Good thing I'm from South Australia, the only one of the states NOT setup for shipping out convicts.
Where did you get the idea that mod chipping is bad, Stark? Last I knew, so long as the modding was done only to fix region issues (if it's like the PS2 and region codes can't be defeated without also disabling copy protection, it's still legal, so long as the primary purpose is to defeat the region coding), it's completly legal in this country.
It changed when we got the free trade agreement with America. Previously a court case had ruled that mod chips were completely legal, even if used to play pirated games. It was the pirated games themselves that were illegal.
Marcus Aurelius: ...the Swedish S-tank; the exception is made mostly because the Swedes insisted really hard that it is a tank rather than a tank destroyer or assault gun Ilya Muromets: And now I have this image of a massive, stern-looking Swede staring down a bunch of military nerds. "It's a tank." "Uh, yes Sir. Please don't hurt us."
Stark wrote:From the Australian Federal Government. Sale of mod chips is illegal. Didn't you notice all the mod/import stores close down? If I knew where to get mod chips these days, I wouldn't have waited EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS for Guitar Hero.
I think you meant the High Court, not the Fed, since they haven't made a law about it, but anyway....that was a while back now, quite a while before the ACCC stepped in on the issue and made their ruling. The High Court ruling that made it all nice and formal is here. It's true that most of the import stores have vanished though.
Marcus Aurelius: ...the Swedish S-tank; the exception is made mostly because the Swedes insisted really hard that it is a tank rather than a tank destroyer or assault gun Ilya Muromets: And now I have this image of a massive, stern-looking Swede staring down a bunch of military nerds. "It's a tank." "Uh, yes Sir. Please don't hurt us."