Melchior wrote:As the other, better, player said before me, you can do BH in leveling gear and reputation blues; I know that because I did it and I'm not that exceptional.
I could probably do it in 333s because I know my cooldowns, but that's because it's on the DPS to average around 10k to beat the enrage, while not getting themselves killed at 66% and 33%.
Are you in charge of the raids? Have you run into an issue with your top DPS who can pull 17k when his pet isn't attacking an immune add and he's busy running into a wall during a boss fight because he "smoked some fucked up shit?" (guy called me a mediocre tank afterward. I almost passed out laughing). Do you rely on a DK to interrupt Shock Blasts, only to die because they routinely fail in that goal? Do you constantly have to remind people to switch adds during the boss fights when you should be more worried about managing your cooldowns so you don't die?
Lord Walden Heroic is a great fight in this regard. It really gives me insight on how little players keep track of what's going on during a fight. Unless the patch is already implemented, it's possible to take next to no damage during this fight. A tank can self-heal through it with little difficulty. But damned if the 3-4 times I've run it my entire team hasn't died and run back in (sometimes more than once) while I just continued spamming RED LIGHT/GREEN LIGHT.
Like I said: DPS is fucking easy mode which is why I've taken a break for the past three days just rolling people in BGs with my rogue.
EDIT: To be honest we only did failbosses in the first week besides BH (omnitron, halfus, magmaw, maybe conclave but I don't remember), nothing competitive, but still.
Being part of an established raiding guild has huge bonuses in the coordination department. News at 11.
I find funny that you talk about "average wow players thinking that the game is hard" while touting 7/12 ICC as a relevant achievement (hint: nothing in ICC normal modes was really hard except LK while undergeared, even with no buff to carry you).
I touted what? Where exactly? There's a reason some people could 5 man (or less) Nax even before cata. It isn't that ICC is terribly hard, it's that Nax couldn't even be called easy. It's "Don't be a dumbass and you'll roll through the whole thing in no time."
You can carry anyone to 6/12 with decent tanks and healers. Putricide is where that ends as you will not make it past (or usually even to) phase 3 if the DPS doesn't have their shit together and pull 5k (without the instance buff). Putricide isn't even that hard, but asking for a GS or checking someone's armory is usually a pretty good indication of if they can pull their weight. It also requires a semblance of DPS coordination, unlike the previous bosses which are almost all on the tanks. I wouldn't pug it (even with KSs) to save my life.
And saying "ICC isn't hard" when you claim to be in a top 50 raiding guild doesn't impress me. If I had 9 other guys/girls I could count on the have their shit together at all times, I'd be in the same boat.