This idea came to me recently, since I was never particularly thrilled by the multiplayer experience in Ace Combat 6. Basically, the biggest problem for me was that you mostly fought random dogfights; there were other modes but nobody really played them.
The idea, then, is to have a good old fashioned war, with bombers and fighters trying to accomplish missions. There would be two teams - roughly Nato vs. the Warsaw Pact - and one team would try and defend its territory, while the other would be trying to attack it. Part of the big deal is that the attacking team gets and flies bombers along with their escorting fighters.
The next two salient points are aircraft choice and team organization. The teams would be split up into groups of four, and each group - to be referred to henceforth as a "squadron" - would have to agree on an aircraft to fly.
Aircraft choice, then, would be fairly limited, so as to cut down on wasteful arguing over someone's favorite plane which isn't someone else's favorite plane.
There would be three categories of bombers, and four or five of fighters. I'm thinking it would work out somewhat as follows:
Category C Bombers: the older and slower planes, but are tough, can carry large payloads, and have a defensive gun. These would be the B-52 and Tu-95.
Category B Bombers: these are much faster, but have smaller payloads than the CatC bombers. These would be the B-1 Lancer and the Tu-22M Backfire.
Category A Bombers: the most advanced planes the opposing nations possess, these are limited in number. These would be the B-2 and Tu-160.
Then you'd have your fighters. I'm having trouble figuring out a proper way to divide them up, but I'm thinking I'd want about five different types, with four gradations from old (like the MiG-21) to the cutting edge (like the F-22), with a five type, the Interceptor (the F-106 and MiG-25) that are crap in a dogfight but can cut bombers from the sky with ease.
One other aspect I'm working on is a good way to have people fly something other than the F-22 and Su-37 all the time; I don't quite like the idea of limiting the number of planes of each type, because then it'll just piss off everyone who wasn't fast enough with their squadron to get the F-22. I do sort of like maybe giving bonus points, either for selecting weaker planes, or perhaps having the server keep track of how many times each plane has been flown, and giving bonus points for flying underused planes. The latter is personally my favorite so far, but it might go too far in raising the complexity of the game.
The game would play thusly: each team has, say, two airbases and the defender has some other random strategic targets in their airspace; the intervening ground is rather arbitrary and can just be open water for simplicity. The attackers then have to get their bombers through the defenders' air defence and bomb or cruise missile the strategic targets into oblivion. I'm still wrestling with the idea of having fighters carry air to surface weapons, in order to make sure the bombers play the biggest role in the game. I think, however, that in true Ace Combat style, the bombers would still have the same standard missiles everyone's always had in AC. Bomber pilots would be able to choose from two main weapons, bombs or cruise missiles. Category C bombers would have an advantage in bombs, while B bombers would have an advantage in cruise missiles. Both would be able to carry either weapon, however. I'm still not sure what to do with the Category A bombers, just that they'll be special.
Other ideas were for a "head-to-head" mode where both sides have bombers and strategic targets to defend, and the possible inclusion of player-flown tankers and AWACS.
Thoughts? Comments? What is good, and what could be improved? Am I a delusional madman?
Idea for an Ace Combat multiplayer game
Moderator: Thanas
- Scottish Ninja
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Idea for an Ace Combat multiplayer game

"If the capsule explodes, heroes of the Zenobian Onion will still rain upon us. Literally!" - Shroom
Cosmonaut Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov (deceased, rain), Cosmonaut Petr Petrovich Petrov, Unnamed MASA Engineer, and Unnamed Zenobian Engineerski in Let's play: BARIS
Captain, MFS Robber Baron, PRFYNAFBTFC - "Absolute Corruption Powers Absolutely"
Re: Idea for an Ace Combat multiplayer game
All you need is a mode something like Battlestations: Midway, with players controlling a spawn point each (airfield or carrier), and objective based scenarios. You could control the range of planes/weapons available based on the scenario, and the objective based structure would mean that players had to do more than just bunch up for a big fight.
And no QAAMs either, because QAAM spam is less than fun.
And no QAAMs either, because QAAM spam is less than fun.
Re: Idea for an Ace Combat multiplayer game
How about ADMM?Vendetta wrote: And no QAAMs either, because QAAM spam is less than fun.
Imagine a player operated B-52 armed with ADMM going up against everybody else!

Re: Idea for an Ace Combat multiplayer game
Sounds like MP Arena mode from Over-G Fighters.Scottish Ninja wrote:The game would play thusly: each team has, say, two airbases and the defender has some other random strategic targets in their airspace; the intervening ground is rather arbitrary and can just be open water for simplicity. The attackers then have to get their bombers through the defenders' air defence and bomb or cruise missile the strategic targets into oblivion. I'm still wrestling with the idea of having fighters carry air to surface weapons, in order to make sure the bombers play the biggest role in the game. I think, however, that in true Ace Combat style, the bombers would still have the same standard missiles everyone's always had in AC. Bomber pilots would be able to choose from two main weapons, bombs or cruise missiles. Category C bombers would have an advantage in bombs, while B bombers would have an advantage in cruise missiles. Both would be able to carry either weapon, however. I'm still not sure what to do with the Category A bombers, just that they'll be special.
Four teams (red, green, yellow and blue), each with an air base consisting of an AA gun, two AA missile launchers and a "Symbol Tower" (the target to destroy) plus a carrier group of one carrier and three escorts. Each team has two player controlled planes and a few AI, so you can make it a cooperative game by having two human players on one team and all the others as AI. In the middle of the map is a neutral air base anyone can land on, but you can't auto land there.
Naw, needs to be an Aigaion with all the tubes loaded with ADMM.FedRebel wrote:How about ADMM?
Imagine a player operated B-52 armed with ADMM going up against everybody else!