Oppomari Tower
Formal welcoming of Queen Kara
The shuttles jointed wings fold as it alights on the tower landing pad, engines cutting with a diminishing whine as the ships pure silver form settles on its struts.
“Good?” “Yes Queen” Kara smiles and taking one moment to tuck an errant lock of black hair into the silver tiara of office drops down from the hatchway, the lustrous sky blue cloak flowing behind her, trailing in the air, silver and gold discs along the hem flashing and glittering in the light. As the queen lands lightly on the pad the other four felines within the ship are quick to follow. Her honour guard moving ahead but themselves outrun by her aide, who heads down into the main hall and composes herself, facing the assembled guests and delegates “Frrom the Jewel of Marass, acrross space she has come to ourr distant frriends, Queen Kara the Thirrd of house Chamara.” All the while the aide was saying this the queen was making her rather swift way down the staircase, by the time she’s finished Kara is right behind her and with a small smile touches her on the shoulder. The aide slipping to the side as the Queen of the Chamaran kingdom’s eyes glide across those assembled, looking for the official greeting gang.
A queen has up to four bodyguards, the heads of the greater and lesser houses have lower limits. Due to the political intrigue and assassination attempts inherent in the noble houses of Marass it is considered a slight to try and remove this escort or reduce it as by tradition it will perhaps be seen as an attempt to make it easier to assassinate the queen or noble. The person being guarded can of course choose the size of her retinue, the less she has guarding her the more it shows she trusts her hosts, no escort means the host is trusted as much as family/her own house.
STGOD: North Galactic Treaty Organisation
Moderator: Thanas
- Darkevilme
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- Starglider
- Miles Dyson
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- Joined: 2007-04-05 09:44pm
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NGTO Council Chambers
Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System
"On behalf of all Kiroter'nah I would like to welcome Her Majesty Queen Kara to the NGTO advisory council. The presence of the Chamaran head of state is a ringing endorsement of the value of this alliance. It is our hope that others will follow in the future, and indeed our own Chancellor has announced his intention to visit as soon as circumstances permitt."
Out of the corner of her eye Avee'kamee saw Kononaa'iit's muzzle creasing in a slight smile. There had not been a Kiroter'nah 'chancellor' until yesterday - there was neither the desire nor the time to explain the finer intricacies of Kiroter'nah politics to the Xenos, so the director of Xeno Relations had been giving a suitably impressive title and pressed into the role. The UISC security forces were already scrambling to step up security around the Chamaran queen - Avee wondered if they would be at all reassured to hear that the Kiroter'nah 'head of state' was nothing of the sort.
"As you all know a vast fleet of large spacegoing creatures recently appeared in the Sol system. We can confirm that they were all slaughtered by Earth forces after they began mining the system's first planet. While of course we recognise the Terran's right to defend themselves, we have to ask, was there no alternative to an outright slaughter? What drew these creatures to Sol space in the first place, bypassing so many outer systems? In addition to the mysterious creatures, there is the horrific incidents taking place in Africa. The NGTO has not taken an official position on this to date, as it is not our policy to intefere in the internal affairs of member states, though we of course fully support the TGA in their struggle to defeat the terrorists and mercenaries attacking their territory. However with the recent devestating antimatter blast, which involved Polish and Straltoc warships, we must now re-examine the situation."
"The most pressing item on the agenda however is the Herald declaration of unconditional war on the NGTO powers. I would remind you that two months ago the Heralds destroyed numerous Nephilim installations, without provokation, then attempted to murder everyone in this city. Only swift and brave Chamaran actions prevented them from succeeding in the later goal. The NGTO showed remarkable restraint in dealing with that provokation, merely reinforcing our defences to prevent the Heralds from inflicting more grevious damage on our Nephilim allies."
"Though they initially denied responsibility, the Heralds have finally abandoned their attempts at deceit and revealed their true colours as genocidal beserkers. You have all heard their declaration; they intend to slaughter every last sapient in NGTO space, singling the Kiroter'nah in particular out for special attention, though we do not know what twisted logic led to this declaration. We must now decide on our response to this declaration."
"Finally my colleague, who has recently returned from Stellar Dominion space, would like to introduce new guests to these proceedings."
Avee'kamee stepped back, making three ultrasonic clicks as a signal for Kononaa'iit to proceed onto the platform. not entirely dignified but still it is so good to see him back
Kononaa'iit jumped lightly off the bench he had been perching on and walked onto the dias. As he did so two avian creatures rose up and followed him onto the stage - they closely resembled earth herons, but were over twice as large. One possessed gleaming golden feathers while the other was covered in mixed blue and white plumage. Behind the bird-like aliens followed two humans, both with Arabic features and wearing long blue robes.
