Formless wrote:His Divine Shadow wrote: Do you know anything about how guns work?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do, smartass. And because of this knowledge, I happen to know that 1) no one carries a 1911 concealed. Its too damn big. So cut out that damn red herring, it doesn't actually help your case.
I guess that's all that needs to be said on that front really. I know like 5 people myself who do that and go look on any US firearms forum and see just how many do it.
2) most guns, especially those guns which are intended for concealed carry, can be decocked, either with a dedicated decocker or with a little technique of lowering the hammer by hand (carefully). That technique, while less than ideal, is used all the time when at the range or other situations where the gun isn't protecting your life.
I mentioned that already and it doesn't alter anything because there is more than one gun out there in the world. All being used constantly. And if you complain about cocked & locked, a method of carry that is despite how unsafe you claim it to be, common and has been in use for over a 100 years, and then suggest one of the most idiotic and unsafe things you can do with a gun, lowering the hammer manually?!? That fucking procedure has caused more negligent discharges than all the nonsense you're ascribing to cocked & locked method.
I specifically brought up the two other similar chambered carrying methods (and police, military and CCW people use all three on a daily basis) earlier on because they aren't any safer if you use a shitty holster or pocket carry. A proper holster is the best safety device out there, it's gonna be motherfucking hard to get an accidental discharge with a firmly holstered gun even if you try to. Holsters are probably 90% of the mechanical safety side really.
3) it doesn't take that damn much time to chamber a round and cock the gun precisely because semiautomatics are made to do both of those things in one motion. So that's not excuse either-- a gun that has no round chambered is far more trustworthy than one which only has the safety preventing it a trigger pull from going off.
Once again you default to all semi-automatics being the same. Like I already said, some guns can't decock safely and no, advocating manually lowering the hammer with an SAO gun is so goddamn stupid I think it should qualify one for having ones guns taken away, there are plenty of semi auto guns you can't easily cock despite this, including 1911's because they come in so many variations nowadays. Also this horridly unsafe solution has a holster too that's preventing it from going off, the holster is the main safety and at least with a cocked and locked gun you have three safeties.
With a Glock, one of the most commonly carried police guns, the safety is pretty much all in the holster, it falls out and the trigger can as easily snag on a million things. With a 1911 you'd have to have it fall out of the holster, fall so that the grip safety engages, fall so that the safety disengages, then something has to get into the trigger and engage it. A Browning HP can be carried C&L but doesn't have the grip safety but there's still one more step if required failures here than with the most ubiqutous glock carry, so maybe you should start complaining about that instead.
Do you think I go into these threads knowing nothing about what I'm talking about? I mean, for fucks sake, you guys think I need to be reminded of the basic firearms safety rules. Its like, I have had a gun in my hands before, and watched how they work so I better understand how to operate one?
Apparently, this is exactly what you do. If you wanted to convince me otherwise...