FSTGOD Main Story Thread
Moderator: Thanas
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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Theodorus swung his left leg around the dragons back, and lept from his saddle. This was a beautiful city, and the defensive works at the cost were wonders to behold.
He raised his lsft hand in greeting to the Elven representatives with a smile, being a half elf himself he greeted them in their native language.
"Saluttions honorable representatives of the Alidrial. I hail from Karsinia and seek diplomatic council in order to discuss matters of military importance"
The little speech was nothing more than a formality, the purpose of his visit was known, still, it was necessary to have some diplomatic flair.
He raised his lsft hand in greeting to the Elven representatives with a smile, being a half elf himself he greeted them in their native language.
"Saluttions honorable representatives of the Alidrial. I hail from Karsinia and seek diplomatic council in order to discuss matters of military importance"
The little speech was nothing more than a formality, the purpose of his visit was known, still, it was necessary to have some diplomatic flair.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Alidrial Territory
Crete, Eyzaathe Region
The existence of Dragons had been a well known fact for centuries; nonetheless the Alidrial had never incorporated the powerful creatures into their own military forces. As such, as the Karsinian rider approached several dozen eyes watched the Dragon as it maneuvered down towards the ground. The truth of the matter was that the Dragons within their island home were either all long gone or utilizing means of blending with the normal population. It was widely believed by Alidrial scholars that Dragons of enough age could shape change at will, and through those means make believe that their numbers were far lower than they really were. The likelihood that Dragons of any type or age group would be tamed by the Alidrial in the present or the future was low. It was rumored that the Arcane Archers of the Alidrial would be taught the ways of riding gryphon, but at the moment those were merely rumors.
When Theodorus swung his left and boldly leapt from his saddle, the movement was all but impossible to miss. Alidrial eyes lingering upon the Dragon for a moment longer before their attention was dispelled to the rider himself. The rider was a half-elf, something that was recognized almost immediately and his smile was met with nods of pleasure. The Alidrial well aware of the fact that half-elves were relatively common in many nations. It was to be expected, for they knew first hand the appeal that their kind had upon others especially humans. The Alidrial population itself had a relatively small percentage of such unions, but they were by far the exception not the norm. The reply to Theodorus’ words was nearly immediate.
“We welcome you to Alidrial soil Theodorus, son of Karsinia. Your arrival has been expected and a diplomatic council has been convened for your pleasure and satisfaction.” The head of the delegation was a male, his eyes watching those of Theodorus for a moment.
“If you will please follow me? We will make sure to provide for your companion.” The words used were crucial. A Dragon was not a mere mount by any stretch of the imagination, and the Alidrial understood that many nations formed compacts with the Dragons in order to acquire their services. This was no mere beast of burden, but an equal in more ways than many realized. Even the weakest of Dragons, those that held only a glimmer of true intelligence were treated well within Alidrial soil. The exact reasons for this were widely debated. Many believed that it was a compact between Yakiba and the Dragon Lords of old; others simply believed it to be merely politeness.
Once Theodorus had accepted the offer of being shown to the meeting grounds, the lead representative for the Alidrial along with six escorts three males and three females would begin their task of reaching the designated spot. Theodorus would be led through a series of maze like gardens towards the center of the capital. It was here, that the unofficial dwelling of the Pillars resided. In times such as the present, all the Pillars tended to gather in order to debate and choose the path best suited to their people. Yvela himself had chosen to talk with the Karsinian, although other pillars could be there as well.
Inside the Fortress of the Pillars, the architecture changed slightly still maintaining its appeal to the senses but becoming a bit more concerned with security. The very walls reeked of magic, enchantments of all types meant to protect those within and hinder non-Alidrial magic within and without. This was in some ways the heart of the Alidrial, and it was maintained as such. There was a significant array of wealth displayed, banners of times past and present, reminders of great victories and defeats. As they moved within the center of the compound, the marble floors of the fortress seemed to go on forever. As they approached the appointed meeting ground, they moved past one of several small gardens located throughout the structure. This one however was not empty; there were no less than a dozen armed guards their expressions utterly neutral as they carried out their charge. Their armor and the symbol which lay upon them suggested that they were the personal honor guard of one of the pillars.
As the lead representative escorting Theodorus slowed, the six members of the guard around Theodorus slowed as well. The Pillar in question quickly became apparent; the Alidrial woman whom sat upon the grass of the garden was unmistakable. Yakiba the life giver turned her head, golden pools of color watching the Alidrial delegation and their Karsinian guest for a moment. The garden around her seemed to flourish beneath her presence, plants strengthening beneath her presence. Her lips curled upwards in a smile that truly had few equals upon the world and she nodded her head. She said nothing however, allowing them to pass on towards their meeting with Yvela undisturbed or unhindered by whatever thoughts laid upon her mind. The Alidrial delegation bowed their heads in respect to Yakiba before moving on, their final destination residing just around the corner.
When they arrived at their destination, the Alidrial guide stopped and turned to glance towards Theodorus.
“We have arrived at last. We will wait for you here for your return after the meeting. After which we will be at your service once more.”
The Alidrial nodded the large doors before them opened. The room within was of significant size, crafted from the same materials that dominated the fortress. The marble floors glittered as the light was reflected from it, a dozen Alidrial guards laying at attention on the sides, and in the center of the room rested a single figure at the moment. Yvela was impossible to miss, his eyes watching the opened door as if waiting for Theodorus to present himself. They had much to talk about, dealing both with their present situation and what path if any their people would walk in the future.
Crete, Eyzaathe Region
The existence of Dragons had been a well known fact for centuries; nonetheless the Alidrial had never incorporated the powerful creatures into their own military forces. As such, as the Karsinian rider approached several dozen eyes watched the Dragon as it maneuvered down towards the ground. The truth of the matter was that the Dragons within their island home were either all long gone or utilizing means of blending with the normal population. It was widely believed by Alidrial scholars that Dragons of enough age could shape change at will, and through those means make believe that their numbers were far lower than they really were. The likelihood that Dragons of any type or age group would be tamed by the Alidrial in the present or the future was low. It was rumored that the Arcane Archers of the Alidrial would be taught the ways of riding gryphon, but at the moment those were merely rumors.
When Theodorus swung his left and boldly leapt from his saddle, the movement was all but impossible to miss. Alidrial eyes lingering upon the Dragon for a moment longer before their attention was dispelled to the rider himself. The rider was a half-elf, something that was recognized almost immediately and his smile was met with nods of pleasure. The Alidrial well aware of the fact that half-elves were relatively common in many nations. It was to be expected, for they knew first hand the appeal that their kind had upon others especially humans. The Alidrial population itself had a relatively small percentage of such unions, but they were by far the exception not the norm. The reply to Theodorus’ words was nearly immediate.
“We welcome you to Alidrial soil Theodorus, son of Karsinia. Your arrival has been expected and a diplomatic council has been convened for your pleasure and satisfaction.” The head of the delegation was a male, his eyes watching those of Theodorus for a moment.
“If you will please follow me? We will make sure to provide for your companion.” The words used were crucial. A Dragon was not a mere mount by any stretch of the imagination, and the Alidrial understood that many nations formed compacts with the Dragons in order to acquire their services. This was no mere beast of burden, but an equal in more ways than many realized. Even the weakest of Dragons, those that held only a glimmer of true intelligence were treated well within Alidrial soil. The exact reasons for this were widely debated. Many believed that it was a compact between Yakiba and the Dragon Lords of old; others simply believed it to be merely politeness.
Once Theodorus had accepted the offer of being shown to the meeting grounds, the lead representative for the Alidrial along with six escorts three males and three females would begin their task of reaching the designated spot. Theodorus would be led through a series of maze like gardens towards the center of the capital. It was here, that the unofficial dwelling of the Pillars resided. In times such as the present, all the Pillars tended to gather in order to debate and choose the path best suited to their people. Yvela himself had chosen to talk with the Karsinian, although other pillars could be there as well.
Inside the Fortress of the Pillars, the architecture changed slightly still maintaining its appeal to the senses but becoming a bit more concerned with security. The very walls reeked of magic, enchantments of all types meant to protect those within and hinder non-Alidrial magic within and without. This was in some ways the heart of the Alidrial, and it was maintained as such. There was a significant array of wealth displayed, banners of times past and present, reminders of great victories and defeats. As they moved within the center of the compound, the marble floors of the fortress seemed to go on forever. As they approached the appointed meeting ground, they moved past one of several small gardens located throughout the structure. This one however was not empty; there were no less than a dozen armed guards their expressions utterly neutral as they carried out their charge. Their armor and the symbol which lay upon them suggested that they were the personal honor guard of one of the pillars.
As the lead representative escorting Theodorus slowed, the six members of the guard around Theodorus slowed as well. The Pillar in question quickly became apparent; the Alidrial woman whom sat upon the grass of the garden was unmistakable. Yakiba the life giver turned her head, golden pools of color watching the Alidrial delegation and their Karsinian guest for a moment. The garden around her seemed to flourish beneath her presence, plants strengthening beneath her presence. Her lips curled upwards in a smile that truly had few equals upon the world and she nodded her head. She said nothing however, allowing them to pass on towards their meeting with Yvela undisturbed or unhindered by whatever thoughts laid upon her mind. The Alidrial delegation bowed their heads in respect to Yakiba before moving on, their final destination residing just around the corner.
