Congratulations. Kubuntu is a great system (though if I were you I'd also download Ubuntu and Xubuntu, as it can be pleasant to occasionally change GUIs, oh also, full disclosure, Kubuntu is one of two FOSS projects that I'm involved with). A lot of people are really terrified of the process of installing linux, and of hardware not being detected properly, and while the latter remains a risk, Linux installation is getting easier and easier, and hardware detection is improving. I think that in 2007, were going to see a snowball effect in which many of the remaining desktop annoyances are dealt with.Well, I've joined the legions of casual Linux users. I'm too much of a n00bish pussy to make the switch completely, so until I can get my wireless going, I'm dualbooting XP Pro and Kubuntu Edgy Eft.
I'm surprised I managed to do this without something breaking catastrophically. This morning I barely knew partitioning and formatting were two different things...
Pleasant surprise: while Kubunu didn't autoconfigure my printer, it did properly identify it and installing the drivers was a matter of clicking through three screens.
EDIT: I also wanted to say there is nothing n00bish about continuing to use XP, since XP does have a vastly superior library of commercial apps compared to any other operating system. I would argue that it would be dumb not to, in fact.