Gramzamber wrote:So what does that mean, he has a vagina?
Or are we indeed getting into arbitrary and possibly misogynist territory here "oooh he complains a lot, he must be a woman, because REAL MEN never complain about anything ever. Hoorah!"
Yes, arbitrary characteristics. Ask the dude who said it what he means specifically, but don't pretend you don't understand that there are a whole bunch of characteristics, some arbitrary and some with a biological basis between the physical and social attributes of men and women.
Even though long hair, wearing mascara and prominent jewelery are arbitrary characteristics for a woman to have, someone who possesses them is "womanly", because they are characteristics associated with being a woman by our society. This is not a normative statement but a descriptive one.
If this is not what Ghost Rider meant, I'm sure he'll be happy to correct me. But until we get some kind of confirmation, it's just being dishonest to try and tell him he's being misogynistic for something that could in no way be construed as such.