When they arrived at their destination, the Alidrial guide stopped and turned to glance towards Theodorus.
“We have arrived at last. We will wait for you here for your return after the meeting. After which we will be at your service once more.”
The Alidrial nodded the large doors before them opened. The room within was of significant size, crafted from the same materials that dominated the fortress. The marble floors glittered as the light was reflected from it, a dozen Alidrial guards laying at attention on the sides, and in the center of the room rested a single figure at the moment. Yvela was impossible to miss, his eyes watching the opened door as if waiting for Theodorus to present himself. They had much to talk about, dealing both with their present situation and what path if any their people would walk in the future.
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Somewhere in the Mediterranean – Close to Alidrial
The Navigator looked out over the horizon as the last star disappeared in the sky, marine druids had taken over control of the ship during the night, the winds were at their backs that night; it was a good chance to give the waveformers a rest. Already the Navigator could see the peaks of Alidrial’s mountains, when the sun was higher he would inform the rider it was time for him to announce the arrival of the Norman Emissary and his ships.
Virgil Herrignaught woke with the rising of the sun; second heir to the throne of Normandy, he was a competent mariner if ever there was one. The King of Normandy needed someone to speak his mind in the Mediterranean World and Virgil was the obvious choice; he’d not risk such a mission with the crowned prince Olaf; nor would he send Harmon, who, while erudite, was not so fond of traveling across the waves, like his brothers. He strode onto the deck of the flagship, Ulmo’s Chartiot and surveyed the area, the Hammer of Aulë and Spirit of Eweling coasted along the waves to the port and starboard, and ahead lay the island of the Pillars.
“Hail Viceroy,” the Navigator greeted the prince, “We are on course, though the winds are beginning to dying down.” the waveformer’s were already preparing to take control,” The island is now nearly in sight, we can dispatch a courier on your command.” The prince nodded.
“Yes, Navigator, I can see the mountains, inform the rider he should make ready to depart for the port of Mavariel within the hour.” The Navigator nodded and went to summon the rider, the prince returned to his small cabin below deck to compose a brief letter.
The sun had finally risen over Mavariel as the Norman courier approached the city, message in hand to be delivered to the Governor, who, it was presumed, was expecting such a visitor.
Their banners held high; the three ships sailed into the harbor, together the massive Norman Dromondaries could have overpowered the Alidrial’s entire navy; though this was not their purpose.
Despite the calm which had forced many ships to run on oar power for the better part of the day the Norman ships were at full sail as they approached the harbor.
The Navigator looked out over the horizon as the last star disappeared in the sky, marine druids had taken over control of the ship during the night, the winds were at their backs that night; it was a good chance to give the waveformers a rest. Already the Navigator could see the peaks of Alidrial’s mountains, when the sun was higher he would inform the rider it was time for him to announce the arrival of the Norman Emissary and his ships.
Virgil Herrignaught woke with the rising of the sun; second heir to the throne of Normandy, he was a competent mariner if ever there was one. The King of Normandy needed someone to speak his mind in the Mediterranean World and Virgil was the obvious choice; he’d not risk such a mission with the crowned prince Olaf; nor would he send Harmon, who, while erudite, was not so fond of traveling across the waves, like his brothers. He strode onto the deck of the flagship, Ulmo’s Chartiot and surveyed the area, the Hammer of Aulë and Spirit of Eweling coasted along the waves to the port and starboard, and ahead lay the island of the Pillars.
“Hail Viceroy,” the Navigator greeted the prince, “We are on course, though the winds are beginning to dying down.” the waveformer’s were already preparing to take control,” The island is now nearly in sight, we can dispatch a courier on your command.” The prince nodded.
“Yes, Navigator, I can see the mountains, inform the rider he should make ready to depart for the port of Mavariel within the hour.” The Navigator nodded and went to summon the rider, the prince returned to his small cabin below deck to compose a brief letter.
The sun had finally risen over Mavariel as the Norman courier approached the city, message in hand to be delivered to the Governor, who, it was presumed, was expecting such a visitor.
Their banners held high; the three ships sailed into the harbor, together the massive Norman Dromondaries could have overpowered the Alidrial’s entire navy; though this was not their purpose.
Despite the calm which had forced many ships to run on oar power for the better part of the day the Norman ships were at full sail as they approached the harbor.
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Alidrial Territory
The entire Alidrial Navy hovered near the territorial waters of the island nation. It was something that was unusual, but with the situation with the Jihad to their south, the Alidrial navy had been limited in scope in what it could do. The twenty wave breakers of the Alidrial fleet would be stretched thinly under normal circumstances, and leaving the home islands vulnerable was unthinkable. As such, ten wave breakers resided in the waters immediately to the north of the island, while ten others resided to the south. The Sylph Queen herself was docked in the southern port of Ysiel ready to take part in an operation at a moment’s notice.
The arrival of the Norman vessels was met with a sense of incredulity by those that watched them. A squadron of five wave breakers had the honor of being in the general area as they penetrated Alidrial territorial waters and watched the monstrous vessels seem to glide through the water. Each Norman dromondary was easily a quarter to a third longer than the Sylph Queen herself and moving at a speed that should not have been possible without heavy magical assistance. Wave breakers were respected vessels in the Mediterranean but compared to the approaching Leviathans, there was no question as to which were the most powerful and capable vessels. The Alidrial felt no shame in this, aware that they possessed the science and capability to produce vessels of such scope and perhaps such power.
The Wave Breaker squadron did not escort the Norman vessels, the move was totally unnecessary. Nonetheless, they did change course and followed the Norman vessels at a discrete distance. The port of Mavariel was the biggest in all of Crete, and one of the biggest in the Mediterranean. It was a very tempting target. Nonetheless, as the Alidrial wave breakers followed the massive Norman ships, no elf had a desire for conflict. The Norman Juggernauts seemed perfectly capable of swallowing the northern squadron whole.
As the Norman ships approached the harbor, the port of Mavariel was revealed before them in its entirety. The port city was very modern, possessing the same facilities that one would expect to find in a major port of the Masotan. The city itself was joined with the port directly, the architectural style of the Alidrial proudly displayed. For those with keen eyes and a sense of tactics, various positions around the city overlooking the port could be ascertained as being fortified. The weapons that lay within these fortifications were predictable, ballista and other means of delivering overgrown projectiles or Greek fire towards their targets. The sole reason why the positions could be seen, was that they were being worked on presently. If this were not the case, the vegetation surrounding these positions would have made their location far more difficult to notice.
As the Norman ships glided into the port despite the apparent lack of wind, Alidrial observers realized that like their own wave breakers or the Sylph Queen herself the Normans had means of manipulating and harnessing the wind to their advantage. It was a skill that spoke highly for them. The Normans were given some of the best mooring locations in the port, a sign of pleasure and good faith at their arrival. The Alidrial delegation awaited the Normans to disembark from their remarkable vessels wordlessly. The Capital laid a fair distance away from the port city, but there were ways of traveling that were reserved for occasions such as this.
The entire Alidrial Navy hovered near the territorial waters of the island nation. It was something that was unusual, but with the situation with the Jihad to their south, the Alidrial navy had been limited in scope in what it could do. The twenty wave breakers of the Alidrial fleet would be stretched thinly under normal circumstances, and leaving the home islands vulnerable was unthinkable. As such, ten wave breakers resided in the waters immediately to the north of the island, while ten others resided to the south. The Sylph Queen herself was docked in the southern port of Ysiel ready to take part in an operation at a moment’s notice.
The arrival of the Norman vessels was met with a sense of incredulity by those that watched them. A squadron of five wave breakers had the honor of being in the general area as they penetrated Alidrial territorial waters and watched the monstrous vessels seem to glide through the water. Each Norman dromondary was easily a quarter to a third longer than the Sylph Queen herself and moving at a speed that should not have been possible without heavy magical assistance. Wave breakers were respected vessels in the Mediterranean but compared to the approaching Leviathans, there was no question as to which were the most powerful and capable vessels. The Alidrial felt no shame in this, aware that they possessed the science and capability to produce vessels of such scope and perhaps such power.
The Wave Breaker squadron did not escort the Norman vessels, the move was totally unnecessary. Nonetheless, they did change course and followed the Norman vessels at a discrete distance. The port of Mavariel was the biggest in all of Crete, and one of the biggest in the Mediterranean. It was a very tempting target. Nonetheless, as the Alidrial wave breakers followed the massive Norman ships, no elf had a desire for conflict. The Norman Juggernauts seemed perfectly capable of swallowing the northern squadron whole.
As the Norman ships approached the harbor, the port of Mavariel was revealed before them in its entirety. The port city was very modern, possessing the same facilities that one would expect to find in a major port of the Masotan. The city itself was joined with the port directly, the architectural style of the Alidrial proudly displayed. For those with keen eyes and a sense of tactics, various positions around the city overlooking the port could be ascertained as being fortified. The weapons that lay within these fortifications were predictable, ballista and other means of delivering overgrown projectiles or Greek fire towards their targets. The sole reason why the positions could be seen, was that they were being worked on presently. If this were not the case, the vegetation surrounding these positions would have made their location far more difficult to notice.
