Half Life 2 Teaser Movie

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Half Life 2 Teaser Movie

Post by Faram »


"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?" -Epicurus

Fear is the mother of all gods.

Nature does all things spontaneously, by herself, without the meddling of the gods. -Lucretius
Companion Cube
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Post by Companion Cube »

If I was a less restrained person, my response to that would have been:

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!! :wink:

Very nice. 8)
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

"Prodesse Non Nocere."
"It's all about popularity really, if your invisible friend that tells you to invade places is called Napoleon, you're a loony, if he's called Jesus then you're the president."
"I'd drive more people insane, but I'd have to double back and pick them up first..."
"All it takes for bullshit to thrive is for rational men to do nothing." - Kevin Farrell, B.A. Journalism.
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