My Athlon 3200 Barton's running a little hot, at least for my liking anyway. Temperature was around 55C at mid day and it peaked at 62 while under load a week or so ago.
What's a good cooler? I've heard good things about Zalman and I'd prefer to stay away from water cooling.
Need cooling
Moderator: Thanas
I'd suggest the Thermalright XP-90 (not the copper version though, its too heavy) or XP-120 heat sink. You'll have to buy your own fan for it, and Panaflows (from Panasonic) are great. I have an XP-120 with a 120mm Panaflow-M fan, and it keeps my 4800+ under 45 C with a load on both cores (and for typical usage - which is my Battlefield 2 addiction - it keeps my CPU under 40 C). Also make sure you use Artic Silver 5.
Artillery. Its what's for dinner.
Too loud? Damn, I think mine is pretty quite, especially compared to old 120mm intake fans my old case had (you could hear those from the other side of the house).phongn wrote:Zalman and Thermalright are always excellent choices. Make sure you have adequate airflow in your case.
Panaflo M1As are too loud, IMHO. AS5 is nice but not really needed - you don't gain much, though it is a good product. Some people prefer Ceramique from that company (non-conductive).
Edit: Actually, the fans on my graphics cards are louder than the Panaflo.
Artillery. Its what's for dinner.