As the Norman ships glided into the port despite the apparent lack of wind, Alidrial observers realized that like their own wave breakers or the Sylph Queen herself the Normans had means of manipulating and harnessing the wind to their advantage. It was a skill that spoke highly for them. The Normans were given some of the best mooring locations in the port, a sign of pleasure and good faith at their arrival. The Alidrial delegation awaited the Normans to disembark from their remarkable vessels wordlessly. The Capital laid a fair distance away from the port city, but there were ways of traveling that were reserved for occasions such as this.
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Mavariel - Port
Prince Virgil Herrignaught, dressed in his royal vestments, walked down the gangplank followed by two of his Honor Guards. The prince gave a bow to the Alidrial delegation,
“Hail and my thanks to you good elves!” he announced, “Allow me to introduce myself; I am Virgil Herrignaught, second heir to the Norman Throne, and Viceroy of King. I must thank you for these generous accommodations; I have come to your fair isle to meet with the Sovereigns of this land as a speaker for good King Einarr Herrignaught the Fourth of Normandy.” The prince’s words were clear and as he spoke he seemed to take on a charismatic glow.
Yet before he gave the Alidrial a chance to speak he spoke again.
“Let me present you, my friends, with a gift from the Lord of Normandy.” The delegation watched as he pulled a small, glowing seed from his pocket. “Plant this, and in under a season it will grow a great tree, the fruit it bears is highly spoken of, Guava we call them, and often said to be the richest tasting in all the known world. It requires only a foot of soil and riches the earth provides it to grow, I implore you take it and enjoy its fruits.” Virgil Herrignaught held the large, glowing seed out in his hand for one of the delegates to take with a smile.
Prince Virgil Herrignaught, dressed in his royal vestments, walked down the gangplank followed by two of his Honor Guards. The prince gave a bow to the Alidrial delegation,
“Hail and my thanks to you good elves!” he announced, “Allow me to introduce myself; I am Virgil Herrignaught, second heir to the Norman Throne, and Viceroy of King. I must thank you for these generous accommodations; I have come to your fair isle to meet with the Sovereigns of this land as a speaker for good King Einarr Herrignaught the Fourth of Normandy.” The prince’s words were clear and as he spoke he seemed to take on a charismatic glow.
Yet before he gave the Alidrial a chance to speak he spoke again.
“Let me present you, my friends, with a gift from the Lord of Normandy.” The delegation watched as he pulled a small, glowing seed from his pocket. “Plant this, and in under a season it will grow a great tree, the fruit it bears is highly spoken of, Guava we call them, and often said to be the richest tasting in all the known world. It requires only a foot of soil and riches the earth provides it to grow, I implore you take it and enjoy its fruits.” Virgil Herrignaught held the large, glowing seed out in his hand for one of the delegates to take with a smile.
- General Zod
- Never Shuts Up
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- Joined: 2003-11-18 03:08pm
- Location: The Clearance Rack
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Capital City Daltigoth, Palace Council Chamber (since it seems murazor's waiting on me. . . .)
After making certain the nectarin ambassador and whatever entourage he brought with him were satisfied, they're led into the council chamber. the interior of the palace itself consisted of shaped marble and crystalline walls, with floors that one could almost see ones reflection in. any sensitive to magic could still feel the risidual energies used to construct it centuries ago. the proximity to the cray ensured that they drained away very slowly. after escorting to the council chamber the ambassador is asked to sit at a long table, made of a similar substance that the palace itself is from.
Shortly after the Seneschal arrives. "I hope you've found the palace comfortable enough. We tend to not receive too many ambassadors here. Not important enough in the eyes of the big nations i suppose." the seneschal smiles briefly, attempting to put the younger ambassador at ease. "Now then, down to business. You mentioned you had affairs that dealt with both of our nations, correct? Well, we're prepared to listen." With that, the seneschal takes a seat, waiting for a response from the nectarin ambassador.
After making certain the nectarin ambassador and whatever entourage he brought with him were satisfied, they're led into the council chamber. the interior of the palace itself consisted of shaped marble and crystalline walls, with floors that one could almost see ones reflection in. any sensitive to magic could still feel the risidual energies used to construct it centuries ago. the proximity to the cray ensured that they drained away very slowly. after escorting to the council chamber the ambassador is asked to sit at a long table, made of a similar substance that the palace itself is from.
Shortly after the Seneschal arrives. "I hope you've found the palace comfortable enough. We tend to not receive too many ambassadors here. Not important enough in the eyes of the big nations i suppose." the seneschal smiles briefly, attempting to put the younger ambassador at ease. "Now then, down to business. You mentioned you had affairs that dealt with both of our nations, correct? Well, we're prepared to listen." With that, the seneschal takes a seat, waiting for a response from the nectarin ambassador.
"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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I thank you my freind, for your hospitality. I would not want to keep the assembled delegation waiting. Shall we be off?“We welcome you to Alidrial soil Theodorus, son of Karsinia. Your arrival has been expected and a diplomatic council has been convened for your pleasure and satisfaction.” The head of the delegation was a male, his eyes watching those of Theodorus for a moment.
The Dragon, upon hearing himself properly respected straightened up a little, holding his head up in an almost arrogant fashion. His wings folded against his side, he sat on his haunches for a moment before being led off to wherever he was going to go. He sent a telapathic message to his soul-brother“If you will please follow me? We will make sure to provide for your companion.”
If you get into trouble, I will be there post haste
Before he turned to the elves escourting him.
"So my Elven Friends, what is on the menu tonight?" he said with a friendly jovial tone.
Theodorus absorbed the Beautful gardens as he was led through what amounted to a VERY spendid hedge maze before reaching a fortress. He allowed himself to be led in silence. As was proper. He could sense the magical defensesof this place.
The Pillar he saw in passing, the life giver, was one of the most Beautiful creatures he had ever seen. Her very presence radiating life and wellness. He found hismelf strengthened and calmed just by being within sight of her. He bowed his head and smiled warmly as they passed.
"yes, of course, thank you."“We have arrived at last. We will wait for you here for your return after the meeting. After which we will be at your service once more.”
"Hail to Yvela, Pillar of the Alidrial, and honored host. I am Theordorus of Karsinia. The threat of the Jihad grows daily, and weights heavily in our hearts and minds. But so does the relationship between our peoples, and it is our, and my hope that today's talks will lead to a closer friendship between our nations"[/i]The Alidrial nodded the large doors before them opened. The room within was of significant size, crafted from the same materials that dominated the fortress. The marble floors glittered as the light was reflected from it, a dozen Alidrial guards laying at attention on the sides, and in the center of the room rested a single figure at the moment. Yvela was impossible to miss, his eyes watching the opened door as if waiting for Theodorus to present himself. They had much to talk about, dealing both with their present situation and what path if any their people would walk in the future.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
- Contact:
Alidrial Territory
Port City, Mavariel
Two dozen Alidrial eyes watched the Prince as he was identified by his vestments as he walked down the plank. He moved with a certain quality, the movements one whom expected to be obeyed an aura of command. The honor guards were impossible to miss, but the Alidrial were unconcerned. The Prince bowed, and the Alidrial responded in kind the entire delegation moving as one. The words of the prince heard by all and allowed to continue to their conclusion as politeness required before the leader of the delegation, a woman with auburn hair replied. Her words were finely spoken, although the intonations were slightly off. The Alidrial native tongue was unusual, even when compared to the languages of others of their kind. Many scholars outside of the Alidrial believed that it was a derivative tongue of one of the variations used by the Masotan although that had never been proven.
”We welcome you to Alidrial soil Prince Virgil Herrignaught, second heir to the Norman throne. I am called Muzahiral. It pleases me and mine that our accommodations for you and yours pleases you. We are prepared to travel to Eyzaathe our capital and arrange a meeting, between yourself and one of the Pillars.”
There was little doubt among the gathered Alidrial that the prince was charismatic and very persuasive. His words seem to leave his lips in a honeyed tumble that subtly assailed the senses. It was difficult to ascertain if this was a capability due to training or magic, but it was appreciated for what it was. Diplomats had to be such, in order to better carry out their assignments. When the Prince spoke of a gift, Muzaharial arched a delicate looking brow but smiled more than willing to accept the offer and entertain such a gift. Emerald orbs slid towards a small seed, its glow suggesting a magical nature. Once they returned to the eyes of the prince the elven woman nodded her head, her hand reaching out and taking the seed gently. The contact lasted for only a moment before her hand withdrew, her words following a moment later.
”We thank you for your generosity Prince Virgil and assure you that we will make certain that your gift is no wasted.” Her head turned, the seed handed over carefully to an elven male at her side who bowed her head and walked away without comment. Muzahariel waited only a moment longer before smiling, her features blossoming like a dawning sun as she did so.
“Now please, follow me. I will show you our port city before you and your escort will be taken to Eyzaathe.” With those words said, the Alidrial delegates spearheaded by Muzahariel led the Prince and his honor guard towards the city itself. A whole hour was spent show casing some of the finer points of the city itself, from its architecture to a brief overview of its history. Once the hour had passed, they made their way into the heart of the city and then within the most secure of structures within. Muzahariel led the Prince towards one of the teleport rooms that linked the major cities of the Aladrial. It allowed for the movement of relatively small numbers of people from one city to another. Moving troops in any number was an impossibility, but the shuttling of diplomatic delegations was the cause for the network’s existence.
