Canis wrote:So after liking that post about how income tax is theft and all, right after you probably drove on the public roads and prepare to get paid at drill by the same tax dollars, do you actually have a worthwhile alternative or are you insistent on trying to have the cake and eat it too?
Friend wrote:You do realize prior to 1913 there was no income tax and there were still roads yeah?
Property tax and income tax are the most absurd inventions in history
Don't get me started on our bloated defense spending
Canis wrote:You do realize that before 1913 taxes were still collected, they were just done via an indirect sales tax? And that public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, etc was far inferior in scale to what it is nowadays. Not to mention the other things that taxes pay for such as public education, defense, etc.
Our defense spending could be a lot more efficient, and there are plent of ways I would re allocate the budget if given the choice.
However, prove that an income tax is such a bad idea, when it directly benefits you in at least 2 ways right now and has benefitted you directly in the past as well.
And while you are at it, got a better alternative?
Friend wrote:The only reason I need to provide is that I don't consent to it. I didn't sign a social contract agreeing to something that you're deciding benefits me. Property tax is taking money from me simply for owning a house and land. That's literally stealing.
There isn't a clear cut alternative because there's trillions of dollars handled by our economy and the federal reserve. I'd love to be in a position to cut the ever living shit out of the waste that goes on in the federal and state levels of government
And comparing bridges in 1913 to 2016 is borderline autistic
There's a difference between morally objecting to something and demanding it be immediately removed. Property and income tax should be one of the first things to be removed and replaced with a simpler and more individual friendly revenue
But yes I would agree that to cut them both tomorrow without an adequate replacement in some form whether it's budget cuts or new revenue would be necessary
Canis wrote:You actually do consent by living here and utilizing the resources. That is a social contract which you should've learned about in high school.
Good thing I don't have to decide it benefits you, it's actually a fact that it does. Crime is lower because there are publically funded police, you likely went to school and learned something valuable. You drive on public roads inluding the freeway and collect a paycheck from the government. Unless you really want to try to tell me that you don't do any of those things.
Property tax is a red herring. We're talking income tax here
Great, I'd love to regulate things a different way too.
Now since you admit there's not a clear cut alternative, why is the income tax solution such a bad idea?
Dude saying that we got along fine before income tax in 1913 is just as autistic, and you actually missed my point, which was that the government does alot more than it did prior to 1913. Hence the increased budget and income tax.
Where would this revenue come from? An increased sales tax and increased tariffs on foreign goods like it did prior to income tax? That'll make things more expensive. And so you are still paying. So at the end of the day if you are alright paying for government revenue, what's your objection to income tax?
Friend wrote:Telling me that I consent to something merely by being born is the same thing as saying I consent to being mugged because I can just choose to get shot otherwise
"But who will build the roads!?" Is essentially a communist outcry. The free market has been proven to handle every aspect of life better than government
Why are you even picking this fight for the 5th time this year? We disagree
Canis wrote:Strawman. What I said was that you consent by staying and utilizing the system and benefiting from it.
lol just like the free market built the interstate system and provided public schooling to you for free. I mean after all private institutions such as colleges are so much better with their statistically highest paid person being the football coach of all things...
Because you agreed with something and treated it as a fact, and I don't think it is, therefore I'm challenging it. It's called discussion
You know calling me names doesn't make you right (in fact it makes you look autistic and retarded)
Friend wrote:"Consent by staying" is by far your weakest argument. Human rights and individual rights shouldn't be dictated by borders. Nobody has a right to force me to pay them simply because I own land. Private ownership and religious freedom are the two most important American values.
After that point he doesn't really respond and just starts making jokes.Canis wrote:Ahem: WHICH PART OF "Property tax is a red herring. We're talking income tax here" DO YOU NOT GET? I agree with you on the property tax part. I am arguing income tax only
Consent by staying AND USING THE SYSTEM'S BENEFITS WHICH ARE PROVIDED IN RETURN FOR TAXES. See above paragraph about the property taxes, so private ownership and religous freedom are not on the line here nor do they have anything to do with it.
So to re ask my question above:
"Where would this revenue come from? An increased sales tax and increased tariffs on foreign goods like it did prior to income tax? That'll make things more expensive. And so you are still paying. So at the end of the day if you are alright paying for government revenue, what's your objection to income tax?"
Or to get to the important part: You want to get rid of income taxes. We are in agreement that they would need a replacement, and if we go with the solution pre 1913 of indirect sales tax basically, you will still be paying taxes just in a different way. So do you just object to having taxes calculated from your paycheck? or is it something else?
So I was wondering what people's thoughts on the issue of income taxation are? Is there a better alternative? Is it really theft and if so why?