Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

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Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Agent Fisher »

Two N.Y.P.D. Officers Are Killed in Brooklyn Ambush; Suspect Commits Suicide

The police saluted an ambulance carrying one of the two officers who were killed in Brooklyn on Saturday.
DECEMBER 20, 2014
Two police officers sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn were shot at point-blank range and killed on Saturday afternoon by a man who, officials said, had traveled to the city from Baltimore vowing to kill officers. The suspect then committed suicide with the same gun, the authorities said.

The officers, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, were in the car near Myrtle and Tompkins Avenues in Bedford-Stuyvesant in the shadow of a tall housing project when the gunman, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, walked up to the passenger-side window and assumed a firing stance, Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said. Mr. Brinsley shot several rounds into the heads and upper bodies of the officers, who never drew their weapons, the authorities said.

Mr. Brinsley, 28, then fled down the street and onto the platform of a nearby subway station, where he killed himself as officers closed in. The police recovered a silver semiautomatic handgun, Mr. Bratton said.

Mr. Brinsley, who had a long rap sheet of crimes that included robbery and carrying a concealed gun, is believed to have shot his former girlfriend near Baltimore before traveling to Brooklyn, the authorities said. He made statements on social media suggesting that he planned to kill police officers and was angered about the Eric Garner and Michael Brown cases.

Investigators at the scene where Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were shot and killed on Saturday.
Authorities in Baltimore sent a warning that Mr. Brinsley had made these threats, but it was received in New York at essentially the same time as the killings, officials said.

The shootings, the chase, the suicide of Mr. Brinsley and the desperate but failed bid to save the lives of the officers — their uniforms soaked in blood — turned a busy commercial intersection on the Saturday before Christmas into a scene of pandemonium.

The manager of a liquor store at the corner, Charlie Hu, said the two police officers were slouched over in the front seat of their patrol car. Both of them appeared to have been shot in the head, Mr. Hu said, and one of the officers had blood spilling out of his face.

“Today two of New York’s finest were shot and killed with no warning, no provocation,” Mr. Bratton said at Woodhull Hospital in Williamsburg, where the officers were declared dead. “They were, quite simply, assassinated — targeted for their uniform and for the responsibility they embraced to keep the people of this city safe.”

The slain police officers: Rafael Ramos, 40, left, and Wenjian Liu, 32.
“Officer Ramos and Officer Liu never had the opportunity to draw their weapons,” he continued. “They may have never even seen the assailant, their murderer.”

Mayor Bill de Blasio, standing beside the police commissioner, said, “It is an attack on all of us; it’s an attack on everything we hold dear.”

Mr. de Blasio said that he had met with the officers’ families, including Officer Ramos’s 13-year-old son, who “couldn’t comprehend what had happened to his father.”

The double killing comes at a moment when protests over police tactics have roiled the city and other parts of the nation. Since a grand jury declined to bring criminal charges in the case of Mr. Garner, a black Staten Island man who died after a police chokehold in July, protesters have filled the streets on numerous occasions. Those protests followed more violent ones in Ferguson, Mo., after there were no charges in the police shooting of Mr. Brown, an unarmed black teenager.

The mayor has taken care to praise officers’ work repeatedly since the grand jury decision, but he has stressed the rights of protesters to express themselves and spoken of his personal experience instructing his biracial son, Dante, to “take special care” during any police encounters. Some union leaders suggested the mayor had sent a message that police officers were to be feared. Cries for the police to use more restraint have been buttressed by historic drops in violent crime in the city. The city has seen roughly 300 killings so far this year, a number so low as to be unheard-of two decades ago.

But the shooting on Saturday seemed reminiscent of decades past, when the city was mired in an epidemic of drugs and violence and, in 1988, a police officer was shot while he sat alone in his patrol car guarding the home of a man who had testified in a drug case. That killing shook the city, sparking an escalation in the war on drugs and an aggressive crackdown on violent crime. Mr. Bratton said that the attack on Saturday was the seventh time since 1972 that partners in the Police Department had been killed at the same time.