Port City, Mavariel
Two dozen Alidrial eyes watched the Prince as he was identified by his vestments as he walked down the plank. He moved with a certain quality, the movements one whom expected to be obeyed an aura of command. The honor guards were impossible to miss, but the Alidrial were unconcerned. The Prince bowed, and the Alidrial responded in kind the entire delegation moving as one. The words of the prince heard by all and allowed to continue to their conclusion as politeness required before the leader of the delegation, a woman with auburn hair replied. Her words were finely spoken, although the intonations were slightly off. The Alidrial native tongue was unusual, even when compared to the languages of others of their kind. Many scholars outside of the Alidrial believed that it was a derivative tongue of one of the variations used by the Masotan although that had never been proven.
”We welcome you to Alidrial soil Prince Virgil Herrignaught, second heir to the Norman throne. I am called Muzahiral. It pleases me and mine that our accommodations for you and yours pleases you. We are prepared to travel to Eyzaathe our capital and arrange a meeting, between yourself and one of the Pillars.”
There was little doubt among the gathered Alidrial that the prince was charismatic and very persuasive. His words seem to leave his lips in a honeyed tumble that subtly assailed the senses. It was difficult to ascertain if this was a capability due to training or magic, but it was appreciated for what it was. Diplomats had to be such, in order to better carry out their assignments. When the Prince spoke of a gift, Muzaharial arched a delicate looking brow but smiled more than willing to accept the offer and entertain such a gift. Emerald orbs slid towards a small seed, its glow suggesting a magical nature. Once they returned to the eyes of the prince the elven woman nodded her head, her hand reaching out and taking the seed gently. The contact lasted for only a moment before her hand withdrew, her words following a moment later.
”We thank you for your generosity Prince Virgil and assure you that we will make certain that your gift is no wasted.” Her head turned, the seed handed over carefully to an elven male at her side who bowed her head and walked away without comment. Muzahariel waited only a moment longer before smiling, her features blossoming like a dawning sun as she did so.
“Now please, follow me. I will show you our port city before you and your escort will be taken to Eyzaathe.” With those words said, the Alidrial delegates spearheaded by Muzahariel led the Prince and his honor guard towards the city itself. A whole hour was spent show casing some of the finer points of the city itself, from its architecture to a brief overview of its history. Once the hour had passed, they made their way into the heart of the city and then within the most secure of structures within. Muzahariel led the Prince towards one of the teleport rooms that linked the major cities of the Aladrial. It allowed for the movement of relatively small numbers of people from one city to another. Moving troops in any number was an impossibility, but the shuttling of diplomatic delegations was the cause for the network’s existence.
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Alidrial Territory
Port City, Mavariel
Prince Virgil took in the sights with much interest, often asking questions of the elves. His interest peaked, of course, at the sight of the teleport rooms. He had heard such magics practiced in far off lands, but never had he seen them before, truly these elves were powerful magicians.
Before his departure he ordered that his men onboard the ship be given a small portion of the gold in his stores, and that they were to take in the local culture, while ship crews would resupply the ships during his absence.
Despite the protests of his Honor Guard, Virgil would be the first of the three to enter the portal, it would be his honor to explore this new experience first!
Alidrial Territory
Capital City, Eyzaathe
Once in Eyzaathe Virgil checked his garb, despite gallivanting across the large port city he showed no signs of tiring. He would be meeting with a Pillar of Alidrial, it didn't take a diplomat to know this was a honor and a privilege.
Port City, Mavariel
Prince Virgil took in the sights with much interest, often asking questions of the elves. His interest peaked, of course, at the sight of the teleport rooms. He had heard such magics practiced in far off lands, but never had he seen them before, truly these elves were powerful magicians.
Before his departure he ordered that his men onboard the ship be given a small portion of the gold in his stores, and that they were to take in the local culture, while ship crews would resupply the ships during his absence.
Despite the protests of his Honor Guard, Virgil would be the first of the three to enter the portal, it would be his honor to explore this new experience first!
Alidrial Territory
Capital City, Eyzaathe
Once in Eyzaathe Virgil checked his garb, despite gallivanting across the large port city he showed no signs of tiring. He would be meeting with a Pillar of Alidrial, it didn't take a diplomat to know this was a honor and a privilege.
Darth_Zod wrote:Shortly after the Seneschal arrives. "I hope you've found the palace comfortable enough. We tend to not receive too many ambassadors here. Not important enough in the eyes of the big nations i suppose." the seneschal smiles briefly, attempting to put the younger ambassador at ease. "Now then, down to business. You mentioned you had affairs that dealt with both of our nations, correct? Well, we're prepared to listen." With that, the seneschal takes a seat, waiting for a response from the nectarin ambassador.
Kingdom of Arashi
Capital City, Daltigoth
Palace Council Chamber
"This palace isn't "comfortable enough", Seneschal. It is a wonder. I am lucky of having been warned beforehand about the marvels of your realm, for otherwise I would believe that I am dreaming" said the Diplomat with sincerity as he sit at a chair next to the long table. "I came here to propose in behalf of the High Lord a trade agreement between our countries, as well as a non-aggression pact among the Nectarin Republic and the Kingdom of Arashi. This are uncertain times for the small powers and we believe that friendship must be built over solid foundations of trust. There is no duplicity in our proposal. We just want a fair exchange of goods among our nations that will increase the wealth of both our countries."
- General Zod
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The seneschal looks up briefly, nodding absently to an unseen presence "Of course, of course. I can imagine it's a bit unsettling when one comes from a society with a minimal amount of magic users. . . .and naturally we always welcome trade with friendly nations, and we aren't seeking war with any neighboring states so a non-agression pact would likely be welcome. However the biggest question is what you have to offer in exchange. Presently our major exports, as i'm sure you were briefed of, include metal ores and jewels of various sorts. We can also send magi skilled in various arts to aid in building efforts and any other non military function should you need them, though naturally our available skilled mages are rather scarce, given we have them constantly working on new projects."
"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."
"You are right. There aren't many magic users in the Republic and few of them live in our cities" said Arico confirming the words of the Seneschal, without attempting to see whoever might be outside his field of vision. There was no point in risking all the negotiation with a gaffe. "In reply to your question, I can tell you that we have a large agricultural surplus and our grain crops have been particularly bountiful in the last years. If you are interested, we can also sell you quality weapons and tools, although I suppose that your own craftsmans will be able to surpass with ease the best efforts of our Dwarven master-smiths. In light of this and the possible impact of this on the relations with your own dwarven neighbours, the Conclave believes that it might be better to leave this trade out of the agreement until you have time to consider it carefully. We can also offer leather derived products of high quality and quality fabrics. Last, but not least, we have engineers that might help in your building efforts. We no longer believe as our more foolish ancestors that we can replace magic, but we think that science and technology have still their uses" finished the Diplomat.Darth_Zod wrote:The seneschal looks up briefly, nodding absently to an unseen presence "Of course, of course. I can imagine it's a bit unsettling when one comes from a society with a minimal amount of magic users. . . .and naturally we always welcome trade with friendly nations, and we aren't seeking war with any neighboring states so a non-agression pact would likely be welcome. However the biggest question is what you have to offer in exchange. Presently our major exports, as i'm sure you were briefed of, include metal ores and jewels of various sorts. We can also send magi skilled in various arts to aid in building efforts and any other non military function should you need them, though naturally our available skilled mages are rather scarce, given we have them constantly working on new projects."
- General Zod
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- Joined: 2003-11-18 03:08pm
- Location: The Clearance Rack
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The seneschal smiles a bit. "The option for agricultural surplus is always a welcome one, naturally. Our own fields are just enough to maintain our populace, however it never hurts to have extra stores of essentials should a hard winter come by. And while we appreciate the offer for weapons and tools our transmuters are presently sufficient to handle the crafting of such things around here. Although we are somewhat limited in terms of shipbuilding, and would welcome exchanges for new vessels to upgrade our present fleet. Naturally, as said earlier we have an abundance of raw ores and gems provided by our dwarven neighbors we can offer in exchange, as well as services by various magi should you need them. At present. . . "the seneschal goes into a brief blank stare, working figures in his head "We have an excess of diviners available, as well as lifeweavers and transmuters. However our conjurers and psychics are quite indisposed. Though we may be able to spare an invoker or two, depending on your need for such services if such a thing sounds agreeable."
"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
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- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Alidrial Territory
Ezyaathe Region, Eyzaathe
As the bulk of the Alidrial delegation left with Theodorus a handful remained behind in order to answer whatever question the Karsinian’s companion had to offer. As the Dragon straightened slightly, the Alidrial understood that the creature was pleased by their efforts which were the entire point. The Alidrial waited a few moments before leading the large creature to another location. They would not go very far, but the arrival of one such creature had been anticipated as a possibility well in advance of this meeting. Once the Dragon spoke, the Alidrial glanced at it cautiously. The tone of the Dragon was pleasant, something that had not been unnoticed.
”We are unfamiliar with the feeding habits of you and yours welcomed guest. As such, it is our hope that we will be able to fulfill your requests.” The Alidrial nodded. The diet of his kind was unknown to them, and as such they had made varied preparations. At least one of those preparations had to be acceptable or so was the hope of the Alidrial.
