Most people prefer paying less money for things.Vendetta wrote:Yes, but most of them shouldn't be allowed to buy PCs, they're too stupid even to use Windows. And unfortunately, Windows is also very stupid, which means that there're an infinite number of things that can go wrong at any moment.
My life would be so much easier if everyone who bought a computer just for browsing the web and typing the odd Word document bought a fucking Mac.
Have you tried comparing them on an actual monitor rather than a TV set, which blurs resolution? The demands on a game which is going to be displayed on a genuine computer monitor at high resolution are FAR higher than they are on something which is going to be displayed on a low-resolution TV. And most PC games can be cranked up to high-res if the card has the juice for it, while the number of XBox games which support HDTV resolution is very low.And although PCs have theoretically better graphical performance than consoles, it rarely shows in the actual game. In fact, despite the fact that they're all now outdated hardware, I've only got one game on the PC that looks as pretty as the console offerings, Unreal 2, and in terms of actually being a game Metroid Prime hands it it's bloody and beaten ass.
Besides, certain games like C&C Generals wouldn't work too well on a console, because you really need to have the clarity and control scheme (it's probably good that you can't do LAN multiplayer between PCs and consoles for FPS games because the guy on the PC would ass-rape the guy on the console). And I hate those fucking console game controllers; who designed those damned things?