FCC proves it's a good little whore

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FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Highlord Laan »

Anyone surprised?

I'm not. However, the ever magnanimous Tom Wheeler, after coughing the spunk from the back of his throat, has offered for the public to weigh in on the matter. For all the good it will do. We may as well, right?

So, since he's already proven what kind of game this is to him, I see no reason to play nice. Flood the FCC lines to the point of breaking, overload their servers until they crash, and call his home phone so much he can't sleep through the ringing.

And of course, Verizon, AT&T, and their sucmbag ilk are crying about how net neutrality is bad for their profits and doing all they can to paint themselves as ooor, misunderstood victims just trying to do whats best for their consumers. We all know how much bullshit that actually is.

he Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted in favor of advancing a proposal that could dramatically reshape the way consumers experience the Internet, opening the possibility of Internet service providers charging Web sites for higher-quality delivery of their content to American consumers.
The plan, approved in a three-to-two vote along party lines, could unleash a new economy on the Web where an Internet service provider such as Verizon would charge a Web site such as Netflix for faster video streaming. The proposal would, though, prohibit telecom firms from outright blocking Web sites.
The plan is not a final rule, but the vote on Thursday is a significant step forward on a controversial idea that has invited fierce opposition from consumer advocates, Silicon Valley heavyweights, and Democratic lawmakers. The FCC will now open the proposal to a total 120 days of public comment. Final rules, aimed for the end of the year, could be rewritten after the agency reviews the public comments.
Critics of the plan, as it stands now, worry that it would mark the end of net neutrality, the principle that says that all content online should be treated equally by Internet service providers.
After weeks of public outcry over the proposal, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said the agency would not allow for unfair, or "commercially unreasonable," business practices. He wouldn't accept, for instance, practices that leave a consumer with slower downloads of some Web sites than what the consumer paid for from their Internet service provider.
Wheeler moved forward with a proposal that could allow new business arrangements between Internet service providers--such as AT&T, Verizon and Time Warner Cable--and Web content providers, such as Facebook, Google and online startups for preferential treatment online. But he also asked whether such deals should be banned outright.
"There is one Internet. It must be fast, it must be robust, and it must be open," Wheeler said. "The prospect of a gatekeeper choosing winners and losers on the Internet is unacceptable."
The prospect of telecom companies cutting deals with content providers has drawn fierce criticism from investors, startups and big Silicon Valley firms. They say smaller companies that can’t afford to pay for faster delivery would likely face additional obstacles against bigger rivals. And consumers could see a trickle-down effect of higher prices as Web sites try to pass along new costs of doing business with Internet service providers.
Even one of the Democratic commissioners who voted yes on Thursday expressed some misgivings about how the proposal had been handled.
“I would have done this differently. I would have taken the time to consider the future,” said Democratic Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, who said the proposal can’t allow for clear fast lanes for the most privileged companies. She said she supported a proposal allowing the agency to consider questions on how it could prevent certain Web sites from being blocked, in addition to figuring out the overall oversight of broadband Internet providers.
“I believe the process that got us to rulemaking today was flawed,” she said. “I would have preferred a delay.”
Democratic Commissioner Clyburn said she also had concerns with the proposal but after a federal appeals court in January struck down the FCC’s previous attempt to implement net neutrality rules, she felt the urgency to approve baseline rules that prevent the blocking of Web sites.
Wheeler sought to defend his plan, stressing that consumers would be guaranteed a baseline of service and that the agency would beef up enforcement of companies that strike deals that are harmful for consumers or anti-competitive. The agency is considering the appointment of an ombudsman to oversee the broadband Internet industry, saying it would watch for abuse on a case-by-case basis.
“If a network operator slowed the speed of service below that which the consumer bought, it would be commercially unreasonable and therefore prohibited,” Wheeler said. “If the network operator blocked access to lawful content, it would violate our no-blocking rule and therefore be doubly prohibited.”
He did not supply many examples of what a “commercially reasonable” practice would be, which could leave room for interpretation.
But some consumer advocates doubt the FCC can effectively enforce anti-competitive practices or ensure consumers aren’t stuck with fewer choices or poorer service. They note that the FCC will only investigate complaints brought to them, and many small companies and consumers don’t have resources to alert the agency.
“No one really knows what the commercially reasonable test would look like,” said Gabe Rottman, policy advisor at the ACLU. “Even if the current Commission is acting in good faith, and we have no reason to think it is not, a vague totality test always raises the possibility of misuse.”
One idea that consumer groups applauded was on the open question of whether the government should redefine broadband Internet as a public utility, like phone service, which would come with much more oversight from the FCC.
Internet service providers strongly oppose the idea.
Treating broadband as a utility would “reverse years of settled precedent, dry up investment in broadband deployment and network upgrades, and result in protracted litigation and marketplace uncertainty,” said Michael Powell, president of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, and former head of the FCC, in a statement.
The FCC’s proposal has sparked a massive fight between two of the most powerful industries in the country — on one side, Silicon Valley, and on the other, companies such as Verizon and AT&T that built the pipes delivering Web content to consumers’ homes. The telecom companies argue that without being able to charge tech firms for higher-speed connections, they will be unable to invest in faster connections for consumers.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Lord Relvenous »

