Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

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Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by wautd »

Cowardly scum :finger:
At least 84 people, most of them children, have been killed after a group of gunmen stormed an army-run school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar.

The Pakistan Taliban -- Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) -- claimed responsibility for the attack Tuesday.

Pervez Khattak, chief minister of the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, said over 80 of the injured are children ranging from 12 to 16 years of age. He added that two of the attackers are now dead -- one blew himself up, while the other was killed by security forces.

Earlier, Shahram Khan, the province's health minister, told CNN that two teachers and an army official had also been killed, while 104 more were wounded.

The Pakistan military said a rescue operation involving its troops is currently underway at the school, with gunfire still being exchanged.

Khattak said there was an "ongoing hostage situation" at the school.

Pakistan takes on Taliban militants In a telephone call to CNN, a spokesman for the TTP, who identified himself as Mohammed Khurrassani, claimed that six suicide bombers entered the school compound with orders to kill older students. He added that "300 to 400 people are under custody of the suicide bombers in the school" and that they are in contact with them.


He said the attack was revenge for the killing of hundreds of innocent tribesmen during repeated army operations in provinces including South Waziristan, North Waziristan and the Khyber Agency -- all restive regions along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan.

For the past few months, the Pakistan military has been conducting a ground offensive aimed at clearing out militants in these areas. The campaign has displaced tens of thousands of people.

READ: Pakistan offensive leaves 'ghost towns'

Northwestern Pakistan is home to loosely governed tribal areas. It's also a base for foreign fighters and a refuge for members of the Taliban and other militant groups.
Lets not forget that while IS(IL) might made the Taliban look more moderate in comparison, they're still worthless sacks of meat.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by The Romulan Republic »

My thoughts are with the victims of this atrocity and the people of Pakistan.

I'm not pro-war in general but I wish my countries had been more successful in opposing the Taliban and that we were doing more to oppose them.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Metahive »

One always has to be mindful of Islamic Extremism's most prominent victims being other Muslims. That's why shit like PEGIDA ("Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes"/"Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West") that's going down here in Germany right now and which aims to demonize Muslims and Islam as a whole are so completely transparent in their racist and xenophobic hatemongering.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Joun_Lord »

Metahive wrote:One always has to be mindful of Islamic Extremism's most prominent victims being other Muslims. That's why shit like PEGIDA ("Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes"/"Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West") that's going down here in Germany right now and which aims to demonize Muslims and Islam as a whole are so completely transparent in their racist and xenophobic hatemongering.
Extremists still do attack western pig dogs too. Organizations LIKE the one you speak of that aren't quite as racist might be against islamization of Eurocommieland because they don't want some home-grown terrorists cowards killing scores of their own kids or even trying to bring barbaric customs with them such as the less then stellar aspects of Muslim Sharia and tribal laws including treating women like shit but forcing them into hiding their shame (their bodies) or arresting or killing them for being raped and marrying a non-Muslim. While I and probably most people can't and shouldn't get behind attacking Muslims and Islam itself considerably more people wouldn't be quite as opposed to preventing extremist Muslims from flourishing and then doing their extremist antics in your own backyard (figuratively).

But of course one should be opposed to any sort of extremism, not just Muslim. Christian extremists that want to stone gays and arrest anyone who speaks ill of gawd. Jewish extremists that want to cleanse the West Bank and not by using a mop and bucket. Atheist extremists who want to take away the kiddies of any religious person because they say being raised religious is child abuse. Buddhist extremists who............uh set themselves on fire I think,,,,I can't recall on the top of my head any real cases of Buddhists going all jihad.