"Thank you Avee'kamee. It has been my pleasure to lead an Overflock emissary to the Dominion, a sovereign union of three species located near TGA space. My whole team was greatly impressed by their wisdom, hospitality and concern for the welfare and freedom of all sapient life. I believe their share our most cherished ideals, and I would like to present them as official observers to this council."
Kononaa'iit turned to the Dominion representatives, cocking his head in what a human would interpret as a quizical expression. He backed off, holding his wings off his back and low to the ground, while the golden birdlike alien paced up to the podium.
Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System
"On behalf of all Kiroter'nah I would like to welcome Her Majesty Queen Kara to the NGTO advisory council. The presence of the Chamaran head of state is a ringing endorsement of the value of this alliance. It is our hope that others will follow in the future, and indeed our own Chancellor has announced his intention to visit as soon as circumstances permitt."
Out of the corner of her eye Avee'kamee saw Kononaa'iit's muzzle creasing in a slight smile. There had not been a Kiroter'nah 'chancellor' until yesterday - there was neither the desire nor the time to explain the finer intricacies of Kiroter'nah politics to the Xenos, so the director of Xeno Relations had been giving a suitably impressive title and pressed into the role. The UISC security forces were already scrambling to step up security around the Chamaran queen - Avee wondered if they would be at all reassured to hear that the Kiroter'nah 'head of state' was nothing of the sort.
"As you all know a vast fleet of large spacegoing creatures recently appeared in the Sol system. We can confirm that they were all slaughtered by Earth forces after they began mining the system's first planet. While of course we recognise the Terran's right to defend themselves, we have to ask, was there no alternative to an outright slaughter? What drew these creatures to Sol space in the first place, bypassing so many outer systems? In addition to the mysterious creatures, there is the horrific incidents taking place in Africa. The NGTO has not taken an official position on this to date, as it is not our policy to intefere in the internal affairs of member states, though we of course fully support the TGA in their struggle to defeat the terrorists and mercenaries attacking their territory. However with the recent devestating antimatter blast, which involved Polish and Straltoc warships, we must now re-examine the situation."
"The most pressing item on the agenda however is the Herald declaration of unconditional war on the NGTO powers. I would remind you that two months ago the Heralds destroyed numerous Nephilim installations, without provokation, then attempted to murder everyone in this city. Only swift and brave Chamaran actions prevented them from succeeding in the later goal. The NGTO showed remarkable restraint in dealing with that provokation, merely reinforcing our defences to prevent the Heralds from inflicting more grevious damage on our Nephilim allies."
"Though they initially denied responsibility, the Heralds have finally abandoned their attempts at deceit and revealed their true colours as genocidal beserkers. You have all heard their declaration; they intend to slaughter every last sapient in NGTO space, singling the Kiroter'nah in particular out for special attention, though we do not know what twisted logic led to this declaration. We must now decide on our response to this declaration."
"Finally my colleague, who has recently returned from Stellar Dominion space, would like to introduce new guests to these proceedings."
Avee'kamee stepped back, making three ultrasonic clicks as a signal for Kononaa'iit to proceed onto the platform. not entirely dignified but still it is so good to see him back
Kononaa'iit jumped lightly off the bench he had been perching on and walked onto the dias. As he did so two avian creatures rose up and followed him onto the stage - they closely resembled earth herons, but were over twice as large. One possessed gleaming golden feathers while the other was covered in mixed blue and white plumage. Behind the bird-like aliens followed two humans, both with Arabic features and wearing long blue robes.
"Thank you Avee'kamee. It has been my pleasure to lead an Overflock emissary to the Dominion, a sovereign union of three species located near TGA space. My whole team was greatly impressed by their wisdom, hospitality and concern for the welfare and freedom of all sapient life. I believe their share our most cherished ideals, and I would like to present them as official observers to this council."
Kononaa'iit turned to the Dominion representatives, cocking his head in what a human would interpret as a quizical expression. He backed off, holding his wings off his back and low to the ground, while the golden birdlike alien paced up to the podium.