The public already weighed in when they placed thousands of phone calls to the FCC every day for multiple weeks. Those calls were blatantly ignored when Wheeler proposed the new policy which was voted on. He couldn't give less shits about what the American public wants, as he is firmly in the pocket of Comcast and TWC.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Gandalf »

Lord Relvenous wrote:The public already weighed in when they placed thousands of phone calls to the FCC every day for multiple weeks. Those calls were blatantly ignored when Wheeler proposed the new policy which was voted on. He couldn't give less shits about what the American public wants, as he is firmly in the pocket of Comcast and TWC.
In the context of the US system, why should he listen to the people?

With acts like this, he's probably going to be able to have a sweet gig waiting for him when he leaves the position. Can the placers of those thousands of phone calls offer him that? Like it or no, this is the system working as designed.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Simon_Jester »

Designed, yes; intended, no. What we really need is a system to stop the revolving-door relationship between industry and government. The question is how, and of course we end up circling back to "how do we reform corrupt aspects of our government in general?"
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Terralthra »

You know, there are lots of people in the world who will do jobs for money. I don't see why we need to use sex work as an insult when we could just as easily call him a good little soldier or a good little mob accountant or a good little meth mule.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by AniThyng »

Terralthra wrote:You know, there are lots of people in the world who will do jobs for money. I don't see why we need to use sex work as an insult when we could just as easily call him a good little soldier or a good little mob accountant or a good little meth mule.
I was waiting for this. :D
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Terralthra wrote:You know, there are lots of people in the world who will do jobs for money. I don't see why we need to use sex work as an insult when we could just as easily call him a good little soldier or a good little mob accountant or a good little meth mule.
Well, considering whore is just a synonym for prostitute, and the definitions of prostitute is "to use (something valuable, such as talent) in a way that is not appropriate or respectable and especially to earn money", it's perfect descriptive term for Tom Wheeler.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Thanas »

I am so surprised that Obama picked the guy who was a paid lobbyist for Comcast et al his entire life. I am even more surprised that the same guy would then vote in favor of comcast et al. Whoever could have seen that coming?
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Thanas »

Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Terralthra »

Mr. Coffee wrote:
Terralthra wrote:You know, there are lots of people in the world who will do jobs for money. I don't see why we need to use sex work as an insult when we could just as easily call him a good little soldier or a good little mob accountant or a good little meth mule.
Well, considering whore is just a synonym for prostitute, and the definitions of prostitute is "to use (something valuable, such as talent) in a way that is not appropriate or respectable and especially to earn money", it's perfect descriptive term for Tom Wheeler.
And one of the definitions of "jew" is "to bargain sharply with; beat down in price (often followed by down)." Somehow I don't think you're in favor of using that one.

