Linux doesn't reside in the first 1024 cylinders of the HD so no. The 11 gigabyte disk has like 15,000 cylinders, and Win98 is 'first'. And Red Hat doesn't have 'loadlin' or any other such thing.Pu-239 wrote:Why are you running 98 anyway... it's a POS?
Anyway, if the problem is GRUB, have you tried LILO?
And I'm running '98 because it came with 98 and i'm too cheap to pay megabucks for something more (even an upgrade to ME would cost $$$, let alone XP, plus it's an old computer - 500 mhz, 188 megs RAM - that would just fit XP but would be kinda slow. And also, i have DOS games, as well as some Windows games - like Starfleet Command -which don't work on the new computer). As it is, i got my version of Red Hat digged out from "Linux for Dummies" - which i got for $20.
I've considered the following:
- buying or downloading Mandrake Linux, or another 'painless' brand, preferably one with WINE and dosutils (so I can transfer files from place to place). Red Hat would be nice, but the full 5-cd version is pretty pricey by Linux standards.
- paying the #@@#%$#%$@ lisencing fee for BootIt (it's a damn fine boot editor, but i'm cheap). Or maybe buying Partition Magic / boot magic.
- Wipe out the multi-boot, and get the system to only boot Windows from the HD, and use my boot floppy to boot Linux in hda3.
- Try re-installing Linux, just to see if that works.
- Configure Linux to boot to a command prompt, so that I can troubleshoot more effectively w/o a mouse.
- In a year or so (When i'm off to college), I'm considering selling the machine, to get some money down for a new (or newer) computer. Or maybe my Dad will buy a brand new machine (unlikely) and I'll take the current 'new' one to college. So i could just leave it the way it is until I'm about to get rid of it, and then wipe out Linux and get Windows to take up everything for the sale.
-End the "Linux" experiment and decide to try another OS, such as one of the BSD's or BeOS.
BTW, is there any other way to get rid of BootIt besides putting in another multi-booter? An uninstall procedure?