You are the one who claimed that the kid is a sociopath, which is ridiculous, especially since ASPD is an adult diagnosis. Not to mention the idea that someone is a sociopath because they drive drunk is absolutely absurd. 13% of American drivers have driven drunk in the past year.
The problem is not the drunk driving. The problem is that in an earlier incident brought up in court, he was caught by the police in the back of his car with an unconscious naked young woman (read: attempted rape) for which he was ticketed (why was this not prosecuted, I wonder?). No remorse for the 4 deaths he caused either. Pretty good indication that there is no empathy there. Take everything into consideration, and while ASPD is an adult diagnosis, it still exists in younger people (it is just difficult to distinguish from other disorders prior to adulthood), and he fits the bill.
A sociopath is a sociopath. It does not matter how they are raised. Normal theories of criminal justice like a preference for rehabilitation over punishment do not apply, because sociopaths are neurologically broken. Nothing can reform them. The only difference that can be made is to raise them in such a way that they are violent serial killer types if raised "poorly", or investment banker types if raised "well".
This one has been raised poorly, and he is too old now for that to be readily reversed. Now, I could be wrong on the Sociopath thing. We will find out when and if he starts torturing animals (not like in a dog fight, we are talking about flaying mice and shit). That one is a dead giveaway.