I'm saying we shouldn't use prostitute as a derogatory term, and you argue with me by...citing an example of a derogatory derivative verb "to prostitute"? Yes, I'm aware that verb exists, and I think it's pointlessly insulting to sex workers, and thus we shouldn't use it.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Terralthra wrote:
Mr. Coffee wrote:Well, considering whore is just a synonym for prostitute, and the definitions of prostitute is "to use (something valuable, such as talent) in a way that is not appropriate or respectable and especially to earn money", it's perfect descriptive term for Tom Wheeler.
And one of the definitions of "jew" is "to bargain sharply with; beat down in price (often followed by down)." Somehow I don't think you're in favor of using that one.
What the fuck does that have to do with Mr. Wheeler being a prostitute?
Terralthra wrote:I'm saying we shouldn't use prostitute as a derogatory term, and you argue with me by...citing an example of a derogatory derivative verb "to prostitute"? Yes, I'm aware that verb exists, and I think it's pointlessly insulting to sex workers, and thus we shouldn't use it.
Dude, did the PC Fairy toilet train you at gun point or something? Let's completely ignore things like context or words sometimes having multiple definitions because godfuckingdamnit if we offend anyone! Seriously, it's annoying as fuck, man.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Terralthra »

Mr. Coffee wrote:
Terralthra wrote:
Mr. Coffee wrote:Well, considering whore is just a synonym for prostitute, and the definitions of prostitute is "to use (something valuable, such as talent) in a way that is not appropriate or respectable and especially to earn money", it's perfect descriptive term for Tom Wheeler.
And one of the definitions of "jew" is "to bargain sharply with; beat down in price (often followed by down)." Somehow I don't think you're in favor of using that one.
What the fuck does that have to do with Mr. Wheeler being a prostitute?
That he isn't? I mean, seriously, this isn't a difficult thing to understand. A) He didn't have sex with anyone for money and B) even if he did, there's nothing actually wrong with having sex for money, so using the word as an insult is pointlessly offensive. Just like saying someone is a jew for driving a hard bargain is factually incorrect and pointlessly offensive, even though "that's what the word means."
Mr. Coffee wrote:
Terralthra wrote:I'm saying we shouldn't use prostitute as a derogatory term, and you argue with me by...citing an example of a derogatory derivative verb "to prostitute"? Yes, I'm aware that verb exists, and I think it's pointlessly insulting to sex workers, and thus we shouldn't use it.
Dude, did the PC Fairy toilet train you at gun point or something? Let's completely ignore things like context or words sometimes having multiple definitions because godfuckingdamnit if we offend anyone! Seriously, it's annoying as fuck, man.
It must be very difficult for you to keep in mind that other people have feelings and maybe one shouldn't step on them for no good reason. However, I prefer to call that sort of thing "being considerate" rather than "PC", as the phrase "politically correct" was invented for the purpose of (who could've guessed) denigrating people who attempted to be considerate in their language use.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Terralthra wrote:
Mr. Coffee wrote:What the fuck does that have to do with Mr. Wheeler being a prostitute?
That he isn't? I mean, seriously, this isn't a difficult thing to understand. A) He didn't have sex with anyone for money and B) even if he did, there's nothing actually wrong with having sex for money, so using the word as an insult is pointlessly offensive. Just like saying someone is a jew for driving a hard bargain is factually incorrect and pointlessly offensive, even though "that's what the word means."
Because you can be a prostitute and not be a sex worker, you fucking retard. Christ, I just linked you to the word's definition and you still don't know what the fuck it even means. Worse, you went on some retarded bullshit comparing it to using jew as an antisemitic slur, which is about the dumbest fucking thing I've read today.

Congrats, you're now the dumbest motherfucker I've talked to today.
Terralthra wrote:It must be very difficult for you to keep in mind that other people have feelings and maybe one shouldn't step on them for no good reason. However, I prefer to call that sort of thing "being considerate" rather than "PC", as the phrase "politically correct" was invented for the purpose of (who could've guessed) denigrating people who attempted to be considerate in their language use.
If we stopped to consider the feelings of every single person who might, just might take offense we'd never get anything done. Maybe you're just an overly sensitive twat. Or are you saying that you are a sex worker and are offended by me using the term "whore" to describe a man who basically fucked every single internet user in the United States (cause you can be damn sure he was doing that for money)?
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Borgholio »

John Oliver Helps Rally 45,000 Net Neutrality Comments To FCC - crashes FCC servers in process.

http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconside ... nts-to-fcc

Things are running smoothly now, but the Federal Communications Commission's public was so waylaid by people writing in on Monday that the agency had to send out a few tweets saying "technical difficulties" due to heavy traffic affected its servers.

