I just decided to reinstall HW2 and then grab the latest version of PDS (4.9K). Still filled with military technobabble but there are various funky improvements. The Vaygr FFK is one and is frickin' impossible to kill or knock out with the bomber swarm. There are also a couple of new sides in skirmish: one is a Higaraan merchant convoy with a modified CV, one of those superfreighters and an armed merchant cruiser (with sundry escorts). Another is a group of Vaygr rebels.
I also grabbed the Homeworld Classic 1.32 mod which gives me back fun stuff like resource injections and no unit caps for obsene framerate-killing battles (as if PDS didn't have enough action going on)
Anyone still playing HW2 PDS?
Moderator: Thanas
Unfortunately the HWC mod doesn't play nice with PDS in anything but one-on-one Higaara vs. Vaygr modeBob McDob wrote:Yeah, I played around with it for a while. Pretty nifty with the Capture the Lith mod, but when you've got all that action onscreen it's difficult to control anything even at the lower unit caps. I'm probably going to try Starshatter or something.
I had some fun, though, coaching in strikes against an incoming raid. The different detection radii really changes gameplay.
For example, I had a probe nearby an enemy resourcing patch so I decided to dispatch two squadrons of torpedo frigates against it I had other probes out there and the way looked clear ... not. I got jumped by a flight of bombers at the edge of my detection radius. Fortunately I had six escort frigates ready to hyperjump, and they quickly started dealing with the bombers. At that point, all hell broke loose and a wolfpack of enemy frigates backed up by a destroyer leader came my way.
I cut my losses and ran for the hills on an indirect path back (the computer having blocked the quickest route). My torpedo frigates went first, still shooting as they ran, while my escort frigates screened then on the way back, shooting down incoming missile fire and warding off incoming bombers. The computer decided to decline pursuit and most of my frigates lived to fight another day.