Um, yes, excuse me there, I seem to have gone a little, umm. Well, never mind.
What I now have is a treasure generator that you put in the amount of money total you want, and then it randomly determines what the treasure is made up of, using weighted probabilities for different items as befits the world and the kind of treasure source (hoard, cache, noble estate, the Lord's treasury, a house, someone's pocket, etc.
For instance, a 2000p (note - the "dollar" of my world is the silver penny. All values are listed in pence) cache may look like this
While some poor peasant you mugged (god only knows why. Everyone knows peasant's don't have anything worth stealing. That's why they're peasants!Jewellery
1 Scarab, made of Gold. worth 170.65p; Quality 75%; 0.12cn.
1 Brooch, made of Silver. worth 167.17p; Quality 50%; 3.48cn.
1 Bracelet, made of Silver. worth 121.9p; Quality 75%; 2.18cn.
1 Belt, made of Bronze, Hair. worth 91.42p; Quality 250%; 73.61cn.
1 Bangle, made of Silver. worth 80.45p; Quality 250%; 0.72cn.
1 Coif, made of Platinum, Feathers, Steel Stone, Turquoise, Beads. worth 58.51p; Quality 250%; 0.43cn.
1 Pair of Bracers, made of Tin. worth 25.6p; Quality 50%; 26.66cn.
Jewellery total value 715.7p, encumbrance 107cn
Art Works
Armeenie Painting about Children; worth 44p, Quality 200%, 20cn
Dwarven Lace about Hunt; worth 190p, Quality 100%, 5cn
Armeenie Leatherwork about Bountyhunter; worth 25p, Quality 250%, 10cn
Swamper Scrimshaw about Children; worth 10p, Quality 100%, 10cn
Swamper Embroidary about Geometric/Philosophical; worth 34p, Quality 200%, 10cn
Elven Lace about Maiden; worth 8p, Quality 20%, 5cn
Art Works total value 311p, total encumbrance 60cn
Craft Goods
6 Bronze signet ring worth 10p each, total 1.8cn
1 Large china bowl worth 7.9p each, total 3.92cn
3 Quality Large china bowl worth 31.45p each, total 11.76cn
1 Quality China pitcher worth 42.38p each, total 14.75cn
Craft Goods total value 204.63p, total encumbrance 33
Magical Items
Half Mask, power Inconsequential, Temporary, origin Dwarf, focus Mental, major purpose Defense; Worth 50.5p
Power Inconsequential (1), exhausts: 15, Passive, latency: Turn, purpose Miscellaneous.
Coins and Gems
7 Bits (worth .07p, .22cn)
5 Farthings (worth .5p, 1.56cn)
2 Pennies (worth 2p, .06cn)
1 Medium Average Garnet, worth 700p, .05cn
195 Tiny Badly Flawed Moonstones, worth 15.6p, .02cn
Coins and Gems total value 718.17p, encumbrance 1.94cn
It can display in "Hardcore" format, where it shows everything (which is what you see here), "Softcore" (aka Players) format, which bunches items, glosses over, and hides values, "Appraisal" format, where is automatically does an appraisal check on everything, and puts on the price the player's think it's worth, and "Looting" format, where it is told the maximum amount of shit they can carry, and it does Looting rolls to see how well the PCs grab all the best stuff (important detail for the Dragon Hoard below...)Jewellery
1 Locket, made of Tin. worth 0.21p; Quality 10%; 0.3cn.
Jewellery total value .21p, encumbrance .3cn
Craft Goods
1 Torch worth .01p each, total 28.9cn
2 Foot of iron wire worth .02p each, total 1cn
1 Quill pens worth .02p each, total .4cn
5 Sling pellet worth .02p each, total 1.05cn
Craft Goods total value .14p, total encumbrance 31
Coins and Gems
1 Bits (worth .01p, .03cn)
Coins and Gems total value .01p, encumbrance .03cn
It can understand different regions (although it only changes the coins in use. I thought briefly about making it change all the other things, livestock, raw materials, craft items, and decided "Bugger that for a game of soldiers"), and as I've put as much as possible in the database (a standard Access database), it's relatively easy to modify!
It saves, it reloads, and it tut-tuts you if you don't give it all the information it's after.
And finally the major dragon hoard worth 1,000,000p in player's view may look something like this...
OK, I admit I only got the computer to do that to see if it could.Hundreds of pieces of peasant jewellery
Scores of pieces of middle-class jewellery
Scores of pieces of noble jewellery
Halfling Stained Glass about Love
Scores of pieces of art weighing zounds of pounds
A few Cords of Oak
A single Cord of Ash
Dozens of Medium Furs of Fox
Dozens of Medium Furs of Raccoon
Dozens of Medium Furs of Otter
A few Large Furs of Seal
A few Large Furs of TreeCat
A few Large Furs of Wolf
A few Large Pelts of White Wolf
Hundreds of Pounds of Whale Bone
A single Barrel of Wood Tar
A few Kegs of Tallow
A single Keg of Lard
Scores of Bricks of Salt
A single Slab of Beef
A single Barrel of Salted Pork
A single Barrel of Salted Fish
Dozens of Ingots of Lead
Dozens of Ingots of Iron
Dozens of Ingots of Tool Bronze
Scores of Ingots of Copper
A few Kegs of Honey
A few Kegs of Wax
A handful of Wheels of Gruyere Cheese
A single Barrel, 4 Kegs, 2 Quarts of Feta Cheese
A few Barrels of Oranges
A few Kegs of Pickled Oranges
A few Barrels of Fresh Fruit
A few Kegs of Candied Fruit
Hundreds of pounds of assorted materials
A single Two-man leather tent
A few Med. wood & leather chest
A single Small wood & leather chest
A single Med. wood & iron chest
A few Twelve-foot wooden ladder
A single Windlass
A few Rowboat
A single Water Balance
A single Church bell
A single Sitar
A single Large iron kettle
A few Woolen sheets
A single Linen bed curtains
A few Medium wooden table
A single Quality Wooden chair
A few Fine carpet
A single Quality Padlock
A handful of Brandy keg
A few Beer barrel
A single Quality Beer barrel
A few Ale barrel
A few Quality Ale barrel
A single Quality Ale barrel
A single Bitter barrel
A single Quality Vinegar barrel
Hundreds of pounds of assorted goods
Dozens of Bits
A few Farthings
Dozens of Pennies
Dozens of Shillings
Dozens of Soveriegns
A few Crowns
A few Medium Jacinths
A single Medium Sapphire
A single Medium Pearl
A single Large Ruby
A few Medium Opals
A single Large Jargoon
A few Medium Rubys
A few Medium Sapphires
Scores of Tiny Aquamarines
Dozens of Tiny Rubys
A few Very Large Jacinths
A few Large Opals
A single Medium Pearl
A few Medium Opals
A single Small Ruby
A few Very Large Sapphires
A single Large Peridot
A single Large Agate
A few Medium Sapphires
You only got saved from seeing the hardcore of the hoard by the 60000 character limit.