At the same time that his companion was being spoken too, Theodorus was led to his final destination. The honor of seeing the Life Giver was a significant one, but that visit was not the reason for Theodorus’ visit. Perhaps another time, he would have the luxury of exchanging words with the most beloved of all the Pillars by the Alidrial people. At this moment however, his dealings were with Yvela. As Thedorus spoke, calm and measured eyes watched him closely. When the words coming from his lips had ceased, the so called “first of the pillars” stood from his seat and spoke in turn.
”Welcome Theodorus, son of Karsinia. I hope that your arrival to our nation was a pleasant one.” There was only the slightest of pauses as introductions were finished before he nodded at the words about the Jihad. His left hand motioning for his guest to please be seated. “The threat of the Jihad is such that no nation within striking distance of their armies and navy should overlook. The relationship between our people is not what it could be. It is now perhaps the time for us to take some steps to alleviate that fact and strengthen our relations.”
Alidrial merchant ships were a common sight along the Mediterranean and the Alidrial had known of Karsinia for quite some time. Their relationship currently was a cordial one, with some trade going back and forth and their ships passing each other in the seas often enough. Nonetheless, there was always room for improvement. It was amazing what the possibility of war could achieve, and the Jihaddi were a direct threat to their nations. It was true that the most likely targets were either Cyprus or their own island of Crete, but either way it was bad for Karsinia. If either island nation fell, it was simply another foothold for the Jihaddi in the Mediterranean. If the Alidrial fell specifically, the Jihad would have a wonderful forward base of operations from which to launch attacks against Karsinia. If the Alidrial fell, Cyprus would be nearly completely encircled by the Jihad.
The facts were understood by both Theodorus and himself, it was perhaps part of the reason why he was here. Yvela considered for a moment, debating which path to take. He was an excellent negotiator, but he did not have the love for it as Izea or Yakiba did. In the end, he chose the most direct path.
“Theodorus of Karsinia, tell me what do you have in mind for the future relationship of our people. Do you seek to strengthen trade between our nations? What do you and yours have in mind?”
His guest had come a long way to Alidrial homeland, it was now time for him to make his pitch, to say what he had come to say and see if Alidrial and Karsinian were in agreement. This was the moment that would decide the future relationship of both their people; and it was his to seize.
Ezyaathe Region, Eyzaathe
As the bulk of the Alidrial delegation left with Theodorus a handful remained behind in order to answer whatever question the Karsinian’s companion had to offer. As the Dragon straightened slightly, the Alidrial understood that the creature was pleased by their efforts which were the entire point. The Alidrial waited a few moments before leading the large creature to another location. They would not go very far, but the arrival of one such creature had been anticipated as a possibility well in advance of this meeting. Once the Dragon spoke, the Alidrial glanced at it cautiously. The tone of the Dragon was pleasant, something that had not been unnoticed.
”We are unfamiliar with the feeding habits of you and yours welcomed guest. As such, it is our hope that we will be able to fulfill your requests.” The Alidrial nodded. The diet of his kind was unknown to them, and as such they had made varied preparations. At least one of those preparations had to be acceptable or so was the hope of the Alidrial.
At the same time that his companion was being spoken too, Theodorus was led to his final destination. The honor of seeing the Life Giver was a significant one, but that visit was not the reason for Theodorus’ visit. Perhaps another time, he would have the luxury of exchanging words with the most beloved of all the Pillars by the Alidrial people. At this moment however, his dealings were with Yvela. As Thedorus spoke, calm and measured eyes watched him closely. When the words coming from his lips had ceased, the so called “first of the pillars” stood from his seat and spoke in turn.
”Welcome Theodorus, son of Karsinia. I hope that your arrival to our nation was a pleasant one.” There was only the slightest of pauses as introductions were finished before he nodded at the words about the Jihad. His left hand motioning for his guest to please be seated. “The threat of the Jihad is such that no nation within striking distance of their armies and navy should overlook. The relationship between our people is not what it could be. It is now perhaps the time for us to take some steps to alleviate that fact and strengthen our relations.”
Alidrial merchant ships were a common sight along the Mediterranean and the Alidrial had known of Karsinia for quite some time. Their relationship currently was a cordial one, with some trade going back and forth and their ships passing each other in the seas often enough. Nonetheless, there was always room for improvement. It was amazing what the possibility of war could achieve, and the Jihaddi were a direct threat to their nations. It was true that the most likely targets were either Cyprus or their own island of Crete, but either way it was bad for Karsinia. If either island nation fell, it was simply another foothold for the Jihaddi in the Mediterranean. If the Alidrial fell specifically, the Jihad would have a wonderful forward base of operations from which to launch attacks against Karsinia. If the Alidrial fell, Cyprus would be nearly completely encircled by the Jihad.
The facts were understood by both Theodorus and himself, it was perhaps part of the reason why he was here. Yvela considered for a moment, debating which path to take. He was an excellent negotiator, but he did not have the love for it as Izea or Yakiba did. In the end, he chose the most direct path.
“Theodorus of Karsinia, tell me what do you have in mind for the future relationship of our people. Do you seek to strengthen trade between our nations? What do you and yours have in mind?”
His guest had come a long way to Alidrial homeland, it was now time for him to make his pitch, to say what he had come to say and see if Alidrial and Karsinian were in agreement. This was the moment that would decide the future relationship of both their people; and it was his to seize.
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Alidrial Territory
Each question that the prince asked was answered as gracefully and quickly as possible. Questions about architecture, belief system, cultural nuances and others were happily answered by the Alidrial delegation as they moved through the streets of Mavariel. Once they reached the teleport rooms, the Prince’s curiosity was obvious and one of the Alidrial representatives, the most knowledgeable in this particular matter took the time to answer the questions that had at the moment gone unasked.
”These rooms were originally crafted for the task of moving about small numbers of people from one location to another within our lands. Each major city has a handful of these rooms, allowing for diplomats and messengers to travel from one city to another.”
The magic which had been used to forge these places of power had been powerful even centuries ago. As a result, it was unlikely that the system would be able to be expanded along with future expansions of the Alidrial. Nonetheless, the system had served the Alidrial well since its establishment and it would continue to do so for decades to come. The portal was established a mere minute after everyone had arrived, invisible strands of power seeming to flood the chamber before coalescing into a sapphire tear in space-time. The rift linked the gate room which they currently resided within with one in Eyzaathe. An Alidrial moved first through the portal, and then another before the Prince was allowed to move through. The reasons were obvious; if anything was amiss the Alidrial would prefer that one of their own perished rather than a high ranking foreign diplomat.
As Virgil walked through the rift, the sensation of magic seemed to wash over him like an invisible wave. That sensation was accompanied by the sense of being pulled into several directions at once; it was slightly disconcerting although before his brain could form words he was through the rift and on the other side. The Alidrial waited patiently for the Prince’s honor guards to travel through the rift and then the final members of the Alidrial delegation. Once everyone had traveled through to Eyzaathe, the rift vanished and the Alidrial motioned for the prince to follow them.
Alidrial Territory
Eyzaathe Region, Eyzaathe
It was unfortunate that due to their arrival to Eyzaathe via teleportation the Alidrial delegates could not show their capital to the visiting prince properly. They were already within the inner perimeter of the capital, but there were still some sights to be seen. Eyzaathe and Mavariel utilized similar architectural techniques and it was immediately apparent that the cities were related. Nonetheless, Eyzaathe was older than Mavariel and by virtue of being the Alidrial capital as well as the primary residence of the Pillars it was far more opulent than Mavariel could hope to be.
As the Alidrial delegation moved towards the final destination, the prince was surrounded by paintings of Alidrial life past and present. Once they arrived within the center of the cities, the finely forged halls which had served them well seemed to evolve into the outrageous. The floors in this place were made of marble, gold and other precious ornaments enhancing the physical appeal of this particular area. Alidrial honor guards were posted frequently, and the walls seemed to emit magic of their own.
As the delegation moved towards where Izea, pillar of the Alidrial resided they moved past another. The Karsinian representative Theodrorus was at the moment talking with Yvela. A dozen Alidrial honor guards intercepted the Norman delegation and their Alidrial escorts. The dozen honor guards were immediately identified as those of Yakiba herself, the Pillar standing in the center of the formation with a thin smile upon her lips as her eyes slid from the Alidrial elves to prince Virgil. The bare foot Pillar said nothing, but she nodded her head in respect to the visiting prince before she and her escorts moved past and continued on their way.
A mere minute later, the Alidrial escorts to the prince came to a stop before a door and glanced towards the Prince.
“We have arrived Prince Virgil. Beyond these doors awaits Izea, Pillar of the Alidrial. Your honor guard is asked to stay here with us until the meeting between you and Izea is completed.”
An elf moved to the doors and opened them. The room within was of significant size, crafted from the same materials that dominated the fortress. The marble floors glittered as the light was reflected from it, a dozen Alidrial guards laying at attention on the sides, and in the center of the room rested a single figure at the moment. Izea was impossible to miss, his eyes watching the opened door as if waiting for Virgil to present himself. They had much to talk about, dealing both with their present situation and what path if any their people would walk in the future.