The killing seemed to drive the wedge between Mr. de Blasio and rank-and-file officers even deeper. Video posted online showed dozens of officers turning their backs to the mayor as he walked into a news conference on Saturday evening.

“There is blood on many hands tonight,” the head of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, Patrick Lynch, said outside Woodhull Hospital. He added, “That blood on the hands starts on the steps of City Hall, in the office of the mayor.”

The double killing came at a moment when protests over police tactics have roiled the city.
Mr. Brinsley, whose records indicate that he was born in New York, had been arrested several times in Georgia and Ohio. He was arrested on accusations of carrying a concealed weapon and stealing in Georgia, and in Ohio in connection with theft and robbery, among other run-ins with the police. His last known residence was in Georgia. Mr. Bratton said the suspect also had ties to East Flatbush, Brooklyn, but would not be more specific.

Earlier on Saturday, law enforcement officials said, Mr. Brinsley shot his former girlfriend in the stomach near Baltimore. She survived.

Mr. Bratton said investigators believed that after the Maryland shooting, Mr. Brinsley posted to an Instagram account that he was headed to New York to attack police officers and that the posting might be his last. Mr. Bratton lamented the timing of the warning from authorities. “The tragedy here is that just as the warning was coming in, the murder was occurring,” he said.

Mr. Bratton said that the Instagram posts reviewed by investigators, which he said had been widely circulated and may have been on the account of a girlfriend, revealed a “very strong bias against police officers.”

In the Instagram posting that was apparently written by Mr. Brinsley, he called the attack retribution for the deaths of Mr. Garner and Mr. Brown.

Below a photo of a firearm, the Instagram posting, which misspells Mr. Garner’s name, reads: “I’m Putting Wings On Pigs Today. They Take 1 Of Ours......Let’s Take 2 of Theirs #ShootThePolice #RIPErivGardner #RIPMikeBrown.”

Mr. Brinsley’s sister, Nawaal Brinsley, said on Saturday that she had not seen her brother in two years. “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness,” she said when told of the attack, adding that she did not remember hearing her brother express anger at police officers.

Mr. Bratton said that Officer Liu had been a seven-year veteran of the force and that Officer Ramos had been an officer since 2012. Officer Liu, he added, had been married two months.

The shootings seemed poised to cool the protest movements of recent months. The Rev. Al Sharpton, who has been an outspoken backer of the protests in recent weeks, condemned the attack.

“Any use of the names of Eric Garner and Michael Brown in connection with any violence or killing of police is reprehensible and against the pursuit of justice in both cases,” he said.

The Brooklyn borough president, Eric Adams, worried that the attack would “tarnish” the campaign against police brutality that has swept the city.

“It’s horrific to have someone intentionally shoot a police officer; it’s the wrong message,” he said. “And that is not the message that many have been calling on when they talk about reform.”

The intersection where the shooting occurred, which is dominated by the Tompkins housing project across the street, is a spot where residents often see police keeping watch.

The increased police presence had improved the neighborhood, some said. “It’s changed and gotten better through the years,” said Felix Camacho, 40, an airport ramp agent who has lived for eight years on the block where the shooting happened. “It’s gotten less violent. For something like this to happen is just wrong.”

But other residents worried that the incident on Saturday would inflame relations.

“Tensions are high, and this is just things boiling over,” said Andy Jordan, 39, who has lived in Bedford-Stuyvesant for nearly three decades. “We need to look at how we got here.”

More than 100 officers lined the hospital’s exit ramp as the bodies of Officers Liu and Ramos were driven out in ambulances.
Posted from New York Times.

A few dozen protestors in NYC were chanting for dead cops last Saturday, looks like someone took that to heart. It also seems the shooter shot at his ex girlfriend in Baltimore earlier in the day.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Soontir C'boath »

The shooting of his ex sounds to me he was mentally distraught already and killing those cops were icing on the cake. Of course that doesn't prevent the comments from white people I know on FB from flooding my timeline...
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by The Romulan Republic »

This is useful for corrupt police officers, racists, and conservatives, as they can now use this against the protests via guilt by association.

