Okay I read the piece, methinks someone doth protest to much. Outrages is a little high on my scale of words to use, issues or problems or some other word other than outrages which none of this stuff really qualifies
The ten "outrages" in order
1. The class room is very lively and lots of side conversations are going on
Yes that's an issue, not an outrage but a mark that the teacher does not have good classroom control skills, if you can't win silence by respect then you can at least win it by punishment. Teachers have lots of options for making examples of people. But outrage? Again way to strong a word
2. A social studies teacher talks about a current story of the day
This is not a outrage in any way shape or form as the piece was well sourced and reviewed by multiple media sources.
This is not in any way shape or form an outrage of any kind as this is a social studies class
Had this been math class or chemistry there would be a good point to be made
3. The Teacher fails at using the story in any kind of civics lesson
Outrage? No, the Teacher is bad at her job, had she been good at her job she could explain that at the time Obama was not yet even ten and pushed a girl down in the playground while Mittens got a gang together to assault a student because he was wearing a feminine hairstyle and because he was gay.
That would have been an excellent comparison but the teacher utterly failed to make it
4. A repeat of 3 but saying that the teacher presented the story just to make a personal political point rather than using it to teach anything
I'd agree with that only because the teacher was again terrible at drawing any comparisons between the two.
5. The teacher says you will not disrespect the president of the United States
Again not an outrage and if this was a ROTC class or active duty services members that's the law. These kids? It again proves she wanted to bring up a political point without trying to teach anything from it. Again not an out-rage just another demonstration she's bad at her job.
6. This is a repeat of "outrage 5"
This is a repeat of outrage 5 with different words
7. This is a repeat of outrage 5 and 6
This is a repeat of outrage 5 and 6 with different words
I have to quote 8 to provide context
OP wrote:Then, in a spectacular finish, the teacher goes into a full-fledged rant, telling her students that those who criticized President Bush were arrested for saying derogatory things about President Bush:
“Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush? Do you realize you are not supposed to slander the president?”
Well, no, now that you mention it, I don’t realize that, and neither does anyone who has studied civics or the Constitution, because it isn’t just untrue, it is spectacularly untrue. Now the teacher is lying outright, or displaying such ignorance that the students would be justified in stampeding toward the exits lest she rot their developing brains further. But our Ethics Hero stands his ground, and replies,quite correctly,
“You would have to say some pretty fucked up crap about him to be arrested. They cannot take away your right to have your opinion. … They can’t take that away unless you threaten the President.” Whereupon the teacher should have taken a seat at a students’ desk, and they should have commenced teaching her. OUTRAGE 8.
This is incorrect people were arrested on drummed up charges ahead of several conferences so they could not protest because they had said bad things about the President. In fact it's a practice Obama continues to this day, we have a news story about it today about prevent arrest before the G8 summit this very day. The arrests are for things like threats and terrorism but do not be surprised in two weeks long after the G8 has come and gone when the charges will be dropped.
So Outrage 8 is simply factually incorrect.
9. Outrage 9 is just the writer of the OP insulting the teacher for being bad at her job
I agree the Teacher is bad at her job, it's not an outrage
10. Nothing has been done despite the teacher being bad at her job
This is the closest thing that comes close to an outrage but considering the rest of the piece I question it's truthfulness, I have to wonder if really nothing has happened to this teacher. I'd expect at least a talking to, at most a disciplinary hearing and some remedial time.
So to review 9 outrages are not outrageous and the Social studies teacher had a political axe to grind and was shitty at doing so.