He goes into more detail on his methodology in the link. Note he disagrees with what countries Freedom House considers democracies. If he ignored those, the percentage of dictatorships the US support will rise.I set out to answer a simple question: Is it true? Does the US government actually oppose dictatorships and champion democracy around the world, as we are repeatedly told?
The truth is not easy to find, but federal sources do provide an answer: No. According to Freedom House’s rating system of political rights around the world, there were 49 nations in the world, as of 2015, that can be fairly categorized as “dictatorships.” As of fiscal year 2015, the last year for which we have publicly available data, the federal government of the United States had been providing military assistance to 36 of them, courtesy of your tax dollars. The United States currently supports over 73 percent of the world’s dictatorships!

This has been reported in alternative media. In fact it was alternative media where I first heard of this and then track down the original source. I eagerly await mainstream news sources like Broadcasting Bullshit Corporation to report this, but I am not holding my breath.
Meanwhile we see the US backed NGOs like the National Endowment for Democracy (a euphemism if I ever heard one) continuing to support separatism and undermining of geopolitical rivals in the name of democracy true democracy. Sadly, some conservatards and gullible leftists will continue to believe the US supports its geopolitical interests like every other country democracy line.