World of Warships

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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

Thanas wrote:
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:I read on the Paradox forums (they have a thread for this there as well) that Wargaming had issues getting RN blueprints, or something like that.

Can't imagine why and/or confirm it though.
Apparently the Royal Navy is real stingy when it comes to sharing design details, plus with them being a russian company it wasn't easy getting access to the RN archives.

That is what wargaming has claimed multiple times.
Maybe they're worried about giving away valuable intelligence in the event of renewed hostilities with Russia. You know, in case they have to recommission the Belfast... :roll:
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Thanas »


In other news, the Große Kurfürst is a great BB and might even be more OP than the Yamato. Played her 6 games today, first time in the ship and I had no trouble getting a damage average of 100k.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Sea Skimmer »

Elheru Aran wrote:I wouldn't use ransoms as part of the game personally, I think it'd be likely to piss off too many players.
Well the notion was a fixed price ransom linked to the skill of the capture, not set yourown price. And I think players would net fucking love this.

But you're right, crew would get fairly important there. Perhaps use something along the lines of the Commanders and have more options per ship. If you capture a ship, you become vulnerable to getting shot at by ships allied to the ship you're capturing, and potentially THEY could capture YOU if you don't have enough Crew, yours isn't well trained, whatever.
Another thing is while it varied by navy and date, ship commanders have some control over how the ship was armed, and what kinds of ammo it carried. So on the one had hand you could arm a ship with as many 24pdrs firing chainshot as possible to knock down rigging, making closing to board easier, while as a different option one could mount maximum light guns to suppress the enemy at close range, or heavy guns to try to sink her.

I was thinking about it and realized that there's enough variety that you're looking at millennia worth of various ships, so it'd be better to have separate categories with only a few ships. Say 'Ancient Mediterranean' for your galley battles with maybe three ships in increasing size/complexity, the largest having artillery; 'Spanish Armada' starting with galleys and ending up with galleons, you could mix this up with pirates for extra fun; 'Rule Britannia' mode for the Age of Sail proper. [/quote]

In any era it wouldn't be hard to have 6-8 progressive types, 10 might be tricky though. 3 ships might not be enough to keep people interested.

Of course we could EASILY get to 10 types of ship if we simply ignore reality like wargaming does anyway, and allow six and seven decker ships of the line with masts carved from giant redwoods.

You could have more variety here. Wind it up with 'Age of Steam' and introduce a few steam-powered sailships and early ironclads.
That wouldn't work out well without throwing reality so far out the window its silly to try. The early steam ships were much larger and much more heavily armed then all but a handful of sailing vessels, compare HMS Victory to HMS Marlborough of 1855 for example, its about three times as muchship. Plus it'd eliminate any basis for wind direction to matter, which would be interesting. Though I'd make it so players can sail directly into the wind, just very slowly, so as to avoid the problem of the average person not understanding sailing at all.

The game would focus more on quick battles in each category rather than progressing up a tech-tree. Pop in, go play a few games in your galley, sink a few ships, get sunk a few times, pop on out. This might work better on mobile than computer, though.
Yeah probably better for a persistent multiplayer world then a WoW style game. LIke you could order your ship to join the Far East sever from Europe, and it'd actually be busy a few real life hours sailing over,with possible random encounters on the way. That would also favor letting each person have multiple active ships.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Sea Skimmer »

Steam Early Access game = alarm bells

It also looks profoundly dull. Reminds me of Fighting Steel a bit.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

Sea Skimmer wrote:
Steam Early Access game = alarm bells

It also looks profoundly dull. Reminds me of Fighting Steel a bit.
I got pretty hyped up by some tester's footage on Youtube. One of the two players entered a skirmish without ammunition like an idiot, so his friend dueled the enemy till he got a favourable wind and a swell and rode it on top of the enemy's bow, capsizing him. I'll happily file it under "tons of potential but also great probability of dying out or staying bland and unfinished" for now, though.
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:I wouldn't use ransoms as part of the game personally, I think it'd be likely to piss off too many players.
Well the notion was a fixed price ransom linked to the skill of the capture, not set yourown price. And I think players would net fucking love this.
You'd probably treat it like an optional post-battle repair/rearm cost. Player 1 boards and captures the crew of Player 2's ship, Player 2 pays Player 1 X to get his captain and 1/2X to get his first mate back, but it was a throwaway starter crew with no skills unlocked, so he doesn't pay up to get them back. Something along those lines, I'd enjoy playing. I'm sure you'd see a meta of boarder-build cash-generator troll builds.
In any era it wouldn't be hard to have 6-8 progressive types, 10 might be tricky though. 3 ships might not be enough to keep people interested.

