Last Steam sale I bought Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons. Everything I've heard says you need a controller to play it, what little I've seen of the game makes me agree with them. Problem is, I've got some difficulties using my controller. Asking on the steam forum has only got me one line replies which don't solve the problem.
My initial posts describing the problem:
I'm trying to play this game with a razer Onza. The analog sticks control the brothers movement. The shoulder buttons rotate the camera. But the left and right trigers do not perform their interact function. Using the keyboard I can confirm that the brothers are standing in the right location.
I don't even know how to check to make sure that Windows is recieving the correct input when I press the triggers, so I can't rule out a mechanical fault.
Can anyone help me ?
Someone suggested "x360ce" would help. Maybe it can work, but some of the documentation links for it are dead so I was having to guess at points. My post after trying everything I could from there:Some Googling told me about start>run>joy.cpl, so I know that the triggers are working as inputs on the Z Axis. So that rules out hardware faults.
The email I sent to the developers tech support address hasn't been answered yet.That worked. Partly.
Now the problem seems to be that the tiggers are registering as being held down when they aren't, and being released when I hold them.
In x360ce:
- When I release both triggers, the program shows both with a green light. For all other buttons, the green light shows when the button is pressed.
- When I hold the left trigger, the light for the right trigger goes out.
- Hold right trigger, light for left goes out.
- Hold both, both lights are on.
In game the triggers are behaving consistantly with green light meaning trigger pressed.
Now if I set the left trigger to HAxis 3 and the right trigger to IHAxis 3, the only problem is that pressing both triggers has the same result as pressing neither. Which is still a problem.
Playing around with the trigger settings and I can't find a configuration where I can get all 4 states (left held, right held, both held, neither held) to be recognised differently from each other. There is always at least one state which shows up as another.
I found this page which lists Brothers under hookmask required. But I don't know how to enable the hookmask.
Does anyone here have any suggestions that could help me get my controller working with Brothers ?