How's this for a compelling reason to get away from emulation. You actually get something that works right out of the box without having to fuck with umpteen different settings and risking that it -still- might not work. I know I certainly have a bitch of a time getting an N64 emulator to run all the games I want to properly, and this gives me a relatively cheap and effective option to play classic titles without shelling out $40 for a new GBA title when they do remakes.The Kernel wrote:He makes a valid point. The popularity of 16-bit and earlier emulation is likely to make a dent in potential sales. It's still a nice revenue stream, but this isn't like the GBA; they aren't selling a version with a compelling reason to get away from emulation (portability), and the hardcore have been playing these games constantly for years already on their PCs.MKSheppard wrote:Too bad I can do that with my computer, right now.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Second, regarding the Wii's Virtual Console, you mean to tell me that it never entered your puny brain that such a function as being able to buy, download, and play NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, and TG-16 games MIGHT be appealing to some people?
The older systems I probably wouldn't bother with as much due to software emulation being easier to do, however I still might actually buy a few titles I like simply because it supports Nintendo and I like the company enough to do so.