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Well, I eventually purchased Arkham City, and having played the opening stages of the game, thought I'd post some thoughts on it.
On the one hand, I confess that I find some of the maps a bit difficult to navigate (though that might just be me), and I find that the game alternates between holding your hand too much, not giving the player enough freedom, and not providing enough information.
I'm also not a huge fan of the heavily grungy grimdark style. And, let's face it, all the major female characters' costumes have a fair resemblance to stripper outfits (though this is true to the source material and opinions may vary on weather this is a bad thing

Also, can I just say that I find Catwoman's voice really annoying?
On the plus side, I quite like the visual style of a lot of the combat, the scope and visuals of the setting are quite grand if you get past the grungy look, and I love the shear mobility the game offers. Possibly my favourite moments thus far have simply been zipping along the rooftops of Gotham, alternating between running, gliding, and swinging on the grapple.

On that note, I can also say that the commentary I read after Batman v. Superman came out comparing its fight scenes to the Arkham games is pretty much on the ball. Though I can also feel some slight Nolan influences.
Another big plus: while part of the "Arkham" series, this game is in some aspects pretty much an adaptation of the No Man's Land premise and story. Gotham (or in this case a section of it) being cut off, surrounded by troops to keep the roving gangs of criminals in the ruined city, Two Face's court and Joker lurking in the background... it just has that feel, even if the details are often different.
Though I'm not a big comics reader, I quite enjoyed the novelization of No Man's Land, so this is a definite plus for me.
As to the story, its fine thus far, though nothing to write home about. But that might partly be because I haven't played the first game.
One last note...
Have you ever played a game and had one character you really, really hated? Well for me, its that sick fuck Zsasz. Having that creep repeatedly interrupt my missions to do his serial killer ramble over the phone and then send me off on a wild goose chase, only for me to have to backtrack across half the map... I have a feeling that one of the most satisfying moments of this game is going to be when I finally catch up to him and introduce him to the Bat Fist.
In conclusion, I have to say that on the whole, if you're a Batman fan, I'd recommend this game.