First: Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) has openly endorsed same-sex marriage. She posted this on her Tumblr yesterday: ... ee-but-the#_=_
On the one hand, this is more obviously a politically-motivated endorsement than that of Huntsman or Obama or Portman, in the sense she delayed it until after her election despite quite obviously not having had a change of heart since then on the subject. On the other, I don't particularly give a damn and I'm glad she now supports it. If a purely political animal like McCaskill can get behind it, that means a deluge is coming. I think it's actually more meaningful than a 'conversion' for personal reasons (Portman) or after authentic genuflection (Huntsman). It means she thinks there's political space for her to openly endorse it without backlash.The question of marriage equality is a great American debate. Many people, some with strong religious faith, believe that marriage can only exist between a man and a woman. Other people, many of whom also have strong religious faith, believe that our country should not limit the commitment of marriage to some, but rather all Americans, gay and straight should be allowed to fully participate in the most basic of family values.
I have come to the conclusion that our government should not limit the right to marry based on who you love. While churches should never be required to conduct marriages outside of their religious beliefs, neither should the government tell people who they have a right to marry.
My views on this subject have changed over time, but as many of my gay and lesbian friends, colleagues and staff embrace long term committed relationships, I find myself unable to look them in the eye without honestly confronting this uncomfortable inequality. Supporting marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples is simply the right thing to do for our country, a country founded on the principals of liberty and equality.
Good people disagree with me. On the other hand, my children have a hard time understanding why this is even controversial. I think history will agree with my children.
Also of note: 41/53 Democrats in the Senate - and one Republican - now support gay marriage. The bulk that haven't made the announcement are from swing/Republican states, although there are some odd hold-outs (Tom Carper for one).
The other bit of news: Rand Paul has softened his stance to being alright with a "neutral" gay marriage policy in the United States. ... 44056.html
I love how hard he has to reach to remain "LOL I'M A LIBERTARIAN" and a socially conservative Republican. "I do believe in traditional marriage! No, really, I do!"Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) suggested Sunday he wouldn't mind if the Supreme Court struck down "the federalization part" of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) when it takes up the issue this week, since he believes the issue should be left up to the states.
"I've always said that the states have the right to decide," Paul, who opposes gay marriage, said on "Fox News Sunday."
"I do believe in traditional marriage, Kentucky has decided it, and I don't think the federal government should tell us otherwise," Paul said. "I don't want the government promoting something I don't believe in, but I also don't mind if the government tries to be neutral on the issue."