Lord Revan wrote:
well Hunters is probably the only class which you can play from level 1 to level 80 almost without ever being in a group or having to learn how to do that, that's why a wast majority of hunters have little idea how to play their class and also why it attracts the "lazy egoist" types, effectly ruining the reputation of the whole class, that said I've met some really good hunters too, who know how to a)truly play their class b)play in a team.
It's amusing that hunter/ranger classes share so many similarities across most MMORPGs. It's exactly the same with hunters in Lord of the Rings Online and rangers in Age of Conan.
Speaking of which, I did an instance run in AoC last weekend with one of those ranger types. Sadly, we started with a guardian who didn't exactly know how tanking worked either, he was unable to get two ranger mobs into meele even if they were standing pretty close to each other, so even two healers weren't enough to make him stay alive (ranger mobs do insane damage when they're allowed to use their bows). So most of the time when the first mob went down, so did our tank, so we had to do a dps race on the second mob and then resurrect 4/6 of our group.
All of that wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the stupid ranger. He pulled every mob and then ran away, forcing the tank and me to run after him. I'm leveling a bear shaman right now, it's a priest class doing meele combat, and I have to stand right next to the tank to heal him. So we're spending most of the time running after the ranger who wouldn't stop running even after we told him so multiple times. This was the first time ever I told someone that I wouldn't heal him any longer if he kept on doing what he did (sadly, healing in AoC is automatically group wide or a cone heal targeting everyone in front of your char, so you can't really choose who not to heal ).
Ok, this is from a Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance game this weekend:
A 2vs2 on Seraphim Glacier (a 20x20 km island map). Seraphim & UEF (opponents) vs Cybrans (me) and Aeon (Ally).
We manage to snatch the additional resource spots (its a 6 player map), giving us a huge resource advantage.
I concentrate on air power, my ally on marine units. He manages to clear out the sea, destroying every ship and ship factory of our enemys. Normally, this is an huge advantage, because it prevents the enemy from building any ships at all (every sea factory can be destroyed instantly).
The enemy team concentrates on air power, but i manage to build enough ASFs and FBs to keep their airforce out of our airspace (including the ocean).
Now it try to keep that up, waiting for my ally to build some bombarment ships (the Aeon T3 bombardment ship is the best ingame).
After a couple of minutes, pumping every resource i have into increasing my fighter production (using aircraft carriers) i look at my allies sea factories - and he is ONLY building t2 submarines.
Those are GREAT to conquer the sea, especially if the opponent has a lot of air (only dedicated torpedoe bombers can hurt subs), but we already controll the sea. And he has like 90 subs, more than enough to maintain controll.
So i tell him to stop building subs and build some surface ships (you know, to deal some actual damage to the enemy), at least some AA cruisers to help me keeping the enemy at bay.
But he starts arguing that "we need to rule the waves" (with those exact words) to win.
I tell him that this is absolutly useless if we can not inflict any damage to the enemy, and that his subs are doing nothing but sitting around.
He chooses to ignore me and builds more subs.
I try to keep the enemy at bay, SOMEHOW building enough ASFs.
10 minutes later (now having ~200 subs), he says "ok, now we have enough subs, i will build some land units now" (Aeon have NO strong T3 amphibious unit, unlike every other faction. He could have built Cybran T3 units (naturally, i gave him a couple of my engineers) but for some reason he built weak T2 units).
After 5 more minutes, he attacks the enemy with an overwhelming force of ~100 land units - or not, because he gets his ass kicked by T3 gunships (which i can not shoot down, because they are over heavily AA screened enemy bases).
After this, he starts to build some Galactical Colossi (experimental superheavy amphibious units) - and STILL refuses to build any kind of surface ship, which could bombard the enemy base without fearing any air threat or other retaliation.
Before finishing his project, the enemy beats my ASF horde and brings in ~50 torpedo bombers who sink all his subs.
Additionally, i loose half of my aircraft carriers, crippling my production. Luckily, we have enough AA at our outlying resource bases to keep the attackers at bay, keeping the resources.
Of course, this does not matter, because or enemy use their airforce to attack our main bases, destroying even more production facilites and most of our power generators.
Now, the REALLY stupid moment: My ally walks his commander into the water, out of our AA cover, to build more ship facilities - and gets annihilated by torpedo bombers. Of course, he is too retarded to give his units to me before he explodes, wasting all his facilities and units.
Luckily, the enemy lost most of his airforce during those assaults and wastes his time trying to capture the outlying resource bases. Being heavily outnumbered, i count on a risky plan and send in my upgraded commander (invisible to most sensors and heavily armed). I actually manage to kill one enemy commander AND keep my commander alive (with ~100 hp), loosing all my fighers to cover him from torpedo bombers.
2 minutes later, my base gets annilated by a seraphim super nuke. GAME OVER.
Had my ally build a SINGLE bombardment ship, we would have won this battle.
But he totally failed to understand that controll of the sea is no value itself (having neither resources nor build space), despite my explanation.
SoS:NBAGALE Force "Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
"In 1969 it was easier to send a man to the Moon than to have the public accept a homosexual" - Broomstick Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy (Worm/Exalted)