In other news, Satan was hospitalized following severe frostbite as temperatures in his homeland continue to plunge, and 3D Realms announced the imminent release of Duke Nukem Forever.
I should add that the strategic motivation for this on Microsoft's part is the fact that Red Hat, one of their most irksome competitors, is now within striking distance. With Oracle offering enterprise support for RHEL, Microsoft doubtless sees RHEL as being within striking distance, and by allying with Novell at this critical juncture, hopes to annhilate Red Hat completely. If successful, you can bet that this joint venture with Novell will end immediately.
"Here's a nickel, kid. Get yourself a better computer."
Not-so-hostile take-over? They talk about Microsoft wanting to make Linux more compatible with Window's systems and what better way to do that than nabbing it's biggest distributer and hijacking it for themselves?
Then, again, maybe I'm a touch cynical ...
"To make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe."
— Carl Sagan