Blame former Daily Show fake-newscaster and comedian John Oliver, who now helms his own show on HBO, Last Week Tonight.

On Sunday night, he went on a , ending with a plea to Internet commenters of the troll variety to "for once in your lives, focus your indiscriminate rage in a useful direction. Seize your moment, my lovely trolls!"
Comedian John Oliver, host of HBO's Last Week Tonight.

Comedian John Oliver, host of HBO's Last Week Tonight.
Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

It appears they have. The FCC on the net neutrality proposals since May 15.

Those just account for the comments filed to the official electronic commenting system. Separately, the FCC says it's received 300,000 emails it set up in late April for the public to weigh in on its open Internet proposal. For context, the next highest number of formal comments on an FCC measure is just under 2,000.

How did we get here? Well, the FCC opened up its initial on how it should , or the principle that data on the Internet should be served on a level playing field, without prejudice for certain companies who can pay to get content to you faster.

On the table that opens the door for Internet service providers like Comcast and Time Warner to charge for "fast lanes" to the Internet, which, critics argue, could leave out startups who can't afford to pay for a fast lane. Not just startups but major tech companies like Google, Facebook and others have spoken out against this proposal, arguing for more protections for the free Internet. More from Oliver:

"What's being proposed is so egregious that activists and corporations have been forced onto the same side. And you might wonder, if everyone is against this, how is it even possibly happening? ... The guy who used to run with the cable industry's lobbying arm is now tasked with the agency tasked with regulating it. That is the equivalent of needing a babysitter and hiring a dingo."

The runs through June 27.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Johonebesus »

For those who would like a coherent quotation:
NPR wrote:John Oliver Helps Rally 45,000 Net Neutrality Comments To FCC
by Elise Hu
June 03, 201411:56 AM ET

Things are running smoothly now, but the Federal Communications Commission's public commenting system was so waylaid by people writing in on Monday that the agency had to send out a few tweets saying "technical difficulties" due to heavy traffic affected its servers.

We’ve been experiencing technical difficulties with our comment system due to heavy traffic. We’re working to resolve these issues quickly.
— The FCC (@FCC) June 2, 2014

Blame former Daily Show fake-newscaster and comedian John Oliver, who now helms his own show on HBO, Last Week Tonight.

On Sunday night, he went on a 13-minute rant about net neutrality, ending with a plea to Internet commenters of the troll variety to "for once in your lives, focus your indiscriminate rage in a useful direction. Seize your moment, my lovely trolls!"

It appears they have. The FCC has received more than 45,000 comments on the net neutrality proposals since May 15.

Those just account for the comments filed to the official electronic commenting system. Separately, the FCC says it's received 300,000 emails in a special inbox it set up in late April for the public to weigh in on its open Internet proposal. For context, the next highest number of formal comments on an FCC measure is just under 2,000.

How did we get here? Well, the FCC opened up its initial open commenting period on how it should enforce net neutrality, or the principle that data on the Internet should be served on a level playing field, without prejudice for certain companies who can pay to get content to you faster.

On the table is a proposal that opens the door for Internet service providers like Comcast and Time Warner to charge for "fast lanes" to the Internet, which, critics argue, could leave out startups who can't afford to pay for a fast lane. Not just startups but major tech companies like Google, Facebook and others have spoken out against this proposal, arguing for more protections for the free Internet. More from Oliver:

"What's being proposed is so egregious that activists and corporations have been forced onto the same side. And you might wonder, if everyone is against this, how is it even possibly happening? ... The guy who used to run with the cable industry's lobbying arm is now tasked with the agency tasked with regulating it. That is the equivalent of needing a babysitter and hiring a dingo."

The current commenting period runs through June 27.
I hope this isn't backseat moderating, but Borgholio, is it really so much effort to hit Preview and do a bit of editing to make sure the article is copied correctly? It's bad enough when articles are peppered with non-sequitur lines from "related links" and captions, but the dropped phrases that didn't copy here turned some sentences into gibberish. It took me less than ten minutes to copy, paste, preview, and manually type the missing words, plus format the quote and link tags. Is it too much to ask for others to just put a couple of minutes into making sure your posts don't contain gobbledygook?
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Borgholio »

I hope this isn't backseat moderating, but Borgholio, is it really so much effort to hit Preview and do a bit of editing to make sure the article is copied correctly?
Well, yes actually it is. Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to do editing on a mobile device, or to do multiple copy / pastes?

