Not really unless you plan to put tons of it in, which is highly questionable in today's market. Unlike 1080i, the bitrate requirements for 720p are quite modest, especially with the hardware that the X360 is running (no doubt Microsoft will push their own WM9 codec at heavy compression, which is excellent from a space/quality perspective) and could easily provide plenty of space for HD cutscenes.Praxis wrote:The problem is that if we DO have FMV in a game, that FMV, being HD, will be a space-killer.
This still of course is largely irrelevent since pre-rendered cutscenes are going the way of the dodo. Square will still hang onto them no doubt for their flagship franchise, but I doubt very much anyone else will. Even on today's hardware very little pre-rendered cutscenes are seen and in the future it will be even less since the benefits of using in game cutscenes are so high.