Each question that the prince asked was answered as gracefully and quickly as possible. Questions about architecture, belief system, cultural nuances and others were happily answered by the Alidrial delegation as they moved through the streets of Mavariel. Once they reached the teleport rooms, the Prince’s curiosity was obvious and one of the Alidrial representatives, the most knowledgeable in this particular matter took the time to answer the questions that had at the moment gone unasked.
”These rooms were originally crafted for the task of moving about small numbers of people from one location to another within our lands. Each major city has a handful of these rooms, allowing for diplomats and messengers to travel from one city to another.”
The magic which had been used to forge these places of power had been powerful even centuries ago. As a result, it was unlikely that the system would be able to be expanded along with future expansions of the Alidrial. Nonetheless, the system had served the Alidrial well since its establishment and it would continue to do so for decades to come. The portal was established a mere minute after everyone had arrived, invisible strands of power seeming to flood the chamber before coalescing into a sapphire tear in space-time. The rift linked the gate room which they currently resided within with one in Eyzaathe. An Alidrial moved first through the portal, and then another before the Prince was allowed to move through. The reasons were obvious; if anything was amiss the Alidrial would prefer that one of their own perished rather than a high ranking foreign diplomat.
As Virgil walked through the rift, the sensation of magic seemed to wash over him like an invisible wave. That sensation was accompanied by the sense of being pulled into several directions at once; it was slightly disconcerting although before his brain could form words he was through the rift and on the other side. The Alidrial waited patiently for the Prince’s honor guards to travel through the rift and then the final members of the Alidrial delegation. Once everyone had traveled through to Eyzaathe, the rift vanished and the Alidrial motioned for the prince to follow them.
Alidrial Territory
Eyzaathe Region, Eyzaathe
It was unfortunate that due to their arrival to Eyzaathe via teleportation the Alidrial delegates could not show their capital to the visiting prince properly. They were already within the inner perimeter of the capital, but there were still some sights to be seen. Eyzaathe and Mavariel utilized similar architectural techniques and it was immediately apparent that the cities were related. Nonetheless, Eyzaathe was older than Mavariel and by virtue of being the Alidrial capital as well as the primary residence of the Pillars it was far more opulent than Mavariel could hope to be.
As the Alidrial delegation moved towards the final destination, the prince was surrounded by paintings of Alidrial life past and present. Once they arrived within the center of the cities, the finely forged halls which had served them well seemed to evolve into the outrageous. The floors in this place were made of marble, gold and other precious ornaments enhancing the physical appeal of this particular area. Alidrial honor guards were posted frequently, and the walls seemed to emit magic of their own.
As the delegation moved towards where Izea, pillar of the Alidrial resided they moved past another. The Karsinian representative Theodrorus was at the moment talking with Yvela. A dozen Alidrial honor guards intercepted the Norman delegation and their Alidrial escorts. The dozen honor guards were immediately identified as those of Yakiba herself, the Pillar standing in the center of the formation with a thin smile upon her lips as her eyes slid from the Alidrial elves to prince Virgil. The bare foot Pillar said nothing, but she nodded her head in respect to the visiting prince before she and her escorts moved past and continued on their way.
A mere minute later, the Alidrial escorts to the prince came to a stop before a door and glanced towards the Prince.
“We have arrived Prince Virgil. Beyond these doors awaits Izea, Pillar of the Alidrial. Your honor guard is asked to stay here with us until the meeting between you and Izea is completed.”
An elf moved to the doors and opened them. The room within was of significant size, crafted from the same materials that dominated the fortress. The marble floors glittered as the light was reflected from it, a dozen Alidrial guards laying at attention on the sides, and in the center of the room rested a single figure at the moment. Izea was impossible to miss, his eyes watching the opened door as if waiting for Virgil to present himself. They had much to talk about, dealing both with their present situation and what path if any their people would walk in the future.
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Alidrial Territory
Eyzaathe Region, Eyzaathe
Chamber of Izea
Prince Virgil entered the grand room, after ordering his guards to remain behind. The prince approached the Pillar slowly and bowed before Izea.
"Mighty Pillar, I am humbeled before you, I am Prince Virgil Herrignaught of Normandy." he spoke with great reverence toward Pillar, "An errand of diplomacy has brought me before you this day, the Kind of Normandy desires to promote trade and hopes that we might sign treaties on such matters... and others, will you entertain my Lord's propositions?"
Eyzaathe Region, Eyzaathe
Chamber of Izea
Prince Virgil entered the grand room, after ordering his guards to remain behind. The prince approached the Pillar slowly and bowed before Izea.
"Mighty Pillar, I am humbeled before you, I am Prince Virgil Herrignaught of Normandy." he spoke with great reverence toward Pillar, "An errand of diplomacy has brought me before you this day, the Kind of Normandy desires to promote trade and hopes that we might sign treaties on such matters... and others, will you entertain my Lord's propositions?"
- Agent Fisher
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 3671
- Joined: 2003-04-29 11:56pm
- Location: Sac-Town, CA, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Universe
Haldir sat at the table that had been set up in the Gondor delegation's tent.
On the table were maps of the region. They should the Great Sea and all the land surrounding it.
Across from him sat Thengel.
"So tell me brother, do you think we can take out the Jihads navy quick enough?" Asked Haldir.
"Well, if we were just using sea ships, maybe. However with the presence of those massive airships it can be done. Once that is taken care of Gondor's concerns about the Jihad will become very small."
"A third of our fleet, half of our cavalry strength and a little over a quater of our rangers. That is a good size chunk to be commiting to this fight. And not to mention the transports that will be need to move the men."
"Who should we put in charge of this expeditionary force?"
"I think I will put Ritter in charge. He has a good mind for tactics. Oh I almost forgot. I need to find the delegation from Mormandy. Just before we left father told me that a meeting had been arranged between our two nations and that I should try and meet them here."
With that Haldir stood up and strode from the tent.
On the table were maps of the region. They should the Great Sea and all the land surrounding it.
Across from him sat Thengel.
"So tell me brother, do you think we can take out the Jihads navy quick enough?" Asked Haldir.
"Well, if we were just using sea ships, maybe. However with the presence of those massive airships it can be done. Once that is taken care of Gondor's concerns about the Jihad will become very small."
"A third of our fleet, half of our cavalry strength and a little over a quater of our rangers. That is a good size chunk to be commiting to this fight. And not to mention the transports that will be need to move the men."
"Who should we put in charge of this expeditionary force?"
"I think I will put Ritter in charge. He has a good mind for tactics. Oh I almost forgot. I need to find the delegation from Mormandy. Just before we left father told me that a meeting had been arranged between our two nations and that I should try and meet them here."
With that Haldir stood up and strode from the tent.
- JasperClain
- Redshirt
- Posts: 5
- Joined: 2004-10-05 03:37am
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To Treaty with the WolGar
A familiar low howl of wind lightly echoed through the dining hall of Calastro, the city under the mountain. King Jasper Clain stared at his dinner that night in boredom as the entire community of twenty thousand dwarfs ate in the enormous dinning hall before him. The stone walls were dug to a height of ten feet for the four foot dwarf’s under the mountain. The extravagantly carved stone halls and rooms of the city were the pride of King Jasper Clain’s life. He snapped out of his stare and stood from his seat saying in a proud voice,
“I have an announcement.” The room went quiet as the king went on. “I have decided that we have need of an ally. For the same warrior spirit as we have shown I have decided to try to ally with the WolGars to the south. Our ambassador will leave under a white flag tomorrow.”
With a wide smile abroad his beard the king began to sit down, a familiar voice rang out in the sea of dwarf’s. The voice was of Calastro’s general Bloke Mordok, King Jasper was waiting for his comment.
“Your majesty.” The general began as he stood in the midst of his people. “Forbid me to speak if that is your will, however I must protest that we ally with anyone. Do you not remember the tales of our ancestors about the barbaric behavior of the world toward other people that are different, like us? We can’t risk unneeded exposure of cultures and races, we have isolated ourselves for nearly a century and it has given us a secure and happy existence, one not filled with the fear of what man may do to us next.”
“General Mordok.” The King stood again in front of his people and began by saying. “The lands around us are not as wide as they once were, territories and cities are growing in size and power. We will be choked between nations with great militaries before long, how will we then defend our home? We have to ally and the WolGars are the most logical starting point.”
“But is uniting the powers the answer? The General asked.
“Yes.” The king replied. “Ambassador Keldan will leave for WolGar territory tomorrow morning.”
King Jasper stood and quickly walked toward the great halls of Calastro, leaving the dining hall, he heard the entire dinning hall explode with question, hesitation, and excitement all at once. King Jasper quickly navigated the huge maze of tunnels of Calastro to the Kings bedchamber. Once within it’s walls he sat at his desk and began to write the instructions and orders that his ambassador was to follow. After an hour passed he was finished and retired to sleep for the night.
The king slept lightly, he would slumber for a while and then wake to attention, this happened all night. The morning came later than King Jasper had wished, but it came. Once he was dressed and trimmed for the day clad in his best royal blue tunic and black pants, King Jasper went to the stables first saying,
“Saddle my royal pony for the journey.”
“Yes my king.” The stable hand said as he darted off to follow his orders.
The Ambassador met King Jasper as he was watching the stable hand saddle last pony.
“Reporting as you wish your majesty.“ Ambassador Keldan replied.