Extremism is bad, being opposed to it isn't bad. But being opposed to a whole group or people because of the actions of a extremist minority, yes thats berry bad too.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by madd0ct0r »

Joun_Lord wrote:
Metahive wrote:One always has to be mindful of Islamic Extremism's most prominent victims being other Muslims. That's why shit like PEGIDA ("Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes"/"Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West") that's going down here in Germany right now and which aims to demonize Muslims and Islam as a whole are so completely transparent in their racist and xenophobic hatemongering.
Extremists still do attack western pig dogs too. Organizations LIKE the one you speak of that aren't quite as racist might be against islamization of Eurocommieland because they don't want some home-grown terrorists cowards killing scores of their own kids

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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Iroscato »

I think there's an extremist buddhist sect out there, I can't recall the details at present. But I get what you're saying Joun. I'm not anti-muslim, ant-christian or anti-religious in any particularly strong way...I'm anti-pieces of shit, and the many myriad forms in which piece of shittiness can manifest.
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Broomstick »

Joun_Lord wrote:Buddhist extremists who............uh set themselves on fire I think,,,,I can't recall on the top of my head any real cases of Buddhists going all jihad.
The history of Tibet has some outright wars and some really brutal shit involving Buddhist sects. Not terribly well known in the West, although SDN.net has had a couple threads on the topic. Also the Dali Llama has been really good with the PR for Tibetan Buddhism.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Metahive »

Thing is thuggish hategroups like PEGIDA have exactly zero effect on curbing Islamism where it matters and that's in islamic countries. Their "protesting" in the streets of Dresden is not stopping the Taliban from shooting up any more schools and murdering people.

What it does however is presenting a very ugly and hateful facade that islamic hate preachers can make use of. So they're not only unneeded but also counter-productive.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by sarevok2 »

Ever since beginning of War on Terror how many muslims died in terror attacks ? How many westerners died ? Extremists in West talk about Eurabia and sharia law in Europe. Yet who is the one that is dying ? Nobody cares if hundreds of syrians,iraqis and pakistanis and afghans die in one week. One dead American or Brit is headline news and powerful enough to make carrier battle groups redeploy.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Joun_Lord »

Broomstick wrote:
Joun_Lord wrote:Buddhist extremists who............uh set themselves on fire I think,,,,I can't recall on the top of my head any real cases of Buddhists going all jihad.
The history of Tibet has some outright wars and some really brutal shit involving Buddhist sects. Not terribly well known in the West, although SDN.net has had a couple threads on the topic. Also the Dali Llama has been really good with the PR for Tibetan Buddhism.
I knew there was some but just couldn't think of anything. You must be right about the good PR because anytime I think of Buddhism I think pacifist monks and the occasional dude setting himself on fire.
Metahive wrote:Thing is thuggish hategroups like PEGIDA have exactly zero effect on curbing Islamism where it matters and that's in islamic countries. Their "protesting" in the streets of Dresden is not stopping the Taliban from shooting up any more schools and murdering people.

What it does however is presenting a very ugly and hateful facade that islamic hate preachers can make use of. So they're not only unneeded but also counter-productive.
Well do you really want groups of westerners meddling in the affairs of other countries, even well intentioned ones (which I'm not implying PEGIDA are)?

Its not right whats going on in places like Syriastan, Iranistan, Pakistan, Iraqistan, and other Stans but to get involved is.....complicated. Most countries don't want to play world police, invading foreign countries to stamp out injustice and be stuck there for over a decade. Most people don't want to die for some other people even if they sympathize with their plight but its their plight and therefore their fight.

We really don't want a repeat of the bad old days of enlightened westerners bringing civilizations and imposing our views on these godless savages with the barrel of a gun.

We don't want a repeat of A-stan where we armed and made powerful completely fucking terrible peoples. We don't want a repeat of Iraqandroll where we invaded a sovereign nation of flimsy justifications and humanitarian concerns (those were probably valid) but probably winded up killing far more people then Saddam ever did and buttfucked Murica's (and possibly the whole world's) economy in the process.

There are lists and piles and stuffs of interventions that completely fucking failed fully friendo. So we should not be so eager to "help out" in these countries.

Besides, groups like the one you mentioned and others like them aren't interested in helping out other cuntries because they are focused on their own (for good or ill, probably mostly ill). Its like a female rape advocacy group having exactly zero fucks given for advocating for male victims. Might not be totally right to focus on one problem at the expense of others closely related to the problem but there is only so much time and junk that can be spent so thats all they can do.

