Broomstick wrote:Joun_Lord wrote:Buddhist extremists who............uh set themselves on fire I think,,,,I can't recall on the top of my head any real cases of Buddhists going all jihad.
The history of Tibet has some outright wars and some really brutal shit involving Buddhist sects. Not terribly well known in the West, although has had a couple threads on the topic. Also the Dali Llama has been really good with the PR for Tibetan Buddhism.
I knew there was some but just couldn't think of anything. You must be right about the good PR because anytime I think of Buddhism I think pacifist monks and the occasional dude setting himself on fire.
Metahive wrote:Thing is thuggish hategroups like PEGIDA have exactly zero effect on curbing Islamism where it matters and that's in islamic countries. Their "protesting" in the streets of Dresden is not stopping the Taliban from shooting up any more schools and murdering people.
What it does however is presenting a very ugly and hateful facade that islamic hate preachers can make use of. So they're not only unneeded but also counter-productive.
Well do you really want groups of westerners meddling in the affairs of other countries, even well intentioned ones (which I'm not implying PEGIDA are)?
Its not right whats going on in places like Syriastan, Iranistan, Pakistan, Iraqistan, and other Stans but to get involved is.....complicated. Most countries don't want to play world police, invading foreign countries to stamp out injustice and be stuck there for over a decade. Most people don't want to die for some other people even if they sympathize with their plight but its their plight and therefore their fight.
We really don't want a repeat of the bad old days of enlightened westerners bringing civilizations and imposing our views on these godless savages with the barrel of a gun.
We don't want a repeat of A-stan where we armed and made powerful completely fucking terrible peoples. We don't want a repeat of Iraqandroll where we invaded a sovereign nation of flimsy justifications and humanitarian concerns (those were probably valid) but probably winded up killing far more people then Saddam ever did and buttfucked Murica's (and possibly the whole world's) economy in the process.
There are lists and piles and stuffs of interventions that completely fucking failed fully friendo. So we should not be so eager to "help out" in these countries.
Besides, groups like the one you mentioned and others like them aren't interested in helping out other cuntries because they are focused on their own (for good or ill, probably mostly ill). Its like a female rape advocacy group having exactly zero fucks given for advocating for male victims. Might not be totally right to focus on one problem at the expense of others closely related to the problem but there is only so much time and junk that can be spent so thats all they can do.
These groups are focused on islamaphobia......I mean islamization of Europe so of course they aren't going to be worrying to much about so far off magical land of flying carpets and roadside bombs, also camels, even if the shit they are against has its roots in that far off land. Not to mention they can effect changes at home they would have no hope in hell of in a sovereign country even if they wished to.
sarevok2 wrote:Ever since beginning of War on Terror how many muslims died in terror attacks ? How many westerners died ? Extremists in West talk about Eurabia and sharia law in Europe. Yet who is the one that is dying ? Nobody cares if hundreds of syrians,iraqis and pakistanis and afghans die in one week. One dead American or Brit is headline news and powerful enough to make carrier battle groups redeploy.
Strangely people seem to care more about their own people and their own countries then others.
Seriously though, people do care but what the flying squirrel can they do aboot it? We invaded Iraq, that worked out well as Baghad is only probably SLIGHTLY safer then Chicago (I'm probably overdecorating that and getting my facts wrong but you get my point that Iraq isn't exactly a nice place). We armed people in Syria to try to defend themselves or to overthrow some guy we didn't like or because John McCain can only get an erection if we meddle in other countries's affairs and the situation is probably even worse. Afghanistan we, the Ruskies, the British and probably others I'm forgetting fucked about in there and left in our wake a wrecked country ruled over by religious zealots where little girls get shot for going to school (or worse).
Seems like any time we try to give a damn we tend to cock things up and make it worse.
So what do YOU recommend we do, hmm?