Last edited by Starglider on 2007-08-16 06:59pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Golden heron-like representative moved to the front of the Dominion's delegation. "The Dominion is honored to be allowed to observe the deliberations of the nations of the North Galactic Treaty Organization. As Avee'kamee mentioned, we are a union of three species that banded together in order to survive the collapse of the Terran Empire.. We'll spare the grand history of the Dominion, needless to say we manged to survive and regain contact with Terra." The Diplomat gestured towards one of the Human Representatives as he spoke of Terra. "Unfortunately the third Species of our Dominion, the Ilwrath, chose not send a representative as they felt it was unnecessarily redundant."
"During their visit to our space the Kiroter'nah told us much of the NGTO, while in the past we've been inclined to stick to ourselves and remain out of the affairs of other. Recent events, such as the insanity from the heralds, are making it clear that such a policy will eventually put us in an unpleasant position in the future. While the Stellar Dominion doesn't cover as large an area of space as our neighbors in the NGTO do, this doesn't mean we lack the means or resources to to assist our neighbors. We hereby take this opportunity to officially offer our support to the nations of the North Galactic Treaty organization." The Dominion Representative, having finished his speech, moved back with the rest of the Dominion Delegation.
"During their visit to our space the Kiroter'nah told us much of the NGTO, while in the past we've been inclined to stick to ourselves and remain out of the affairs of other. Recent events, such as the insanity from the heralds, are making it clear that such a policy will eventually put us in an unpleasant position in the future. While the Stellar Dominion doesn't cover as large an area of space as our neighbors in the NGTO do, this doesn't mean we lack the means or resources to to assist our neighbors. We hereby take this opportunity to officially offer our support to the nations of the North Galactic Treaty organization." The Dominion Representative, having finished his speech, moved back with the rest of the Dominion Delegation.
"Lets attack aggressively" -Contra 3 Alien Wars
GOD HATES ATHEISTS WITH ALL HIS LOVE! -True christan church of christ on Atheists
GOD HATES ATHEISTS WITH ALL HIS LOVE! -True christan church of christ on Atheists
- Redleader34
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There would be a message sent through the hyperstream, the FTL signal reaching the NGTO Command Center. It would be a Co-Olective Leader, Unimatrix-1, the chief brain of the Collective. The Message was encoded diplomatic Priority 1. “NGTO Members, This is the Trans Genetic Co-Operative Alliance. We are responding in reference to the call for a Galactic Meeting. Our Grand Leader, the Uche, is heading to meet you himself. He will arriving in two Earth Weeks. Thank you. Crystal’s own personal shuttle had arrived, and she personally relayed the message to the NGTO, while in TGA Space, the Mothership and the STMC ship made the jump to Warp Factor 9x. They would arrive in a week and a half, the STMC ship getting a small boost due the the Motherships massive drives
The Uche’s Ship, and the captured STMC vessel would travel, the two ships’s Warp Drives working quite well, as they reached the Telos System. They would stop, in orbit of the planet Jotun, and the Uche would look down, saying “Crew, we are making a formal first contact with powerful allies. I advise you do not mess things up…” The bridge crew laughed, Dan and the rest knowing the Uche’s odd sense of humor, as they all went down to the shuttle bay to start meeting and greeting leaders.
The Uche would walk into the hall, in the middle of the Dominion’s speech, the Uche looking at them carefully. These were his galactic next door neighbors, so to say, and he didn’t want to ruffle any feathers, so to say a bad pun. HE then walked, and waited as he looked at the leader of the other members./ He knew of the Kiroter'nah, and he had seem popular export television staring the Chamaran, but watching an actual female, in fact the queen of the entire species was an exhilarating experience. He waited, as Crystal started her speech after the Dominion finished his
Presenting, "President of the Council of the Co-Operative Trans Genetic Alliance, The Uche!” Crystal’s voice rung loud and clear as the taller, dark skinned man would enter, and make a simple Speech. “People of the NGTO, I come here in times that are not good for the Galaxy. An Empire Exists, and it is threatening all life, regardless of race, processing speed, or DNA. They call themselves the Heralds of the Xylx, and they have declared open war on us. I say, We will not just lie down, when they have threatened one of our core races! I have more sad news, as my Stellar Nation is bogged down in a revolt, by intolerant Separatists. I come here, with a mind of hope, but acknowledging that my internal situation is not in the greatest of shape. We will, however, triumph over these many obstacles, and form our own way in Known space. Thank you for listening” The Uche walked away, waiting to formally meet the other countries representatives.