These groups are focused on islamaphobia......I mean islamization of Europe so of course they aren't going to be worrying to much about so far off magical land of flying carpets and roadside bombs, also camels, even if the shit they are against has its roots in that far off land. Not to mention they can effect changes at home they would have no hope in hell of in a sovereign country even if they wished to.
sarevok2 wrote:Ever since beginning of War on Terror how many muslims died in terror attacks ? How many westerners died ? Extremists in West talk about Eurabia and sharia law in Europe. Yet who is the one that is dying ? Nobody cares if hundreds of syrians,iraqis and pakistanis and afghans die in one week. One dead American or Brit is headline news and powerful enough to make carrier battle groups redeploy.
Strangely people seem to care more about their own people and their own countries then others.

Seriously though, people do care but what the flying squirrel can they do aboot it? We invaded Iraq, that worked out well as Baghad is only probably SLIGHTLY safer then Chicago (I'm probably overdecorating that and getting my facts wrong but you get my point that Iraq isn't exactly a nice place). We armed people in Syria to try to defend themselves or to overthrow some guy we didn't like or because John McCain can only get an erection if we meddle in other countries's affairs and the situation is probably even worse. Afghanistan we, the Ruskies, the British and probably others I'm forgetting fucked about in there and left in our wake a wrecked country ruled over by religious zealots where little girls get shot for going to school (or worse).

Seems like any time we try to give a damn we tend to cock things up and make it worse.

So what do YOU recommend we do, hmm?
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Metahive »

Who said anything about interventions? That's all your idea. I for my part would be content with people simply not opting to march arm in arm with fucking Neo-Nazis in the streets against a problem that doesn't affect people in the West all that much.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by cmdrjones »

The Romulan Republic wrote:My thoughts are with the victims of this atrocity and the people of Pakistan.

I'm not pro-war in general but I wish my countries had been more successful in opposing the Taliban and that we were doing more to oppose them.

i'm not sure how much more we could do, what with the 13 year occupation of their main base of support....
Terralthra wrote:It's similar to the Arabic word for "one who sows discord" or "one who crushes underfoot". It'd be like if the acronym for the some Tea Party thing was "DKBAG" or something. In one sense, it's just the acronym for ISIL/ISIS in Arabic: Dawlat (al-) Islāmiyya ‘Irāq Shām, but it's also an insult.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by cmdrjones »

Joun_Lord wrote:
Metahive wrote:One always has to be mindful of Islamic Extremism's most prominent victims being other Muslims. That's why shit like PEGIDA ("Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes"/"Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West") that's going down here in Germany right now and which aims to demonize Muslims and Islam as a whole are so completely transparent in their racist and xenophobic hatemongering.
Extremists still do attack western pig dogs too. Organizations LIKE the one you speak of that aren't quite as racist might be against islamization of Eurocommieland because they don't want some home-grown terrorists cowards killing scores of their own kids or even trying to bring barbaric customs with them such as the less then stellar aspects of Muslim Sharia and tribal laws including treating women like shit but forcing them into hiding their shame (their bodies) or arresting or killing them for being raped and marrying a non-Muslim. While I and probably most people can't and shouldn't get behind attacking Muslims and Islam itself considerably more people wouldn't be quite as opposed to preventing extremist Muslims from flourishing and then doing their extremist antics in your own backyard (figuratively).

But of course one should be opposed to any sort of extremism, not just Muslim. Christian extremists that want to stone gays and arrest anyone who speaks ill of gawd. Jewish extremists that want to cleanse the West Bank and not by using a mop and bucket. Atheist extremists who want to take away the kiddies of any religious person because they say being raised religious is child abuse. Buddhist extremists who............uh set themselves on fire I think,,,,I can't recall on the top of my head any real cases of Buddhists going all jihad.

Extremism is bad, being opposed to it isn't bad. But being opposed to a whole group or people because of the actions of a extremist minority, yes thats berry bad too.
Amazingly, i agree with you. The only caveat I have is: have you weighed the numbers and political power of each group of extremists and measured your opposition to suit?
I find it rather like the Galatic Empire having crushed the Aplha and Delta quadrants now assigning the same importance to Federation fundies protesting in San Francisco to reports of Borg cubes regrouping in the hinterlands and assimilating colonists.
Terralthra wrote:It's similar to the Arabic word for "one who sows discord" or "one who crushes underfoot". It'd be like if the acronym for the some Tea Party thing was "DKBAG" or something. In one sense, it's just the acronym for ISIL/ISIS in Arabic: Dawlat (al-) Islāmiyya ‘Irāq Shām, but it's also an insult.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by cmdrjones »

