Yes I remember that game.. thought it was damn cool.
ime Killers was okay. I remember a semi-sequel they did called BloodStorm. That one allowed you to not only cut off their arms or head, but also slice them in half. You could also get weapons from your enemies, and with a password, call them up again whenever you play.
Did you or anyone you know ever get to the end of time killers, or near it, are there any people (like in the original street fighter 2) which you can't be but only fight?
Another obscure game I loved was Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side for the Sega CD. That game had some serious Fatalities. Each Stage had two: an Overkill and a Sudden Death. Both required you to knock the opponent into a certain spot to finish them off, although a Sudden Death could be pulled off even if the opponent had a little life left. Each Character also had a Vendetta, which was your classic Fatality(one character would grab you by the throat, pull out a knife, and stab you until the screen faded out), and a Cinekill, where if you beat the opponent correctly, the Final Boss would teleport in and kill the opponent in a CG scene.
I remember that, there was this wizard guy named Xavier and this assasin/ninja girl named Shadow who could become invulnerable (and still damage her opponent) for a short time.
Anyone remember 2 other street fighter like games on the Neo-Geo arcade game, One called World Hero's where you could opt for a death match (which was a just a match with electrified ropes) and one of the in between battles scenes was you have to carve a statue of a muscleman out of a stone block with your fists and feet.
The other was called Fatal Fury one your opponents is an old man, who if you make him angry breaks his shirt when his muscles burst it.
Ghost Rider wrote:World Heroes was eh...but it's AI and CPU damage level was way too cheap. Literally the computer would just whip out the tech to beat you silly.
Fatal Fury is a fun series as well as it's succesor in King Of Fighters...many a fun tourney with those games.
I was thinking, what about the size of arcade games, if they need some kind of competitive edge couldn't they put more hardware in it, two or three processors, maybe some static ram, better res on the screen, you can get laptops with the same specs as high end desktops, in a 5th the size. Or perhaps another way of interacting with the game, like Dance Dance revolution still gets people to play and gather around it.
Shrykull wrote:I was thinking, what about the size of arcade games, if they need some kind of competitive edge couldn't they put more hardware in it, two or three processors, maybe some static ram, better res on the screen, you can get laptops with the same specs as high end desktops, in a 5th the size. Or perhaps another way of interacting with the game, like Dance Dance revolution still gets people to play and gather around it.
SRAM is hideously expensive, there's no way they're going to put a large amount in an arcade box. Multiple processors would make things more difficult to code for as well. Better screen resolution would likely mean using a computer-grade CRT or HDTV, greatly increasing the cost.