That's why I provide the URL so you can read the entire article along with any images and formatting. But yeah, I guess I see your point. If it's beneath you to skip past a few misquoted lines, then it must have been a real chore to click that link and just read the fucking article for yourself, eh?
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Highlord Laan »

4Chan vs FCC? We can only dream.

And for all this, I fully expect Wheeler to ignore it all and kneel down under a desk like he always does.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Thanas »

Borgholio wrote:
I hope this isn't backseat moderating, but Borgholio, is it really so much effort to hit Preview and do a bit of editing to make sure the article is copied correctly?
Well, yes actually it is. Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to do editing on a mobile device, or to do multiple copy / pastes?

That's why I provide the URL so you can read the entire article along with any images and formatting. But yeah, I guess I see your point. If it's beneath you to skip past a few misquoted lines, then it must have been a real chore to click that link and just read the fucking article for yourself, eh?
Don't get bitchy. If he wouldn't have called you out, I would have.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Borgholio »

OK, no more article quotes while I'm on mobile. Easier for everyone that way.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by bilateralrope »

Verizon is threatening to sue Netflix over Netflix blaming Verizon for poor speed.
Verizon, the United States' fourth-largest home internet service provider, sent a letter to Netflix, telling it to stop blaming Verizon for bad video quality or face a lawsuit.

Verizon is reacting to messages appearing on the screens of some Netflix subscribers, blaming Internet service providers for poor video quality.

The "cease and desist" letter is a continuation of verbal and technological sparring between ISPs and Netflix, whose streaming service accounts for a third of US internet usage during peak evening hours.

Internet service providers such as Comcast and Verizon want to be compensated for establishing fast links to Netflix, either directly or through intermediaries. Netflix says ISPs should swallow the costs.

"This is about consumers not getting what they paid for from their broadband provider," Netflix said. "We are trying to provide more transparency ... and Verizon is trying to shut down that discussion."

"The impression that Netflix is falsely giving our customers is that the Verizon network is generally 'crowded' and troublesome," Verizon general counsel Randal Milch said in the letter. "Responsibility for its customers' experience falls squarely on Netflix itself .... The cost/quality trade-off is one Netflix has chosen."

In April, Netflix agreed to pay Verizon for a direct connection to its customers to improve delivery of its video. But Netflix still ranks Verizon's fiber-based FiOS service below all major cable companies in its "ISP Speed Index," even though FiOS matches or exceeds cable modem download speeds in most areas.
It seems that paying for the fast lane doesn't guarantee decent speed. Is this because Verizon has decided that the FCCs fast/slow lane plan doesn't go far enough in letting them ransom bandwidth, or does their infrastructure suck that badly ?
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by Lost Soal »

bilateralrope wrote:Verizon is threatening to sue Netflix over Netflix blaming Verizon for poor speed.
Verizon, the United States' fourth-largest home internet service provider, sent a letter to Netflix, telling it to stop blaming Verizon for bad video quality or face a lawsuit.

Verizon is reacting to messages appearing on the screens of some Netflix subscribers, blaming Internet service providers for poor video quality.

The "cease and desist" letter is a continuation of verbal and technological sparring between ISPs and Netflix, whose streaming service accounts for a third of US internet usage during peak evening hours.

Internet service providers such as Comcast and Verizon want to be compensated for establishing fast links to Netflix, either directly or through intermediaries. Netflix says ISPs should swallow the costs.

"This is about consumers not getting what they paid for from their broadband provider," Netflix said. "We are trying to provide more transparency ... and Verizon is trying to shut down that discussion."

"The impression that Netflix is falsely giving our customers is that the Verizon network is generally 'crowded' and troublesome," Verizon general counsel Randal Milch said in the letter. "Responsibility for its customers' experience falls squarely on Netflix itself .... The cost/quality trade-off is one Netflix has chosen."

