Conduct a "twerking" dance? BEAT DOWN IS THE ANSWER according to this shitty father.
the reaction among some people is revealing:
I just saw that video of the dad whooping his daughters with the extension cord for making A TWERK VIDEO and I read A LOT of complaining ass comments attached to it...after reviewing that video...I can honestly say....THOSE FAST ASS LITTLE HEIFERS DESERVED THAT EXTENSION CORD TO THE ASS!!! ...U people make me SICK in 2013 U think EVERY form of punishment is TOO EXTENSIVE and uncalled for. THIS is why little girls with barely a fully developed uterus think its okay to shake their narrow Asses on the world wide web!! My mama, daddy, grandma, aunties and few neighbors TORE MY ASS UP and I appreciate it today. Fuck yall and ya little hot ass daughters U punk Bitch ass parents. FOH...#TeamWhoopThatKid
KiKi Sheree Real shit!!!! My girls think I'm the meanest mother ever.. And I give no fuck how they feel. I stay on their ass because of shit like this... Mind yall motherfucking business & let dude handle his child!!!
Rodney Rusk Jr. I laughed at that shit. Because that was lightweight compared to the beatings I got. I got my ass beat with everything from a extension cord to a rhinestone belt (80s) to my Nintendo controller cord. I thank mom's to this day for it.
Terry Simms exactly.... my kids will be getting they ass whip just like ALL they ancesters did. the bible say spear the rod spoil the child. yall call youselves christians but yall dont want to follow the word of god... hippocrites
Shajuanda Henderson Lmfaoooo! ! I've had worse...with the rubber hose, my grandfather used to tear our asses out da frame...nowadays these kids got too much protection and they wanna call da law for u disciplining what came from you....fuck dat, better he whoop dey ass outta love then a nigga whoop dey ass later in life...people need to get a grip shit is different now..THESE BAD ASS KIDS NEED DA WHOOPINGS US GROWN UPS REMEMBER, BET DEY LIL ASSES WON'T FORGET IT!!
I expect this will be major news soon.....
Michael Bornnard People want to say that's child abuse. No it wasn't, those girls deserved that ass whopping. That was child's play compared to what I got as a child. This generation is so damn sissified, stop being your child's friend and whoop they ass when they misbehave!
MrsShalon Gholar-Ryan People on their complaining about he went to far he did the right thing these dam kids need a ass whooping every now and then that's why they outta control killing their own dam parents and even grandparents and talk back I got worst beating with shoe and even naked one time ty mom I even whoop my kids when they were lil buck what the system says they can't tell me how to raise mines and to u sissy parents man up for ur kids be whooping ur azz
Vaughn Tramell He did what soft parents wont do. Thats why most kids that never got whooped call their parents by their names, cuss at em, etc. He wasnt beind cruel... thats Discipline!!!
Love ALL the people bragging about committing child abuse because their ancestors did it to them.Ballzy Kamehameha Now watch sumbody call cps fpr discipline. Smdh das y kids dese days is fuckheads. Dont get an ass whoopin cuz all dey say is imma call cps n parents bitch up. Fuck dat my nieces n nephews get it frm me too
Oh, and scroll further down on this page to see where it's being 'discussed' at.
I expect this will probably make the news soon, like that 'facebook parenting' video