Edit: Of course, it is a tragedy for the people involved. I don't mean to diminish that.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by LadyTevar »

The article pointed out that Maryland police officials attempted to warn NYPD about the shooter, but the information got there just as te shooting happened. This is the sad part about inter-state cooperation -- sometimes it doesn't move fast enough to get the message through :(

My condolances to the NYPD and the families involved, and my best wishes for recovery of the girlfriend.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Lonestar »

There is allegedly a pretty inflammatory memo floating around as a result of this. A key excerpt:
“Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary.”
Basically the NYPD admitting that they harass people for no reason, and that selective enforcement will change that.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Tanasinn »

The Romulan Republic wrote:This is useful for corrupt police officers, racists, and conservatives, as they can now use this against the protests via guilt by association.
As the OWS protests so aptly demonstrated, there need be no guilt for reasons to be falsely manufactured justifying absurdly brutal suppression tactics.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Lonestar wrote:There is allegedly a pretty inflammatory memo floating around as a result of this. A key excerpt:
“Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary.”
Basically the NYPD admitting that they harass people for no reason, and that selective enforcement will change that.
The memo is basically organizing a partial strike. That is quite clear. As far as it admitting, or even implying, that they harass people for no reason. Can you explain how you reach that conclusion?
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Broomstick »

Soontir C'boath wrote:The shooting of his ex sounds to me he was mentally distraught already and killing those cops were icing on the cake. Of course that doesn't prevent the comments from white people I know on FB from flooding my timeline...
Er... yeah... because "Wenjian Liu" and "Rafael Ramos" are such white names....?

Sounds to me like some deranged individual took the recent events and protests as an excuse to shoot some people. I'm neither shocked nor surprised, just saddened.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Joun_Lord »

Broomstick wrote:
Soontir C'boath wrote:The shooting of his ex sounds to me he was mentally distraught already and killing those cops were icing on the cake. Of course that doesn't prevent the comments from white people I know on FB from flooding my timeline...
Er... yeah... because "Wenjian Liu" and "Rafael Ramos" are such white names....?

Sounds to me like some deranged individual took the recent events and protests as an excuse to shoot some people. I'm neither shocked nor surprised, just saddened.
Thats what it sounds like. This guy was probably going to shoot people anyway down the line, the fact he killed his main squeeze that I can assume wasn't a cop as a prelude to shooting some po-po clearly shows that. He just used Garner/Brown as an excuse to do his dark deeds possibly to justify it in his own head. He probably thinks he is doing a public service, one with the protestors and all that. Hard to say though.

I just think its funny in a morbid sort of way that like that asshole with ties to white supremacists and anti-Muslim groups killed a bunch of Sikhs in Wisconsin this jackass managed to kill two people who neither was white. Thats not to say it wouldn't be just as bad if whitey bought it but the fact these protests are predominately black vs white but the douchebag with a gun managed to kill an asian and a hispanic police officer.

And the NYPD with probably use this incident to garner sympathy and quash any attempts to straighten them out. "Why are you trying to tie our hand while people execute our officers, do you want cops to die? Huh, huh? Answer me before I choke you for being dark skinned! I don't care if thats a tan, close enough for a chokin'!"
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Lonestar »

Kamakazie Sith wrote:
The memo is basically organizing a partial strike. That is quite clear. As far as it admitting, or even implying, that they harass people for no reason. Can you explain how you reach that conclusion?

Because prior to that they weren't enforcing the law unless it was "absolutely necessary"?

And the memo was a screed the indicated how fucked up the NYPD's world view was. Imagine if a uniformed member of the US Military said that about Obama in a official capacity.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Purple »

Lonestar wrote:Because prior to that they weren't enforcing the law unless it was "absolutely necessary"?
I took the "absolutely necessary" line to mean "we will let people get off with breaking crime from now on unless we really have to do something about it for some extreme reason."
It has become clear to me in the previous days that any attempts at reconciliation and explanation with the community here has failed. I have tried my best. I really have. I pored my heart out trying. But it was all for nothing.

You win. There, I have said it.