The Uche’s Ship, and the captured STMC vessel would travel, the two ships’s Warp Drives working quite well, as they reached the Telos System. They would stop, in orbit of the planet Jotun, and the Uche would look down, saying “Crew, we are making a formal first contact with powerful allies. I advise you do not mess things up…” The bridge crew laughed, Dan and the rest knowing the Uche’s odd sense of humor, as they all went down to the shuttle bay to start meeting and greeting leaders.
The Uche would walk into the hall, in the middle of the Dominion’s speech, the Uche looking at them carefully. These were his galactic next door neighbors, so to say, and he didn’t want to ruffle any feathers, so to say a bad pun. HE then walked, and waited as he looked at the leader of the other members./ He knew of the Kiroter'nah, and he had seem popular export television staring the Chamaran, but watching an actual female, in fact the queen of the entire species was an exhilarating experience. He waited, as Crystal started her speech after the Dominion finished his
Presenting, "President of the Council of the Co-Operative Trans Genetic Alliance, The Uche!” Crystal’s voice rung loud and clear as the taller, dark skinned man would enter, and make a simple Speech. “People of the NGTO, I come here in times that are not good for the Galaxy. An Empire Exists, and it is threatening all life, regardless of race, processing speed, or DNA. They call themselves the Heralds of the Xylx, and they have declared open war on us. I say, We will not just lie down, when they have threatened one of our core races! I have more sad news, as my Stellar Nation is bogged down in a revolt, by intolerant Separatists. I come here, with a mind of hope, but acknowledging that my internal situation is not in the greatest of shape. We will, however, triumph over these many obstacles, and form our own way in Known space. Thank you for listening” The Uche walked away, waiting to formally meet the other countries representatives.
Dan's Art
Bounty on SDN's most annoying
"A spambot, a spambot who can't spell, a spambot who can't spell or spam properly and a spambot with tenure. Tough"choice."

Bounty on SDN's most annoying
"A spambot, a spambot who can't spell, a spambot who can't spell or spam properly and a spambot with tenure. Tough"choice."

Immediately after the envoy emerged spectrally from hyperspace, the message, already taken care of by the Archon's brusque but efficient manner, was sent. "I am Archon Orgos, of the Golden Sky Combine. We have returned. Please send us proper landing coordinates, so my escort may return back to our space."
- Darkevilme
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 1514
- Joined: 2007-06-12 02:27pm
- Location: London, england
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NGTO Council Chambers
Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System
((bundled responses to all that’s gone on))
Kara smiles, giving a small nod to Avee'kamee, tis not the forum for a personal greeting “I grraciously accept this welcome, my presence is a message not just to those assembled or the galaxy but to my own people that I believe this alliance vital to the wellbeing of my kingdom, as indeed I believe it vital to those of all of us assembled herre.”
Her gaze passes to the two avian emissaries of the stellar dominion “Let me be the first to welcome you on behalf of all the Chamarans to this gatherring of species, in these incrreasingly trroubled times your offerr to stand by ourr side warrms us.” She looks then to the group as a whole, taking a slight notice “These trroubling times when strange space monsterrs of unknown orrigin and intent enterr civilized space at will. Wherre this human led coalition of nations most damning and most unanimous act is to prrotect genocidal and insane robot zealots shadowbent on ourr annihilation.”
Kara steps back and out of the focus of attention to confer with her aide “We may not be able to afforrd the TGA having a prrotrracted and damaging civil warr with trrouble gatherring. Go and arrange a meeting with this Uche, I’m sure Chamarran assistance would speed the death of these seperratists.”</i> Her aide nods and slips into the shadows to go make the necessary arrrangements.
((*assumes most of the actual decisions will occur from the private meetings*))
Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System
((bundled responses to all that’s gone on))
Kara smiles, giving a small nod to Avee'kamee, tis not the forum for a personal greeting “I grraciously accept this welcome, my presence is a message not just to those assembled or the galaxy but to my own people that I believe this alliance vital to the wellbeing of my kingdom, as indeed I believe it vital to those of all of us assembled herre.”
Her gaze passes to the two avian emissaries of the stellar dominion “Let me be the first to welcome you on behalf of all the Chamarans to this gatherring of species, in these incrreasingly trroubled times your offerr to stand by ourr side warrms us.” She looks then to the group as a whole, taking a slight notice “These trroubling times when strange space monsterrs of unknown orrigin and intent enterr civilized space at will. Wherre this human led coalition of nations most damning and most unanimous act is to prrotect genocidal and insane robot zealots shadowbent on ourr annihilation.”