Joun_Lord wrote:
Broomstick wrote:
Joun_Lord wrote:Buddhist extremists who............uh set themselves on fire I think,,,,I can't recall on the top of my head any real cases of Buddhists going all jihad.
The history of Tibet has some outright wars and some really brutal shit involving Buddhist sects. Not terribly well known in the West, although SDN.net has had a couple threads on the topic. Also the Dali Llama has been really good with the PR for Tibetan Buddhism.
I knew there was some but just couldn't think of anything. You must be right about the good PR because anytime I think of Buddhism I think pacifist monks and the occasional dude setting himself on fire.
Metahive wrote:Thing is thuggish hategroups like PEGIDA have exactly zero effect on curbing Islamism where it matters and that's in islamic countries. Their "protesting" in the streets of Dresden is not stopping the Taliban from shooting up any more schools and murdering people.

What it does however is presenting a very ugly and hateful facade that islamic hate preachers can make use of. So they're not only unneeded but also counter-productive.
Well do you really want groups of westerners meddling in the affairs of other countries, even well intentioned ones (which I'm not implying PEGIDA are)?

Its not right whats going on in places like Syriastan, Iranistan, Pakistan, Iraqistan, and other Stans but to get involved is.....complicated. Most countries don't want to play world police, invading foreign countries to stamp out injustice and be stuck there for over a decade. Most people don't want to die for some other people even if they sympathize with their plight but its their plight and therefore their fight.

We really don't want a repeat of the bad old days of enlightened westerners bringing civilizations and imposing our views on these godless savages with the barrel of a gun.

We don't want a repeat of A-stan where we armed and made powerful completely fucking terrible peoples. We don't want a repeat of Iraqandroll where we invaded a sovereign nation of flimsy justifications and humanitarian concerns (those were probably valid) but probably winded up killing far more people then Saddam ever did and buttfucked Murica's (and possibly the whole world's) economy in the process.

There are lists and piles and stuffs of interventions that completely fucking failed fully friendo. So we should not be so eager to "help out" in these countries.

Besides, groups like the one you mentioned and others like them aren't interested in helping out other cuntries because they are focused on their own (for good or ill, probably mostly ill). Its like a female rape advocacy group having exactly zero fucks given for advocating for male victims. Might not be totally right to focus on one problem at the expense of others closely related to the problem but there is only so much time and junk that can be spent so thats all they can do.

These groups are focused on islamaphobia......I mean islamization of Europe so of course they aren't going to be worrying to much about so far off magical land of flying carpets and roadside bombs, also camels, even if the shit they are against has its roots in that far off land. Not to mention they can effect changes at home they would have no hope in hell of in a sovereign country even if they wished to.
sarevok2 wrote:Ever since beginning of War on Terror how many muslims died in terror attacks ? How many westerners died ? Extremists in West talk about Eurabia and sharia law in Europe. Yet who is the one that is dying ? Nobody cares if hundreds of syrians,iraqis and pakistanis and afghans die in one week. One dead American or Brit is headline news and powerful enough to make carrier battle groups redeploy.
Strangely people seem to care more about their own people and their own countries then others.

Seriously though, people do care but what the flying squirrel can they do aboot it? We invaded Iraq, that worked out well as Baghad is only probably SLIGHTLY safer then Chicago (I'm probably overdecorating that and getting my facts wrong but you get my point that Iraq isn't exactly a nice place). We armed people in Syria to try to defend themselves or to overthrow some guy we didn't like or because John McCain can only get an erection if we meddle in other countries's affairs and the situation is probably even worse. Afghanistan we, the Ruskies, the British and probably others I'm forgetting fucked about in there and left in our wake a wrecked country ruled over by religious zealots where little girls get shot for going to school (or worse).

Seems like any time we try to give a damn we tend to cock things up and make it worse.

So what do YOU recommend we do, hmm?