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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Lonestar wrote: Because prior to that they weren't enforcing the law unless it was "absolutely necessary"?
I'm still not seeing it. The memo is calling for a partial strike. It is calling for NYPD members to stop all enforcement activity unless absolutely necessary.

You need something more to back your assertion that the NYPD was actively harassing people for no reason prior to this memo.

HINT - Enforcing city ordinances, state law is not harassment. Stop and Frisk as how it was executed by NYPD is a form of harassment because in that case they were actually stopping and frisking people for no reason. This is evident because nearly 90% of their stops resulted in zero action taken.
And the memo was a screed the indicated how fucked up the NYPD's world view was. Imagine if a uniformed member of the US Military said that about Obama in a official capacity.
This memo was allegedly from the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, likely from its President Pat Lynch since he has used similar language. If Pat Lynch is currently employed by NYPD then your observation has merit. Though you observation certainly does apply to those current members of the NYPD that turned their backs on the mayor when he arrived at the hospital. So, in short I agree with you.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by General Zod »

LadyTevar wrote:The article pointed out that Maryland police officials attempted to warn NYPD about the shooter, but the information got there just as te shooting happened. This is the sad part about inter-state cooperation -- sometimes it doesn't move fast enough to get the message through :(

My condolances to the NYPD and the families involved, and my best wishes for recovery of the girlfriend.
Would the message have made any significant difference?
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Elheru Aran »

General Zod wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:The article pointed out that Maryland police officials attempted to warn NYPD about the shooter, but the information got there just as te shooting happened. This is the sad part about inter-state cooperation -- sometimes it doesn't move fast enough to get the message through :(

My condolances to the NYPD and the families involved, and my best wishes for recovery of the girlfriend.
Would the message have made any significant difference?
"Watch out for guy looking like this, who just shot his ex, may be likely to target policemen"? Yeah, that might have been helpful. Anything that will shift the odds cannot hurt.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Simon_Jester »

...Exactly what are members of the New York police protesting here?
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by General Zod »

Elheru Aran wrote:
General Zod wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:The article pointed out that Maryland police officials attempted to warn NYPD about the shooter, but the information got there just as te shooting happened. This is the sad part about inter-state cooperation -- sometimes it doesn't move fast enough to get the message through :(

My condolances to the NYPD and the families involved, and my best wishes for recovery of the girlfriend.
Would the message have made any significant difference?
"Watch out for guy looking like this, who just shot his ex, may be likely to target policemen"? Yeah, that might have been helpful. Anything that will shift the odds cannot hurt.
Unless they were sending over a specific mugshot taken in the last 24 hours, I'm skeptical that it would have made a huge impact.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Simon_Jester wrote:...Exactly what are members of the New York police protesting here?
They are protesting against the behavior of their mayor which they view as anti-cop. I disagree with them but that is their reasoning.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Flagg »

Simon_Jester wrote:...Exactly what are members of the New York police protesting here?
Niggers being allowed to protest their actions and a Mayor that doesn't think the harassment of black people should be priority 1 of the force. And the usual pig squealing about how dangerous the job they choose to do is.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Agent Fisher »

Simon_Jester wrote:...Exactly what are members of the New York police protesting here?

They're angry at the mayor for his statements that he and his wife had to train their bi-racial son to be extra careful when dealing with the police, which the police union took as De Blasio saying that people who weren't white were in extra danger from police. So the union saw it as the mayor throwing them under the bus to appease protestors of the Brown and Garner grand jury decisions. And like I said earlier in the thread, with a small but vocal group of protestors calling for dead cops, along with officers getting attacked while on skirmish lines, the union is feeling like the mayor sanctioned those actions by not vocally condemning the protestors who did so harshly.

