Says zeldalegends's source.
Some dude scanned the articles so you can read them if you feel like it (though it might be illegal...). But it's mostly just a bunch of pictures from the game and speculation what the controller might used for (everything, it seems) and how (like we saw in the Revolution "trailer", it seems).Revolution gets Twilight Princess
Plus, NGC reveals UK launch date for Nintendo's new console
[22/12/2005 13:02]
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be playable on Nintendo's Revolution and will be released close to the console's launch date in the UK - which is confirmed as arriving in late 2006 - according to an exclusive news scoop in the latest issue of NGC.
While also still set for release on GameCube, the new Zelda adventure will contain special features enabling players to make use of Revolution's controller, so when the disc is inserted into Revolution it will give the player the option to use the next-gen console's radical device.
For more information on this superb news, such as how Twilight Princess will exploit Revolution's TV remote-styled peripheral, pick up the January issue of NGC, which is on sale now.
Also, NGC got this information "exclusively", and apparently without further sources. I couldn't find even one in that text, anyhow.
So, whatcha think?
I'm thinking that it's bullshit, especially if they're going to use the rev-controller for everything in the game. It would be a heartily "fuck you and your mommas" to all GC owners who have waited for this game, because when they finally get it, they're getting some watered down version that's actually supposed to be played on Revolution. Of course, it'd be fine if you just got some special object that you could use with the new controller. But to make it actually significantly affect the game play, just so you could have it as a "true" (since it's already backwards compatible) launch title for Revolution would not be good. Better then to make a whole new game that is actually designed with the controller in mind from the start, and release TP the way it was intended.
Also, the thought that I would have to wait another fucking year to play this game is not making me very happy at all. No, I want to see the actual quotes that NGC got (if they exist), and see how much they distorted them to sell more magazines.