There are buddhists expelling muslims in Myanmar/Burma

as for your final question: Excellent question! I suggest listening to William Lind for once.
Terralthra wrote:It's similar to the Arabic word for "one who sows discord" or "one who crushes underfoot". It'd be like if the acronym for the some Tea Party thing was "DKBAG" or something. In one sense, it's just the acronym for ISIL/ISIS in Arabic: Dawlat (al-) Islāmiyya ‘Irāq Shām, but it's also an insult.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by cmdrjones »

Broomstick wrote:
Joun_Lord wrote:Buddhist extremists who............uh set themselves on fire I think,,,,I can't recall on the top of my head any real cases of Buddhists going all jihad.
The history of Tibet has some outright wars and some really brutal shit involving Buddhist sects. Not terribly well known in the West, although SDN.net has had a couple threads on the topic. Also the Dali Llama has been really good with the PR for Tibetan Buddhism.

To be fair, they were invaded by MAOISTS... if you get invaded by Maoist thugs and DON'T go a little medieval especially when you ARE medieval... ya gotta give them SOME pacifist cred there.
Terralthra wrote:It's similar to the Arabic word for "one who sows discord" or "one who crushes underfoot". It'd be like if the acronym for the some Tea Party thing was "DKBAG" or something. In one sense, it's just the acronym for ISIL/ISIS in Arabic: Dawlat (al-) Islāmiyya ‘Irāq Shām, but it's also an insult.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by mr friendly guy »

Chimaera wrote:I think there's an extremist buddhist sect out there, I can't recall the details at present. But I get what you're saying Joun. I'm not anti-muslim, ant-christian or anti-religious in any particularly strong way...I'm anti-pieces of shit, and the many myriad forms in which piece of shittiness can manifest.
If you want other examples, you can look at
a) the treatment of Rohingas in Mayamar
b) the treatment of Tibetan slaves serfs by the old Tibetan order before the Chinese communist party overthrew them
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by mr friendly guy »

cmdrjones wrote:
Broomstick wrote:
Joun_Lord wrote:Buddhist extremists who............uh set themselves on fire I think,,,,I can't recall on the top of my head any real cases of Buddhists going all jihad.
The history of Tibet has some outright wars and some really brutal shit involving Buddhist sects. Not terribly well known in the West, although SDN.net has had a couple threads on the topic. Also the Dali Llama has been really good with the PR for Tibetan Buddhism.

To be fair, they were invaded by MAOISTS... if you get invaded by Maoist thugs and DON'T go a little medieval especially when you ARE medieval... ya gotta give them SOME pacifist cred there.
The Buddha was amiable and enlightened; on his deathbed he laughed at his disciples for supposing that he was immortal. But the Buddhist priesthood --- as it exists, for example, in Tibet --- has been obscurantist, tyrannous, and cruel in the highest degree.
---Bertrand Russell, ``Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilisation?'' (1930)

Unless the Chinese invented time travel, I am going to say that these Buddhists were pretty shit even before the CCP regained control of Tibet.
Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.

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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by cmdrjones »

mr friendly guy wrote:
Chimaera wrote:I think there's an extremist buddhist sect out there, I can't recall the details at present. But I get what you're saying Joun. I'm not anti-muslim, ant-christian or anti-religious in any particularly strong way...I'm anti-pieces of shit, and the many myriad forms in which piece of shittiness can manifest.
If you want other examples, you can look at
a) the treatment of Rohingas in Mayamar
b) the treatment of Tibetan slaves serfs by the old Tibetan order before the Chinese communist party overthrew them

not ot be TOO much of an ass, but would you rather be a serf or get your organs plucked out and then shot and have your family sent the bill for the bullet?
Terralthra wrote:It's similar to the Arabic word for "one who sows discord" or "one who crushes underfoot". It'd be like if the acronym for the some Tea Party thing was "DKBAG" or something. In one sense, it's just the acronym for ISIL/ISIS in Arabic: Dawlat (al-) Islāmiyya ‘Irāq Shām, but it's also an insult.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by cmdrjones »

The Buddha was amiable and enlightened; on his deathbed he laughed at his disciples for supposing that he was immortal. But the Buddhist priesthood --- as it exists, for example, in Tibet --- has been obscurantist, tyrannous, and cruel in the highest degree.
---Bertrand Russell, ``Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilisation?'' (1930)

