in September of 2001?
There are numerous stories (all unconfirmed/unconfirmable) from SF groups around the world that the US command in Afghanistan routinely allowed Bin Laden slip away because they refused to allow Coalition forces (such as the most commonly reported story of the UK SAS) to engage as they wanted American forces to be the one's who got the capture/kill. And by the time units could be repositioned, the contact was lost and the trail cooling again.
That's the apocryphal side of things.
Assuming that's true, it couldn't have
possibly been because they had gotten burned by allowing allies try to make the capture before(Tora Bora).
What air defense did Afghanistan have? Don't you thin the US could have moved in and out of the country from bases in Pakistan with impunity?
Seriously? Am I the only one who remembers this far back?
There was still a big (?) on the number of MANPADS that were floating around in Afghanistan in 2001. The sort of special operations-only war you're talking about would be particularly vulnerable to that.
Shoot, at the altitudes we're talking, you wouldn't necessarily need to use MANPADs to take out helicopters. Just
shoot them with RPGS as they travel in the valley below where you set yourself up.
And since we
haven't knocked the Taliban out of power, OBL is going to be hiding amongst an organization that is overtly hindering kill/capture missions.
And finally, Skgoa thinks that letting the Taliban remain in power while playing host to OBL does
not send the message that "The US isn't really worked up about this". Fuck, if I was Pakistan and the US came to me and said that the scope of the search would be limited that we were leaving his associates alone, then the lesson I would walk away with from that is "all that is required of us is the illusion of the bare minimal of cooperation".
nd once again you are overstating your case by assuming motives that fit your world-view. But to adress your point: a america has lost all rights to fighting "just wars" when you guys started doing such a bad job.
Uh, fuck, when was this?
Oh, several years AFTER the invasion started?
ATM you guys (or rather: all of us, since we are part of it, too) are an occupying force that has failed to actually create the baseline that would make the occupation legal under international law: i.e. security etc. - if you turn it around and actually create a situation over there in which people aren't worse than before, I am going to admit that you did good. But right now it's a huge mess and you guys are talking about getting out of there.
Sure it's a "huge mess". But, I'm not sure what it is you're trying to say here. "America fucked up the execution so they should just wash their hands and leave and they are saying they are going to leave anyway?"
By the way, SF is going to be in country for many, many more years after more conventional forces leave in 2013. I'm not counting the training contingent which is also slated to stay in-country for many, many more years. It's not quite "cut and run".
Get of your high horse. There are many options between "surrender immediately" and "bomb ALL the brown people!"
Holy fuck, we bombed the Northern Alliance?