The Truth About Guns article, mind the comments
Latest round of US sanctions on Russia includes a import ban on KC products, which include Saiga "sporter" AKs as well as Izhevsk traditional style hunting rifles. Surprising that this has taken this long, the US makes up about 80% of KC's market and honestly it's hard to think of any other finished product that Russia sells to the US. Oddly, Molot rifles appear to not be part of this ban(at the moment), so Veprs with RPK recievers are still good.
Saigas are popular in the US for taking their "sporter" state

and either using them as-is in assualt weapon ban states like NY or California, or spending the money/effort to convert them into a military-style AK. The vast majority of "military style AKs" in the US are domestic, so Saiga conversions are often considered more authentic.
Incidentally, even during the mass panic last year new Saiga sporters floated at around $450, I imagine they'll blow past the $1000 mark thanks to this.