Unless the Chinese invented time travel, I am going to say that these Buddhists were pretty shit even before the CCP regained control of Tibet.

in other words, pretty much like any other group of medieval oligarchs out there. But hey, should we be quoting old dead white dudes anyway? :mrgreen:
Terralthra wrote:It's similar to the Arabic word for "one who sows discord" or "one who crushes underfoot". It'd be like if the acronym for the some Tea Party thing was "DKBAG" or something. In one sense, it's just the acronym for ISIL/ISIS in Arabic: Dawlat (al-) Islāmiyya ‘Irāq Shām, but it's also an insult.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by The Romulan Republic »

cmdrjones wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:My thoughts are with the victims of this atrocity and the people of Pakistan.

I'm not pro-war in general but I wish my countries had been more successful in opposing the Taliban and that we were doing more to oppose them.

i'm not sure how much more we could do, what with the 13 year occupation of their main base of support....
We could have focussed on Afghanistan rather than going into Iraq, been more careful to avoid killing civilians, and invested more in improving Afghanistan's infrastructure and education.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Jub »

The Romulan Republic wrote:We could have focussed on Afghanistan rather than going into Iraq, been more careful to avoid killing civilians, and invested more in improving Afghanistan's infrastructure and education.
Canada did that, we didn't exactly get a ton of thanks even though we mainly spent our efforts repairing infrastructure and handing out aid. The people that are handed help like the help, but we're still hated by everybody we haven't explicitly given aid to. You can't change a countries mind if the people are uneducated and mindlessly hate outsiders.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by mr friendly guy »

cmdrjones wrote:
not ot be TOO much of an ass, but would you rather be a serf or get your organs plucked out and then shot and have your family sent the bill for the bullet?
You do know what the old Tibetan Buddhist order did to their serfs right? Its actually quite poignant you point out organ removal, because the Chinese only do it to criminals sentenced to death, who no longer need it. Whereas we have knowledge of the old Buddhist order eye gouging sefs or chopping off their arms and leaving them to wander the streets.

cmdrjones wrote:
in other words, pretty much like any other group of medieval oligarchs out there. But hey, should we be quoting old dead white dudes anyway? :mrgreen:
If the old white dude is a reference to SJW, then you would know I argue against them and people are sympathetic to them. :D

But the point is that the old Tibetan Buddhist order didn't do what they did because the Chinese Communist Party invaded as you implied, they were already doing it. Moreover it was already known to Western scholars, hence why I needed to quote an old white dude from 1930.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by cmdrjones »

mr friendly guy wrote:
cmdrjones wrote:
not ot be TOO much of an ass, but would you rather be a serf or get your organs plucked out and then shot and have your family sent the bill for the bullet?
You do know what the old Tibetan Buddhist order did to their serfs right? Its actually quite poignant you point out organ removal, because the Chinese only do it to criminals sentenced to death, who no longer need it. Whereas we have knowledge of the old Buddhist order eye gouging sefs or chopping off their arms and leaving them to wander the streets.

cmdrjones wrote:
in other words, pretty much like any other group of medieval oligarchs out there. But hey, should we be quoting old dead white dudes anyway? :mrgreen:
If the old white dude is a reference to SJW, then you would know I argue against them and people are sympathetic to them. :D

But the point is that the old Tibetan Buddhist order didn't do what they did because the Chinese Communist Party invaded as you implied, they were already doing it. Moreover it was already known to Western scholars, hence why I needed to quote an old white dude from 1930.

If I did imply that, I didn't mean to. To me, it's one group of bad apples taking over another, though the latter has an explanation (though not an excuse): They were literally living in the middle ages, whereas you'd think the Chi-coms would know better having been exposed to far more moral systems for a far longer period.
Why that sounds rather like the Taliban.... No wonder I have almost no sympathy for them either.
Terralthra wrote:It's similar to the Arabic word for "one who sows discord" or "one who crushes underfoot". It'd be like if the acronym for the some Tea Party thing was "DKBAG" or something. In one sense, it's just the acronym for ISIL/ISIS in Arabic: Dawlat (al-) Islāmiyya ‘Irāq Shām, but it's also an insult.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Irbis »

mr friendly guy wrote:
cmdrjones wrote:To be fair, they were invaded by MAOISTS... if you get invaded by Maoist thugs and DON'T go a little medieval especially when you ARE medieval... ya gotta give them SOME pacifist cred there.
The Buddha was amiable and enlightened; on his deathbed he laughed at his disciples for supposing that he was immortal. But the Buddhist priesthood --- as it exists, for example, in Tibet --- has been obscurantist, tyrannous, and cruel in the highest degree.
---Bertrand Russell, ``Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilisation?'' (1930)

