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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Ok, there's this Quake 3 map that I really wanna get, but its only on Fileplanet.

Thing is I put in my email addy I regged my Gamespy ID crap with, and the CORRECT FUCKING PASSWR0D! What to I get? 'Password Incorrect'. Fuck you too Fileplanet.

EDIT: Worse, refuses to let me into my email account and instead wants to go to my roomy's no matter what the fuck I do. I log in under MY ID/PW, i get his account. WTF!!?

EDIT2: Nevermind, I had to restart Mozilla, plus my Fileplanet Passwr0d was slightly wrong anyway.

But the point is this: Fileplanet can still Bite my Hairy Irish Ass!
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Embracer Of Darkness
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Post by Embracer Of Darkness »

:shock: *Reports Einy as an escaped mental patient.*

Edit: PS. Fileplanet sucks.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

And I still got my damn Quake 3 map too! :D :D
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Post by 2000AD »

Fileplanet is crap unless you've got one of those subscibed servers and a fast connection ....... which i don't! :evil:
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Post by DocHorror »

Do you live in ireland Einy?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

DocHorror wrote:Do you live in ireland Einy?
He lives in New Orleans, I think.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
DocHorror wrote:Do you live in ireland Einy?
He lives in New Orleans, I think.
N'Awlins. AKA The USA's R'Lyeh...

I'm Irish by blood.
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Post by Straha »

You're Irish?
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Post by Dalton »

This thread was rendered pointless long ago.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Dalton wrote:This thread was rendered pointless long ago.
And Fileplanet was rendered retarded a long time ago, too. It's like every third thing nowadays I want to download is on their special servers because some website wants to be their little whores. Fuckers...
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

Their free service is still worth every penny I pay for it.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Darth Utsanomiko wrote:
Dalton wrote:This thread was rendered pointless long ago.
And Fileplanet was rendered retarded a long time ago, too. It's like every third thing nowadays I want to download is on their special servers because some website wants to be their little whores. Fuckers...


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Post by phongn »

Dalton's right, this thread is now pointless. Besides, we have a venting thread in the HOS.
