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Terror Mission-02: Brasilia
Squad: Weemadando, Heavy Zablorg, Ohma, Vanas, White Haven, Decue, Stark, MJ12-2, Deither, Alfonso
HWP Rocket: Piloted by Hawkwings
The team deployed to Brasilia in the only safe spot, a small lot by the main road. Hawkwings disembarked first, as usual. He took fire on the way down.
I didn't get a screenshot of its death, but you can guess what happened.
Movement was spotted in the building behind the dead xenos scum. X-COM doesn't like movement.
Zablorg made note of an alien to the north. Said alien was vaporized with moderate amounts of prejudice.
Vanas made note of this alien hiding in an alley to the south of the LZ.
Ohma once again blew its brains into semi-cauterized giblets.
MJ12-2 caught this one running around in the open, with its back to the carnage.
X-COM High Command advises its personnel to refrain from repeatedly shooting the target in the ass in the future. Once in the head is sufficient.
Hawkwings moved to the south and spotted these devices. We surmise that they are small-scale versions of the standard UFO. However, despite their scaled-back nature....
....they killed our tank in one go.
Colonel White Haven reportedly shouted something along the lines of "THAT FUCKING THING COST FOUR HUNDRED GRAND!" right before he loaded his rocket launcher.
He scored a direct hit on the UFO, as well as catching a second one right next to it with the blast. Both mini-UFOs were obliterated in the subsequent chain reaction of explosions. We believe these "cyberdiscs" are loaded with some manner of self-destruct mechanism that causes them to explode violently when destroyed.
Not content, Haven spotted a third UFO behind a house to the south, right through a couple of open windows. He reloaded, spun, and snapped off a second rocket....
And killed that one too.
Meanwhile, Private Deither was clearing this nearby house when
The xenos murderer retreated into the house. That simply gave X-COM an enclosed area to kill it in. White Haven spun, reloading his launcher with the only missile he had left: an incendiary rocket.
Since they could still hear it screaming, the remaining X-COM troopers in the area hosed the target with lasers, high-ex, and rockets until the building was nothing but burning rubble. Even the stalwart, unyielding kitchen appliances fell before our wrath.
We are 97.28% certain we got him.
Meanwhile, Zablorg was clearing a building to the north when he/she spotted this sectoid walking along an alley. According to the logs, she/he shouted something along the lines of "CRY SOME MORE" while hosing the sectoid with high explosive rounds.
Weemadando moved along and checked the corpse, to find it wasn't a corpse; the concussive blast of the shells had knocked it unconscious. Beatings followed.
MJ12-2 and Vanas found this sectoid hiding behind a house.
Vanas punished it.
Post-mission analysis: Well, we finally took our first casualty. It was inevitable, and I don't see any way we could have prevented Diether's death beyond indiscriminately shelling the area he had been exploring. If it weren't for White Haven essentially killing all of the sectoid's cyberdiscs single-handedly, we would have taken much higher losses. The new heavy lasers didn't stack up very well, but that was partially because we didn't even get a chance to use them.
Also, we have captured our first live alien. Doctor "Yosemite" Bear reportedly cackled so loudly that he could be heard by the lift guards on the surface.
Not pictured: we leveled a warehouse, three homes, two convience stores, and every phone booth in the city. GO X-COM!