So we were playing a bit of Halo coop, and I noticed that I found the game easier to play. Not just in the 'wow four shoulders' way, or the 'OMGZOR xobx contoller suxors lol!!!!11' way, but something to do with the thumbsticks.
I messed about, and I've decided that my new PStwo controller has much more return force on the sticks than both of my bosses' controllers (he's got a oldschool big one and a see-thru green one). In some way I must be used to this, because with the PS2 controller I can make fine adjustments with far less effort/attention than I can with the Xbox ones. I also have a shitty PC gamepad, and its got weak return springs too, and I have the same problem and have to jack down the sensitivity to get any kind of fine control.
So anyway, I was surprised such a small factor can have such a significant effect on play. I don't really like the 'two thumbs' control method, but every 'two thumb' FPS I tried (Perfect Dark, Halo, that awful Xbox Goldeneye) I found that it was easier to make fine movements without overcompensating, thus making me the 1337zor sn1pz0r (in Halo at least). Has anyone else experienced such overspecialisation in controller skills? Maybe 'I'm not used to this joystick' isn't such a lame excuse after all!