Kara steps back and out of the focus of attention to confer with her aide “We may not be able to afforrd the TGA having a prrotrracted and damaging civil warr with trrouble gatherring. Go and arrange a meeting with this Uche, I’m sure Chamarran assistance would speed the death of these seperratists.”</i> Her aide nods and slips into the shadows to go make the necessary arrrangements.
((*assumes most of the actual decisions will occur from the private meetings*))
- Crossroads Inc.
- Emperor's Hand
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- Location: Defending Sparkeling Bishonen
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[NGTO Council Chambers
Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System
High above the large expansive tower, an Armored shuttle was slowly being escorted down to Jahlins surface.
Bellow the tower bustled once again with activity. Old members had returned to announce their ambitions; new members were arriving and pledging loyalties. Information was being exchanged, and important news was being divulged. Into all of this landed an unexpected Individual.
"THE President? Of the UISC, here? Why would he come here?" Spoke a Security officer as he rushed to get a security detail to the Presidents landing pad.
"I don't know, I didn't even know about it till his shuttle popped out of Hyperspace about ten minutes ago." another spoke as they rushed out to meet The President. The whole time the Qwintoni officer grumbled to himself RUDI will not be happy with this
Soon after, President Jonathon Andrews strode out into the large Main chambers of the NGTO Meeting hall flanked by honor guards.

“On behalf of the Peoples of the UISC I come before you to welcome you once more to our world. I come in person now to show that we leaders of our nations should not be afraid even in the face on an oncoming storm. Around us, us many of you know, the sinister forces of “The Harold’s of Xylx seem bent upon open and direct war against us.
Their motives seem fanatical in nature and as more than one of you have stated, their danger to us seems immediate and dangerously present.
Yet let us not inflate these Zealots more than they deserve! This force is but a singe threat in a sea of Chaos that surrounds us!
The events at Sol recently involving unknown Space based life forms are by now something that many of you also are cautious of. These “Space Monsters” were dealt with, some would say easily, but only by a quick mass of combined forces from the Sol powers.
We have no knowledge of how many still lurk in the depths of space, and weather once more they could strike without warning!
Good gentle beings. In the face of the Unknown, it is all the more welcome that so many of you have returned to this council hall. We must strive to work to understand and learn all we can of our would be enemies, yet, not act out of haste or fear. Together we are strong, but only as long as we remain Together.”
The Spacer finished before promptly stepping down, letting the other UISC Delegates in the booth step back into place.
Opomari Tower, Jahlin Colony, Telos System
High above the large expansive tower, an Armored shuttle was slowly being escorted down to Jahlins surface.
Bellow the tower bustled once again with activity. Old members had returned to announce their ambitions; new members were arriving and pledging loyalties. Information was being exchanged, and important news was being divulged. Into all of this landed an unexpected Individual.
"THE President? Of the UISC, here? Why would he come here?" Spoke a Security officer as he rushed to get a security detail to the Presidents landing pad.
"I don't know, I didn't even know about it till his shuttle popped out of Hyperspace about ten minutes ago." another spoke as they rushed out to meet The President. The whole time the Qwintoni officer grumbled to himself RUDI will not be happy with this
Soon after, President Jonathon Andrews strode out into the large Main chambers of the NGTO Meeting hall flanked by honor guards.

“On behalf of the Peoples of the UISC I come before you to welcome you once more to our world. I come in person now to show that we leaders of our nations should not be afraid even in the face on an oncoming storm. Around us, us many of you know, the sinister forces of “The Harold’s of Xylx seem bent upon open and direct war against us.
Their motives seem fanatical in nature and as more than one of you have stated, their danger to us seems immediate and dangerously present.
Yet let us not inflate these Zealots more than they deserve! This force is but a singe threat in a sea of Chaos that surrounds us!
The events at Sol recently involving unknown Space based life forms are by now something that many of you also are cautious of. These “Space Monsters” were dealt with, some would say easily, but only by a quick mass of combined forces from the Sol powers.
We have no knowledge of how many still lurk in the depths of space, and weather once more they could strike without warning!
Good gentle beings. In the face of the Unknown, it is all the more welcome that so many of you have returned to this council hall. We must strive to work to understand and learn all we can of our would be enemies, yet, not act out of haste or fear. Together we are strong, but only as long as we remain Together.”
The Spacer finished before promptly stepping down, letting the other UISC Delegates in the booth step back into place.
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan
Read "Tales From The Crossroads"!
Read "One Wrong Turn"!
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan
Read "Tales From The Crossroads"!
Read "One Wrong Turn"!