In April, Netflix agreed to pay Verizon for a direct connection to its customers to improve delivery of its video. But Netflix still ranks Verizon's fiber-based FiOS service below all major cable companies in its "ISP Speed Index," even though FiOS matches or exceeds cable modem download speeds in most areas.
It seems that paying for the fast lane doesn't guarantee decent speed. Is this because Verizon has decided that the FCCs fast/slow lane plan doesn't go far enough in letting them ransom bandwidth, or does their infrastructure suck that badly ?
The article I read said the links were still be esablished
Arstechnica wrote:Verizon, of course, successfully obtained payment from Netflix in exchange for a direct connection to its network. However, there could still be problems with Netflix video playback on Verizon's Internet service while the links between the two companies' networks are still being established.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by bilateralrope »

Netflix finilazed their deal with Verizon back on April 29. Does it really take over a month to complete this connection ?

Also consider that if the reason for the connection problems was because of the lack of peering*, Verizon would have no standing for a lawsuit because the problem would still be within their network.

*Which I doubt, due to all the people watching Netflix from other countries. There is no way they would have peering compatible with how they bypass the region lock.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by TronPaul »

bilateralrope wrote:Netflix finilazed their deal with Verizon back on April 29. Does it really take over a month to complete this connection ?

Also consider that if the reason for the connection problems was because of the lack of peering*, Verizon would have no standing for a lawsuit because the problem would still be within their network.

*Which I doubt, due to all the people watching Netflix from other countries. There is no way they would have peering compatible with how they bypass the region lock.
Where I work the lead time needed for hardware and IT projects can be three to six months. Data center space is an expensive commodity.

If you think about it, the legal battle makes sense. It is much more profitible to work the political and legal system to your advantage, than incur increased overhead on networking/hardware.
If it waddles like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a KV-5.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by bilateralrope »

It's also makes sense to sue people to intimidate them with the costs of defense, even if you know you'll lose should they endure the costs and make it to court. After all, it makes sense to silence anyone who tries to bring up any truths that threaten your profit. It's known as a Strategic lawsuit against public participation. It doesn't make it right.

Looking at the Arstechnia article, I notice a link on the side. Netflix slow on Verizon or Comcast? A VPN might speed up that video.
Since reporting on Netflix data that shows months-long declines in streaming performance on Verizon and Comcast, we've heard from several readers who say they've eliminated video problems by using VPN services.

"Netflix on Comcast tanked for us in the past month or two," one commenter wrote. "We would spend more time buffering than actually watching video. Once we set up a VPN with UnblockUs it magically went away."
The lack of peering was never the problem. It's Verizon that is intentionally throttling traffic. Peering is just an expensive way for Verizon to deny that they were throttling anything.

I think that Verizon is afraid about what will happen if the public takes an interest in net neutrality. Otherwise they could have just turned off their throttling for Netflix.
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Re: FCC proves it's a good little whore

Post by TronPaul »

bilateralrope wrote:It's also makes sense to sue people to intimidate them with the costs of defense, even if you know you'll lose should they endure the costs and make it to court. After all, it makes sense to silence anyone who tries to bring up any truths that threaten your profit. It's known as a Strategic lawsuit against public participation. It doesn't make it right.

Looking at the Arstechnia article, I notice a link on the side. Netflix slow on Verizon or Comcast? A VPN might speed up that video.
Since reporting on Netflix data that shows months-long declines in streaming performance on Verizon and Comcast, we've heard from several readers who say they've eliminated video problems by using VPN services.

"Netflix on Comcast tanked for us in the past month or two," one commenter wrote. "We would spend more time buffering than actually watching video. Once we set up a VPN with UnblockUs it magically went away."
The lack of peering was never the problem. It's Verizon that is intentionally throttling traffic. Peering is just an expensive way for Verizon to deny that they were throttling anything.

I think that Verizon is afraid about what will happen if the public takes an interest in net neutrality. Otherwise they could have just turned off their throttling for Netflix.
I never said that Verizon was right. I just understand that if you're doing something underhanded you're going to take it to the courts or politics in this country.

It does surprise me a bit that VPNs would improve service. That does prove that the issue is not on the last link (from the ISP to you), which would be the case if they oversold bandwidth to the area, but that the interconnect is over saturated (like Level 3 has reported). I bet an investigation of different VPNs, using different interconnects might yeild interesting results.
If it waddles like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a KV-5.
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