Sarevok wrote:Pirated Xbox discs have flooded markets in many places where laws are not strict.
Which is why it's a problem of similar magnitude as piracy on PC, right?

PROTIP - the markets for consoles and PCs MAY be a tiny bit different and console owners may pirate less ANYWAY due to a lack of interest or technical knowledge even if it was as easy as pirating on PC (which it isn't by a long shot). But who cares, because in CHINA everyone pirates console games and that's RELEVANT!
Talking about the old pre-internet pre-torrent pre-'I download any game I want the day of release in a few hours' and using that as an example of how DRM is horrible draconian stuff is just retarded. Yes, it doesn't work. Yes, it annoys some people (primarily nerds). Guess what? Developers are still out to make money, and when Starforce shows them a powerpoint about all the 'millions' of 'lost sales' and how they can 'help', they are often convinced. Back in the code wheel days, people ALREADY had disk boxes full of pirate software, because it DIDN'T WORK, and it's only become EASIER to steal software. You're not going to talk developers out of absurd and useless DRM-driven attempts to secure 'lost sales' by pining back to the Golden Age of schoolyard piracy.
The hilarious idea that cut-down multiplayer installs/disks is relevant makes me giggle. Even Sacred2 with it's retarded DRM of Fuck You lets people use the install as a demo and have a pair of valid full installs simultaneously. That's not the issue; the issue is how much it annoys people and how often the systems simply break and don't work.