Or we could just go with Flaggs reasoning that the police union is just another front for the KKK.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Terralthra »

Still waiting for the NYT article telling me whether or not the murdered police officers ever did anything illegal in their life, making them "no angels", thus deserving death.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Grumman »

Lonestar wrote:
Kamakazie Sith wrote:The memo is basically organizing a partial strike. That is quite clear. As far as it admitting, or even implying, that they harass people for no reason. Can you explain how you reach that conclusion?
Because prior to that they weren't enforcing the law unless it was "absolutely necessary"?
A law can be valid without being essential. For an easy example, public indecency laws. It is not an abuse of power to arrest someone and get them off the street because they're running naked through Times Square, but neither is it "absolutely necessary" to do so if something more important comes up.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Dominus Atheos »

A little blast from the past via Media Matters:
Claiming to be acting under the bloody "banner of Liberty and Truth," Jerad Miller and his wife Amanda, entered CiCi's Pizza in Las Vegas on Sunday right before noon and executed two local policemen on their lunch break. Authorities say Jerad approached one officer while he was refilling his soda cup and shot him in the head from behind, before he and Amanda opened fire on his partner.

While patrons scrambled to safety, one of the shooters reportedly shouted that the "revolution" had begun. The duo then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, and covered them with cloth that featured the "Don't tread on me" Gadsden flag, which has recently been adopted as a symbol of the tea party movement. The couple also left a swastika on one of the officers.

Six days earlier, the right-wing shooter had posted a manifesto of sorts on Facebook where he announced "we must prepare for war." Jerad Miller, who traveled to Cliven Bundy's Nevada ranch this spring to join the militia protests against the federal government, declared that in order to "To stop this oppression, I fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed."

The Facebook rant was just one of many clues about the shooters' radical political leanings. Jerad Miller "left behind social media postings that show his concerns over Benghazi, chemtrails, gun control laws, and the government's treatment of rancher Cliven Bundy," Raw Story reported. (One of the viral images Miller shared online carried the caption, "Jeez, it's no wonder liberalism's regarded as a mental disorder.") The shooter had talked to his neighbor about his "desire to overthrow the government and President Obama and kill police officers," according to NBC News.

After murdering two police officers, Miller and his wife, carrying large duffle bags, set upon a nearby WalMart, killed a shopper who attempted to confront the couple with his concealed handgun, exchanged gunfire with law enforcement, and then died in an apparent suicide pact.

The politically motivated ambush represents just the latest in a long line of recent far-right, anti-government acts of violence in America. From neo-Nazi killers, to a string of women's health clinic bombings and assaults, as well as bloody assaults on law enforcement from anti-government insurrectionists, acts of right-wing extreme violence continue to terrorize victims in the U.S.

In fact, the deadly, and premeditated, gun rampage in Las Vegas came just two days after Dennis Marx, member of the "sovereign citizen" anti-government movement, tried to lay siege to a courthouse outside of Atlanta. Sovereign citizens are militia-like radicals who don't believe the federal government has the power and legitimacy to enforce the law. The FBI has called the movement "a growing domestic terror threat to law enforcement."

Arriving outside the courthouse in a silver SUV, Marx immediately opened fire on law enforcement, shooting a deputy twice in the leg, before being shot and killed by police, capping a wild three-minute gun battle. The shooter came supplied with an assault weapon, "homemade and commercial explosive devices," as well as "a gas mask; two handguns; zip ties and two bulletproof vests," according to the Associated Press.
Media Matters goes on to chronicle the of lack of coverage on Fox News. They pretty much blandly reported it without any context or commentary.

And what did the Las Vegas police say? Did they blame the Bundy protests? Did former politicians take to twitter and lay the deaths of their fellow officers at the hands of Republican politicians who showed solidarity with the armed, anti-government protesters at the Bundy ranch?
Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said the Millers had ideology shared by "militia and white supremacists," including the belief that law enforcement was the "oppressor."

Police believe the shootings were an isolated act, not part of a broader conspiracy to target law enforcement, McMahill said.
And just consider what these cops had been dealing with:
Metro Police officers who were on the front lines of a recent showdown near the Bundy ranch in Bunkerville say they feared for their lives.

At least some of the militia members who pointed weapons at police officers during the confrontation may have wanted a violent outcome and tried to incite one.

In exclusive interviews with the 8 News NOW I-Team, officers who were on the scene shared their thoughts and fears, and they say it is not over.