Unless the Chinese invented time travel, I am going to say that these Buddhists were pretty shit even before the CCP regained control of Tibet.
Why, look at his earlier gem from this thread:
cmdrjones wrote:as for your final question: Excellent question! I suggest listening to William Lind for once.
Did he really proposed listening to paleoconservative frothing fundie that makes Bush and Cheney look like a pair of limpy liberal progressives? Then he isn't just ignorant of history and overfed on anti-left propaganda, he is bona-fide communislamist* conspiracy theorist :lol:

*don't ask me how this works, I still have no idea how US right wingers can mention both in same breath as same thing with brain turned on.
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Re: Taliban storm school, dozens of children killed

Post by Joun_Lord »

Metahive wrote:Who said anything about interventions? That's all your idea. I for my part would be content with people simply not opting to march arm in arm with fucking Neo-Nazis in the streets against a problem that doesn't affect people in the West all that much.
You're the one (starring Jet Li) who said, "Thing is thuggish hategroups like PEGIDA have exactly zero effect on curbing Islamism where it matters and that's in islamic countries. Their "protesting" in the streets of Dresden is not stopping the Taliban from shooting up any more schools and murdering people." That seems to imply you think people should be doing something about extremists over there which tends to be some sort of intervention. Well that or lobbing a few cruise missiles or drone strikes which arguably makes things worse or have sanctions which hurts only the people we should be giving a damn aboot.

And while Jihadists don't effect the West too much (not from a lack of trying though) doesn't mean it isn't a problem. While people shouldn't be goose stepping beside some fucking Neo-Nazi's (maybe goose stepping into their balls) they should still be concerned about it and have a wish for things not to get worse.

To have an example, mass shootings. All things considered they are a very rare thing that will very rarely effect most 1st world yuppies with their iPoods and Walkmans. Still is a problem though, one that people have every right to be pissed about and would wish to prevent or minimize future occurrences. Thats not a bad thing to want to do.

The problem is when people go full on stupid and decide to use the shootings as an excuse to attack innocent people, deny rights, and give into hate. Much the same as douchefucks like the player hater groups who use Islamojihadterroristbbq attacks as a cudgel to attack innocent people, deny rights, goose step, and give into their hate (a hate group giving into hate, sounds far fetched don't it). Just because Nanny Bloomberg, shot in the head lady's puppet master, shoulder thing that goes up, and Feinkenstein try to use gun massacres as an excuse to push their pro-rights restricting agenda doesn't mean gun attacks should be ignored. Just the same just because wannabe Nazi's with less fashion sense and schicklgrubers use Mooselim attacks as an excuse to attack Muslims who think suicide vests just aren't fashionable at all doesn't mean the creep of extremist Islam in the west should be ignored.
cmdrjones wrote: Amazingly, i agree with you. The only caveat I have is: have you weighed the numbers and political power of each group of extremists and measured your opposition to suit?
I find it rather like the Galatic Empire having crushed the Aplha and Delta quadrants now assigning the same importance to Federation fundies protesting in San Francisco to reports of Borg cubes regrouping in the hinterlands and assimilating colonists.
Whats so amazing about it? I'm a very agreeable person.

Seriously though, all extremism is bad and I'm opposed to all of them (especially extreme sports Xtremists, man was not meant to do snowboarding parkour while mountain biking in an combination airsoft/ironing match). Though I suppose "triage" can be employed when dealing with them. Extremists who only talk a big extremely extreme talk but do little else might be extremely reprehensible in their own right but are not on the same level as extreme people who actually firebomb clinics, attack skools, and murder people.
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