Zac Naloen wrote:Wow, talk about a serious Zen fanboy.
show me an ipod thats 2 years old and still works then i'll stop recommending zens over ipods.
And creative originally went on the market with the idea that better technology = better sales. were proven wrong and are now looking at style as well as technology. Personally i couldn't careless what my Mp3 device looks like... it goes in my freaking pocket.
My sister's 3 year old iPod. My friends' 2 year old iPod. I know a LOT of people with iPods over two years old.
This is very similar to the 360 situation. The news and forums will have you believe that every XBox 360 on the market is failing, yet not one person at my GameStop has returned one yet, nor at the local Best Buy, and in fact the percentage of them failing is actually fairly low- just some disgruntled people in the internet are freaking out.
The only person I know whose iPod had failed had a first gen iPod and dropped it hard and broke it, not a part failure.
Bounty wrote: You don't have to run around proclaiming "OMG IF YOU BUY AN iPOD IT WILL EXPLODE AFTER THREE WEEKS!" or trying to call everything a downside.
Explode ? No. But the screen is just
a tad suicidal.
Again, that I am aware of this is a low percentage. If you wish, I can start a survey over at Macrumors and see how common. Last I heard, Anandtech ran the thing over with a car twice- THAT succeeded in breaking the screen, but not the player

The people I met with nanos didn't have scratched screens.
Honestly, my hands on experience and that of my friends that own them has been far better than the media tends to portray.
Alright, I'm just going to start over now. Look, I'm not trying to be an Apple fanboy that worships iPods. It was a bit over the top to call you a Creative fanboy, and I'm sorry about that, I'm just a little bit sick of the constant iPod bashing on a few forums- I'll get to that in a sec.
I'm simply basing my opinion off my experience. Honestly, if everyone I knew had iPods failing on them, I would prefer Creative. However, my experience has been overwhelmingly positive. I know not one person who has had an iPod fail on them (other than the guy that dropped it), nor had to replace the battery.
My experience with Apple's warranty has been overwhelmingly positive- my PowerBook's case had warped a little bit from the heat (a common minor defect) so it was slightly unbalanced, then I dropped it later on, twice, out of stupidity and messed up the case and broke the power connector. Apple completely replaced the entire case free of charge because they determined that case that warped just a little bit and fixed the power connector I broke. They gave me a free replacement on the battery on my first iBook.
I've also noticed that the relatively few people who's iPods break down tend to be incredibly vocal (just like the XBox 360 people). And on another board I got really fed up with a small group of people who never owned an iPod and would bash it like nuts so I have admittedly become overly hostile towards the "iPods all break and suck, buy a creative!" crowd, so I'm sorry for the quick reaction.
That's my experience. If you don't want an iPod, fine. But I have seen none of the mass problems everyone proclaims the iPod has.