In minutes King Jasper and the Ambassador led the pony down the south tunnel toward the mouth of the mountain. Two guards bowed as the King, one guard was clearly a druid of the craft and the other was without, just a plain dwarf. The king being one of the craft could feel his stone surroundings as all druid earth elementals could. The mouth of the mountain entrance was paved over with a smooth slab of rock that stood one foot thick. Jasper held his right palm toward the entrance and began to make the opening. The rock slab over the entrance began to disintegrate into sand making a small hole within minutes big enough for the Ambassador and the pony to fit through, sunlight flooded in the tunnel. King Jasper had just used the druid spell known as soften earth and stone. Two more regular guards walked into the tunnel from outside and bowed to the King. Mounted on the pony, the dwarf was on his way southeast. King Jasper breathed in a deep breath of fresh air from the opening in the mountain that felt as if it was buzzing in his lungs. The King watched as the ambassador rode the pony out of sight.
For the first couple of hours riding was flat plains. A scout dwarf popped out of the bushes from almost nowhere before Ambassador Gonal Keldan.
“Where are you going Gonal?” The scout asked.
“No time to talk, we’ll chat later.” The Ambassador replied as he rode on.
After another hour he began into a wooded area that was outside of Calastro territory, he knew that the scouts would not be popping up anymore, this area was undiscovered for dwarf’s. After passing through the woods he came into the WolGar territory, Gonal pulled out the white flag and held it above his head as King Jasper instructed. He then dismounted and slowly advanced deeper into WolGar territory, leading his pony as he waited to see someone from these unknown lands who they could establish first contact with.
“I have an announcement.” The room went quiet as the king went on. “I have decided that we have need of an ally. For the same warrior spirit as we have shown I have decided to try to ally with the WolGars to the south. Our ambassador will leave under a white flag tomorrow.”
With a wide smile abroad his beard the king began to sit down, a familiar voice rang out in the sea of dwarf’s. The voice was of Calastro’s general Bloke Mordok, King Jasper was waiting for his comment.
“Your majesty.” The general began as he stood in the midst of his people. “Forbid me to speak if that is your will, however I must protest that we ally with anyone. Do you not remember the tales of our ancestors about the barbaric behavior of the world toward other people that are different, like us? We can’t risk unneeded exposure of cultures and races, we have isolated ourselves for nearly a century and it has given us a secure and happy existence, one not filled with the fear of what man may do to us next.”
“General Mordok.” The King stood again in front of his people and began by saying. “The lands around us are not as wide as they once were, territories and cities are growing in size and power. We will be choked between nations with great militaries before long, how will we then defend our home? We have to ally and the WolGars are the most logical starting point.”
“But is uniting the powers the answer? The General asked.
“Yes.” The king replied. “Ambassador Keldan will leave for WolGar territory tomorrow morning.”
King Jasper stood and quickly walked toward the great halls of Calastro, leaving the dining hall, he heard the entire dinning hall explode with question, hesitation, and excitement all at once. King Jasper quickly navigated the huge maze of tunnels of Calastro to the Kings bedchamber. Once within it’s walls he sat at his desk and began to write the instructions and orders that his ambassador was to follow. After an hour passed he was finished and retired to sleep for the night.
The king slept lightly, he would slumber for a while and then wake to attention, this happened all night. The morning came later than King Jasper had wished, but it came. Once he was dressed and trimmed for the day clad in his best royal blue tunic and black pants, King Jasper went to the stables first saying,
“Saddle my royal pony for the journey.”
“Yes my king.” The stable hand said as he darted off to follow his orders.
The Ambassador met King Jasper as he was watching the stable hand saddle last pony.
“Reporting as you wish your majesty.“ Ambassador Keldan replied.
In minutes King Jasper and the Ambassador led the pony down the south tunnel toward the mouth of the mountain. Two guards bowed as the King, one guard was clearly a druid of the craft and the other was without, just a plain dwarf. The king being one of the craft could feel his stone surroundings as all druid earth elementals could. The mouth of the mountain entrance was paved over with a smooth slab of rock that stood one foot thick. Jasper held his right palm toward the entrance and began to make the opening. The rock slab over the entrance began to disintegrate into sand making a small hole within minutes big enough for the Ambassador and the pony to fit through, sunlight flooded in the tunnel. King Jasper had just used the druid spell known as soften earth and stone. Two more regular guards walked into the tunnel from outside and bowed to the King. Mounted on the pony, the dwarf was on his way southeast. King Jasper breathed in a deep breath of fresh air from the opening in the mountain that felt as if it was buzzing in his lungs. The King watched as the ambassador rode the pony out of sight.
For the first couple of hours riding was flat plains. A scout dwarf popped out of the bushes from almost nowhere before Ambassador Gonal Keldan.
“Where are you going Gonal?” The scout asked.
“No time to talk, we’ll chat later.” The Ambassador replied as he rode on.
After another hour he began into a wooded area that was outside of Calastro territory, he knew that the scouts would not be popping up anymore, this area was undiscovered for dwarf’s. After passing through the woods he came into the WolGar territory, Gonal pulled out the white flag and held it above his head as King Jasper instructed. He then dismounted and slowly advanced deeper into WolGar territory, leading his pony as he waited to see someone from these unknown lands who they could establish first contact with.
Peace is at arms reach, however war and death is to. When you reach for the peace that you seek be careful it doesn't turn into the peace of death.
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Alidrial Territory
Eyzaathe Region, Eyzaathe
Chamber of Izea
The eyes of Izea were completely upon the Prince as he entered the room and approached. He knew of the Normans, but not nearly as much as he would like. The truth remained that the reach of the Alidrial was inherently limited by their size and might. There were few things that the Alidrial did not know about those nations whose shores kissed the Mediterranean. When the Prince bowed before him he nodded his head in turn. The Prince was tactful beyond his years, and his politeness earned him favor.
When the Prince spoke he smiled, the action causing his features to lighten significantly. Yvela called him a “little storm cloud” due to the stern look that seemed to perpetually reside upon his features. Nonetheless, there were times such as this when he allowed that façade to crack a bit. His left hand moving in a dismissive fashion before his lips parted and he spoke.
“Please, Prince Virgil Izea will suffice and it is you who honor me in your visit to my homeland.” He hesitated for a moment, his eyes watching the Prince before he nodded his head as the exact nature of his visit was explained. “I will of course entertain your Lord’s propositions Prince Virgil. We the Alidrial have thrived by not pushing aside opportunities of interest. Although our nations may not reside in the same sea, my people and I are always willing to establish trade relations among other things with nations of a like mind.”
The Pillar motioned for the Prince to be seated, although if the Prince chose to remain standing it was clear that the Pillar would not take offense. “So tell me Prince Virgil, what do you and yours have in mind for the first steps for our people to walk together?” The times were such that the Alidrial could not afford to alienate nations, least of all those that could be friends. Furthermore, the ships in which the Prince had arrived were impressive indeed. He had little doubt that a worthy arrangement could be achieved between both their nations…
Eyzaathe Region, Eyzaathe
Chamber of Izea
The eyes of Izea were completely upon the Prince as he entered the room and approached. He knew of the Normans, but not nearly as much as he would like. The truth remained that the reach of the Alidrial was inherently limited by their size and might. There were few things that the Alidrial did not know about those nations whose shores kissed the Mediterranean. When the Prince bowed before him he nodded his head in turn. The Prince was tactful beyond his years, and his politeness earned him favor.
When the Prince spoke he smiled, the action causing his features to lighten significantly. Yvela called him a “little storm cloud” due to the stern look that seemed to perpetually reside upon his features. Nonetheless, there were times such as this when he allowed that façade to crack a bit. His left hand moving in a dismissive fashion before his lips parted and he spoke.
“Please, Prince Virgil Izea will suffice and it is you who honor me in your visit to my homeland.” He hesitated for a moment, his eyes watching the Prince before he nodded his head as the exact nature of his visit was explained. “I will of course entertain your Lord’s propositions Prince Virgil. We the Alidrial have thrived by not pushing aside opportunities of interest. Although our nations may not reside in the same sea, my people and I are always willing to establish trade relations among other things with nations of a like mind.”
The Pillar motioned for the Prince to be seated, although if the Prince chose to remain standing it was clear that the Pillar would not take offense. “So tell me Prince Virgil, what do you and yours have in mind for the first steps for our people to walk together?” The times were such that the Alidrial could not afford to alienate nations, least of all those that could be friends. Furthermore, the ships in which the Prince had arrived were impressive indeed. He had little doubt that a worthy arrangement could be achieved between both their nations…
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
The dwarf led his pony through the woods, behind him once he passed far beyond ear shot. The bushes rustled has a pair of men stood, they were Nightwalkers, slealthy warriors who were perfectly in tune in their wilderness homes.He then dismounted and slowly advanced deeper into WolGar territory, leading his pony as he waited to see someone from these unknown lands who they could establish first contact with.
"An Outrealmer. Should we kill him?" Asked the younger man.
"Naw, better report to the shamen, let him figure it out." Replied his elder.
"He's short. Goblinkin?"
"Naw, to much hair. Come on we'll go to the shamen."