Of course we could EASILY get to 10 types of ship if we simply ignore reality like wargaming does anyway, and allow six and seven decker ships of the line with masts carved from giant redwoods.
How small or large does your vision start at? That would control how many "tiers" you could get.

You could also branch the tree between lighter, smaller, more agile ships and heavier, slower ones with more guns (like the difference between English and Spanish vessels during the golden age of sail), and even things like a class of very light raiding frigates and barely-mobile floating batteries.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

Terpitz, Derpitz, Torpitz... Lowe of the Seas. Stronk ship.

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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

Those secondaries tho (that's without manual secondaries):

I have no idea where the +333% Dragon flags came from, but holy shit (look at the Commander XP line):

North American Ranked Feedback

From what I've seen, the ranked meta at Tier 8 is dominated by BBs and DDs. Usually only get one on each side. They can be effective - the radar on the New Orleans and long-range torps from the Mogami/Atago are both useful.

But, for once, the meta heavily favours BBs who actually work for their bread - if they don't push, the odd cruiser who does gets obliterated by enemy BBs. And if you lost your destroyer(s) in the opening exchanges, you have to rely on the BBs health to weather one or two torps and root enemy DDs out of their smoke with brute force and secondaries.

I get CVs about 1 in 3-4 ranked games, and that's where the odd CA/CL really comes into its own. Surprisingly, they don't seem to focus drops that well most of the time.

Most popular ships seem to be:
BBs: Bismarck and Tirpitz, followed by Amagi and then the NorCal some ways behind.
CAs: Atago, Kutuzov, Mogami and New Orleans/Hipper bringing up the rear.
DDs: Benson by a mile, then the less flexible Fubuki, with the occasional Lo Yang. Tashkents are extremely uncommon.
CVs: Shokakus seem to be ahead of Lexingtons... a look at the average win% for both ships will tell you why.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

I'm pretty well going to be locked into using Amagi for T8. The only other ship of that tier I have is Hipper, and while I love playing her, she's not built for a BB dominated Ranked meta. With Bismarck having hydro, the one thing Hipper did have is less relevant now.

And there's not a chance in hell I could grind through the rest of the German line to get Bismarck or the Americans to get NorCar. So Amagi it is.

Granted, if my goal were to reach R1 this is a big waste of time because I also don't have any T10s. Short of spending way more money than I can afford right now to convert all the free XP I've got on my Scharnhorst to skip Izumo entirely. I'm mostly just doing this for the flags.

EDIT: Oh, and the Dragon flags were an anniversary thing. You got a certain amount depending on how many battles you have fought before the anniversary, plus extras depending on number of T10s.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

Skywalker_T-65 wrote:I'm pretty well going to be locked into using Amagi for T8. The only other ship of that tier I have is Hipper, and while I love playing her, she's not built for a BB dominated Ranked meta. With Bismarck having hydro, the one thing Hipper did have is less relevant now.

And there's not a chance in hell I could grind through the rest of the German line to get Bismarck or the Americans to get NorCar. So Amagi it is.

Granted, if my goal were to reach R1 this is a big waste of time because I also don't have any T10s. Short of spending way more money than I can afford right now to convert all the free XP I've got on my Scharnhorst to skip Izumo entirely. I'm mostly just doing this for the flags.
Amagi is a pretty solid BB under any circumstances, and there are a surprising number of braindead Bismarck/Tirpitz players who will obligingly give you their broadsides at the start... not a bad place to be.
EDIT: Oh, and the Dragon flags were an anniversary thing. You got a certain amount depending on how many battles you have fought before the anniversary, plus extras depending on number of T10s.
Ah! Thanks.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Agent Fisher »

So, finally have a laptop able to play it decently. I've started my grind on American DDs, and boy, low teir, no one really understands that your five Km torps won't reach that ship fifteen KM away.


Also got Premium and that is really helping speed up the grind.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Steve »

So I'm in this shitty Myogi, I kill one enemy DD with secondary battery fire and one close-range MB hit (I'd turned after he set off his torps and only took one), then there's another one that comes out of the smoke. Close range again... what do I do?!

