CrimsonRaine wrote:You know, I've played my share of addicting games. Maybe it's because I haven't been this addicted in a while, but oh my Christ.
What I'm referring to is the Sims2. You know, simulation games are cool, but you should get bored with them. I played this game tonight for five hours straight. The character creation is utterly fucking amazing, the housing is pretty much the same, just with a hell of a lot more options. But oh my God, they fixed the Sims themselves. Days don't go by in four minutes, the Sims aren't completely retarded (although they do have their moments) and it's not a frickin' chore just to make friends. Needless to say, I feel it was 50 bucks well spent.
Anyone else played this? Agree, disagree? I'm sure someone will point out to me that "THIS GAME FUCKING SUCKS!" so I'm hoping for some constructive criticism.
Completly, I played 18 hours straight with breaks for bathroom and getting snacks, it was awesome, also, finnaly a distinction between your families and the bundled ones, I much prefer the bundled ones, they allready have a nice story with them, and unique problems, anyone fixed the Romeo and Juliet scenario yet?
Personally i'm now in the building part, just running around the neighborhood of pleasentville and building houses of all kinds, from 3 room affairs to mansions, though building community lots has its appeal too.
What I really love about this game though is the sims themselves, every act has a great face, and I can feel the happyness when a birthday comes around(though it does come to fast, i've taken to using the no aging trick to set the stage for stuff), or when arguments rip open (damn, getting caught having an affair sucks).
My 2 main problems with the game is time passes too fast, taking 5 minutes to get out of bed, 4 to piss, 5 from one side of a moderate house to the other, this also figures with energy being over spent, doing anything moderatly difficult kills the energy rating for the rest of the day, with coffee not helping, it takes a sim 1 hour to finsh a cup, and has lost all the added energy meanwhile.
Parties are nice, now with a nice timelimit and rating, its fun to spice stuff up, though why are non-friend sims unable to really interact with parties? is it a bug because parties should have full socialization options
/end ramble