"These guys with rifles, keep them calm," was Clark County Assistant Sheriff Joe Lombardo's request to one of Bundy's sons the day of the confrontation.

Lombardo's top priority was to prevent a spark that might set off a bloody firefight.

"There was a possibility of somebody just having an accidental discharge causing a blood bath, because the individuals that were showing up, the militia quote unquote, were armed to the teeth," Lombardo said.

On one side, armed federal rangers and agents, on the other, a huge crowd of angry militia members and in the middle, 30 Metro officers, exposed and vulnerable, aware that if the shooting began, some of them would die.

"You are standing there going, 'I just hope it doesn't hurt when it comes. That it's quick,' and it was real for us. It was real," Sgt. Tom Jenkins said.
I think you can see my point here. Last night a man executed two police officers in New York and then turned his gun on himself. In contrast to the professional response of the Las Vegas police in a very similar situation, the instant reaction from people like George Pataki and police representatives was to blame the Eric Garner protests and Mayor DeBlasio personally for showing sympathy for them. On CNN yesterday the commentary was outrageous. This exchange took place in the first few minutes after Martin Savidge broke the news:
SAVIDGE: I want to bring in Harry Houck, he's a former New York police officer. And first of all, I guess, we should express our condolences to the police force and definitely the families of the officers. Harry, you must hear something. What is being said from fellow officers? Is this a random incident or something else?

HARRY HOUCK, FORMER NEW YORK POLICE OFFICER: Well, you know, what I'm hearing from my contacts is that the shooter had killed himself and that he was wanted in Baltimore for another killing and when he was in Baltimore, he had said that he was going to go up to New York and kill a cop and apparently he got his wish. And what really has me upset is all these demonstrations that we've been having here all been predicated on lies. No justice, no peace. We have two dead police officers. And I guess Al Sharpton got what he wanted.

SAVIDGE: Your feeling is, of course, that the protest in some way incited this man to do what he did.

HOUCK: Oh, there's no doubt about it. Everybody is talking about killing a cop. You got to take a cop out for Eric Garner. This is -- this is why this person was motivated to do this. There's no doubt in my mind. I was a detective for 27 years and, believe me, that was definitely in this man's mind.
That went on for hours. And this is what's been going on on Fox, in case you were wondering.

I get that the police are under pressure by the public in the wake of all these shootings of unarmed black men. But what a bunch of hysterical, immature people they are demonstrating themselves to be in reaction, particularly in contrast to the way the Las Vegas police dealt with a similar situation. (I won't even bring up the racial elephant in the room --- that should be obvious to anyone looking at the difference in these two stories.) But no matter what, being able to take pressure is in the job description of a police officer and this public acting out by petulantly demanding apologies from football players and turning their backs on politicians is more evidence to everyone with any sense that way too many police are frighteningly unprofessional. I'm sure they don't like the criticism they get. Nobody does. But if what they're looking for is respect, this is hardly the way to go about it.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Thanas »

Agent Fisher wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:...Exactly what are members of the New York police protesting here?

They're angry at the mayor for his statements that he and his wife had to train their bi-racial son to be extra careful when dealing with the police, which the police union took as De Blasio saying that people who weren't white were in extra danger from police. So the union saw it as the mayor throwing them under the bus to appease protestors of the Brown and Garner grand jury decisions. And like I said earlier in the thread, with a small but vocal group of protestors calling for dead cops, along with officers getting attacked while on skirmish lines, the union is feeling like the mayor sanctioned those actions by not vocally condemning the protestors who did so harshly.
THen the union is even more stupid than I thought it was.

Flagg wrote:
Simon_Jester wrote:...Exactly what are members of the New York police protesting here?
Niggers being allowed to protest their actions and a Mayor that doesn't think the harassment of black people should be priority 1 of the force. And the usual pig squealing about how dangerous the job they choose to do is.

Even when you are being sarcastic, that does not give you license to use racial slurs.
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Re: Two NYPD officers killed while sitting in their cruiser

Post by Kamakazie Sith »

I actually agree with DA here. It's ridiculous and shameful.
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