What all good Spacebattlers who know their history should do.





...yeah. It's been a weird day today. I had an earlier battle in my Nassau in which I, yes, killed two enemies out of three with secondary battery fire. And I survived that match too. 8)
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Isn;t that called the "Daedalus Maneuver" when it comes to ramming things ;P
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Crazedwraith »

Because nobody rammed things until webboards and anime came about?
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

:lol: Ram kills are hilarious - especially Die Hards. Nicely done. Unfortunately a lot of time people use it because they don't understand how to actually outplay or outmaneuver an opponent (that's the "Battlestar Pegasus" maneuver).

Example from a couple a days ago - we started with a DD advantage, 4vs3. In the Mahan, I had shredded an opposing Mahan with gunfire (and a lucky blind torp into smoke), and got about 30k of damage on an oblivious Kongo.

I pushed into the smoke and came across a new Leningrad - about 2.5km away, on full health, with torps loaded. I was on 40% with no torps ready, so I plowed into him and got a kill.

We both said "worth" in chat, but... it wasn't for him, by a long shot. We kept the DD advantage, carried the flank, and traded a heavily damaged destroyer for a shipyard-fresh one.
Crazedwraith wrote:Because nobody rammed things until webboards and anime came about?
I'm fairly confident that the Battle of Salamis predated BBS and anime, but I could be wrong ;).
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Nephtys »

Benson is a good ship.
Rips up any destroyer it encounters at 9km or less in glorious close combat
Equipped with AmericaSmoke, so when you roll coal, it lasts forever
Decent enough torpedos
Turns like a car.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Steve »

Gabooz is one of our dear-departed from Spacebattles. It's been about ten years since he passed, actually. But he was known and beloved for the memes he promoted on SB, including .gifs and images of "Pokey the Penguin" and the battle-cry "RAM THEM UNTIL THEY GIVE UP".

Old-time Spacebattlers fondly remember good ol' Gabooz and his favored tactic.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Simon_Jester »

So that's where it came from... I'd been wondering.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Raesene »

Next update this thursday - introducing the RN cruiser line :-)

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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

Raesene wrote:Next update this thursday - introducing the RN cruiser line :-)
Her Majesty's cruisers can't take Defensive Fire, and have no high explosive rounds.

I'm just going to repeat that.




They can score reliable penetrating AP hits on angled Tier 9-10 battleships, however. Churchillium rounds are the new Stalinanium rounds, apparently.

The Belfast, meanwhile, gets HE but no torpedoes, radar, and a smoke screen, because MLG-approved-pay-to-awesome.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Thanas »

They also have cleveland arcs.

Oh aand the AP bounces just as badly as other AP.

And they got less firepower than the clemson or Izy.

British cruisers sub T5 are horribly idiotic.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

Very memorable game.



The Fubuki was the most entertaining kill. "Huh, the smoke screen behind that island is firing 15" shells at Amagi-san. Probably nothing!" I opened up with all eight guns from 2.1km away (plus full maxed secondaries with manual), undetected... poor soul.

That said, I keep getting teams on Atlantic that dither around with no cohesive plan, so I'm having trouble getting consistent progress up the ranks.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Thanas »

So on to the british cruisers: T1-4 are uselesss waste.

T5 is a lot of fun. With the smoke screen they are perfectly viable ships. If you get a div mate you can stay in smoke the entire match.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

Thanas wrote:So on to the british cruisers: T1-4 are uselesss waste.

T5 is a lot of fun. With the smoke screen they are perfectly viable ships. If you get a div mate you can stay in smoke the entire match.
Good to know. I'm being miserly with Free XP while the Caledon dragss down my win rate, I might burn some if that's the case. It's not like I'm unlocking the Benson or Hipper in time to use them for Ranked anyway.

This morning - one Ranked win, two card-carry losses where I kept stars, and another win. So getting consistent progress at least.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Venator »

A screenshot I got of HMS Emerald:

To sum up, it lacks HE shells or Defensive Fire.

Instead, it gets AP, excellent torpedoes, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic, Spotting Aircraft, Fighter Aircraft and Smoke Generator... albeit not all at once.
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Re: World of Warships

Post by Lonestar »

I'm sure that this is elsewhere in the thread, but does anyone want to form a division/clan?
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