zman wrote:The Warzones are some of the best I have ever played WAY better then WoWs battlegrounds. Now they do get boring if I get the same one 2 or 3 times in a row but now that they have 5 different ones that has yet to happen.
I don't know about the extra two warzones they added on, but SWTOR PVP is fundamentally broken. Although the Warzones were good concepts, anything would be horrible to play with the sheer amount of pre-mades, BWs inability after months to ensure even teams, the gear gap at 50, and the over-reliance on 8 vs 8. Void Star was a hallway AOE fest and Huttball made certain classes almost a requirement to play effectively. Also, everything was buggy as shit.
Claiming SWTOR PvP is anything but hilariously bad when compared to even Rift (much less WoW) is a joke. It's a soul-sucking massive grind that belongs in a Korean MMO.
The end game raids are solid with the new Terror From Beyond standing out as one of my top 5 all time raids. It is perfect in its design.
The end-game raids are buggy, broken, messes with SOA being the only fight that didn't fail in either design, execution, or gameplay. Oh yea, and we could clear EV and KP (up to SOA) in under 3 hours in Nightmare mode and we kinda sucked. I hear the new raids are about the same: wipe 4 times, win on 5th, get loots. You have to just be terrible to, bugs aside, not clear SWTOR end-game content with ease.
The Flashpoints are also a ton of fun. Standouts from that are Black Talon/Esselses, Tempest Prison/ Foundry, Colicoid War Games, The two Rakgoul ones, and False Emperor.
BT and Esseles set the bar high, only to have most of the other flashpoints turn into straight hallway loot fests. The Rakghoul ones were fun, probably because it's L4Dead in SPAAAAACE! (literally), and the False Emperor would have been a stand-out flashpoint if it (you guess it) hadn't been so fucking buggy and broken.