Given that Microsoft's estimates suggest that its X-Box division won't turn a profit in any of its first 7 years, I'm guessing they're willing to put up with quite a bit.SeeingRed wrote:I think that falls into the category of "problems we'd like to have". The question is, if things continue this way, will the Zune even be AROUND in 2 or 3 years? I doubt MS will be willing to sell the devices at a loss for that long, though I may be wrong (does Ballmer really want a piece of the iPod market that much?).
Fair enough, but I'm betting that the Zune will become a legitimate competitor for the iPod within the next few years.As for the Zune being a competitor to Apple, considering the advances that Apple has made in the iPod line recently, against the amount of time and hype that was directed towards the development and launch of the Zune, you'll forgive me if I along with many others choose to take MS' claims with a few grains of salt.
And what advances has Apple made in the iPod line, recently?