- JasperClain
- Redshirt
- Posts: 5
- Joined: 2004-10-05 03:37am
- Contact:
Ambassador Gonal Keldan trudged on into the WolGar territory for some time while he saw nobody. Were they even here, did he go the wrong direction, were they nomads and he had missed them? Missing first contact with the WolGar, going back to his King, this would be the most horrible thing he could imagine. His pony suddenly stopped, his ears perked up as he looked around for something. The Ambassador was close to them, he just knew he had to be.frigidmagi wrote:The dwarf led his pony through the woods, behind him once he passed far beyond ear shot. The bushes rustled has a pair of men stood, they were Nightwalkers, slealthy warriors who were perfectly in tune in their wilderness homes.He then dismounted and slowly advanced deeper into WolGar territory, leading his pony as he waited to see someone from these unknown lands who they could establish first contact with.
"An Outrealmer. Should we kill him?" Asked the younger man.
"Naw, better report to the shamen, let him figure it out." Replied his elder.
"He's short. Goblinkin?"
"Naw, to much hair. Come on we'll go to the shamen."
Peace is at arms reach, however war and death is to. When you reach for the peace that you seek be careful it doesn't turn into the peace of death.
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Ths Shamen Ikisen sat in the spirit house his eyes closed, waiting. It was dark, night was falling, outside Nightwalkers parpared to move out on their eternal patrols keeping the land safe for the Sons of Gar. The Spearbrothers would trickle back has the Night Walkers relieved them. Meanwhile the hunters and farmers began to bed down.
A small ball of ghostly light glided into the spirited house to float before him, he nodded to it without opening his eyes. A voice rose from the ball of light.
"Bring him to us."
"It will be done, go and see Katrana, she will sing for you." The Shamen whispered. The messenger floated away heading toward Ikisen's apprentice. He rose to his and walked to the door, the two Nightwalkers who had seen the... Person, were waiting for him.
"Take him alive and unhurt if you can, the Counsil wants to see him." He ordered.
A small ball of ghostly light glided into the spirited house to float before him, he nodded to it without opening his eyes. A voice rose from the ball of light.
"Bring him to us."
"It will be done, go and see Katrana, she will sing for you." The Shamen whispered. The messenger floated away heading toward Ikisen's apprentice. He rose to his and walked to the door, the two Nightwalkers who had seen the... Person, were waiting for him.
"Take him alive and unhurt if you can, the Counsil wants to see him." He ordered.

WolGar Territory
Capital City, Halonmark
Yivan felt relief when the Spearbrothers that protected the gates of Halonmark finally nodded and allowed him to enter in the city. Even if his father had once been a son of Gar, he was just an Outrealmer and one who had never before visited the city. They had finally allowed him to cross the gate because he carried a message for their counsil and because the two young Spearbrothers that Resai had handpicked for him as companions had hold themselses as liable for his good behaviour within the walls of the town.
Trust and honour. Both things were very important for the WolGars and they made dealing with them a bit frustrating sometimes. While in a civilized country most guards would accept an small bribery, most WolGars would feel insulted by the very idea of being bribed and that...
Treetin forced himself to stop thinking about pieces of nonsense and considered his next step. It was late afternoon and he had been told that the next meeting of the counsil would take place the next morning so he would need at least accomodation for a night. Tresil and Welgar, his young companions, would most likely sleep in a bed provided by the local members of their lodge, but he was an Outrealmer and would need to find shelter somewhere else.
Upon asking them, Welgar told the trader that somewhere in Halonmark there was a house to accomodate the Outrealmers arrived to speak with the counsil. The two warriors promised to wait until he was ready to travel back home in order to accompany him all the way back to their village before leaving in order to find the local leader of their lodge.
After asking the passers-by for the direction of that house, Yivan started to move with the hope of finding a hot meal and a bed there, as well as some conversation. The WolGar were good hosts, but they didn't talk a lot and if there were other foreigners in Halonmark, maybe he would have the chance to enjoy some idle chat with them.
Capital City, Halonmark
Yivan felt relief when the Spearbrothers that protected the gates of Halonmark finally nodded and allowed him to enter in the city. Even if his father had once been a son of Gar, he was just an Outrealmer and one who had never before visited the city. They had finally allowed him to cross the gate because he carried a message for their counsil and because the two young Spearbrothers that Resai had handpicked for him as companions had hold themselses as liable for his good behaviour within the walls of the town.
Trust and honour. Both things were very important for the WolGars and they made dealing with them a bit frustrating sometimes. While in a civilized country most guards would accept an small bribery, most WolGars would feel insulted by the very idea of being bribed and that...
Treetin forced himself to stop thinking about pieces of nonsense and considered his next step. It was late afternoon and he had been told that the next meeting of the counsil would take place the next morning so he would need at least accomodation for a night. Tresil and Welgar, his young companions, would most likely sleep in a bed provided by the local members of their lodge, but he was an Outrealmer and would need to find shelter somewhere else.
Upon asking them, Welgar told the trader that somewhere in Halonmark there was a house to accomodate the Outrealmers arrived to speak with the counsil. The two warriors promised to wait until he was ready to travel back home in order to accompany him all the way back to their village before leaving in order to find the local leader of their lodge.
After asking the passers-by for the direction of that house, Yivan started to move with the hope of finding a hot meal and a bed there, as well as some conversation. The WolGar were good hosts, but they didn't talk a lot and if there were other foreigners in Halonmark, maybe he would have the chance to enjoy some idle chat with them.
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
(/ooc) Dead yet? May'aps not.
Bay of Londinium
Isthumus of Brittain
Early morning sunlight glittered across the bay. It was a strangely clear day, and the Helgolandic Sea's typical grey morass of thunderheads and rainclouds was replaced with wisps of curling vapour, like horse's tails.
The peaceful sight was marred, as nature always is, by the approach of man.
"Stow those sails! Helmsman, to the shore at best speed!"
Voices called in High Caliphoni, as officers bellowed from their decks, sending their lieutenants scurrying like ants as they carried out orders. The fleet of galleys made it's way slowly to the rocky shore. The vessels were beetlelike, with their serried ranks of insectile oar-legs skittering back and forth across the water.
On the deck of the galley Warspite, there stood a tall man- at nearly six feet, he was fair well a giant, especially amongst the metropolitan peoples of Caliphon. His beard and mane were jet black, shot with strands of pure snow white. His eyes, a peircing blue, glinted beneath a wind-burned brow. Scars ran up his bare forearms. He was clad in heavy leathers and a vest of fine chain. Slung across his back was a short bow of curious design and an oviod shield, and a long-bladed curved weapon hung from one hip- a Pherasat, the hefty cavalry sword of the armies of Caliphon.
"Captain Thorsteinson."
A young man in the uniform of a naval Lieutenant saluted the Captain sharply with a fist across the chest and an inclined chin.
"The Admiral bids you, we are only a short time from shore. He requests a hasty disembarkment, as he fears keeping the vessels vulnerable and on the beach for too long."
The horseman, Thorsteinson, nodded, and spoke in a voice like gravel.
"The Gentlemen waste no time. Tell the Admiral we will be off his precious ships and on our way in short order."
The high cliffs surrounding the Bay of Londinium were at their lowest to the south, where they became a penninsula jutting into the Helgolandic Sea. Here, south of the border of the Twin Kingdoms which dominated the Brittanic penninsula, a small detatchment like the 500 men of the Borderer Regiment II could make their way over the hills and stony precipices of the cliffs. As the vessels which had brought them here faded into the distance, Thorsteinson lead his men, hard-bitten individualists on rangy horses, into the unclaimed lands of the Isthmus.
Bay of Londinium
Isthumus of Brittain
Early morning sunlight glittered across the bay. It was a strangely clear day, and the Helgolandic Sea's typical grey morass of thunderheads and rainclouds was replaced with wisps of curling vapour, like horse's tails.
The peaceful sight was marred, as nature always is, by the approach of man.
"Stow those sails! Helmsman, to the shore at best speed!"
Voices called in High Caliphoni, as officers bellowed from their decks, sending their lieutenants scurrying like ants as they carried out orders. The fleet of galleys made it's way slowly to the rocky shore. The vessels were beetlelike, with their serried ranks of insectile oar-legs skittering back and forth across the water.
On the deck of the galley Warspite, there stood a tall man- at nearly six feet, he was fair well a giant, especially amongst the metropolitan peoples of Caliphon. His beard and mane were jet black, shot with strands of pure snow white. His eyes, a peircing blue, glinted beneath a wind-burned brow. Scars ran up his bare forearms. He was clad in heavy leathers and a vest of fine chain. Slung across his back was a short bow of curious design and an oviod shield, and a long-bladed curved weapon hung from one hip- a Pherasat, the hefty cavalry sword of the armies of Caliphon.
"Captain Thorsteinson."
A young man in the uniform of a naval Lieutenant saluted the Captain sharply with a fist across the chest and an inclined chin.
"The Admiral bids you, we are only a short time from shore. He requests a hasty disembarkment, as he fears keeping the vessels vulnerable and on the beach for too long."
The horseman, Thorsteinson, nodded, and spoke in a voice like gravel.
"The Gentlemen waste no time. Tell the Admiral we will be off his precious ships and on our way in short order."
The high cliffs surrounding the Bay of Londinium were at their lowest to the south, where they became a penninsula jutting into the Helgolandic Sea. Here, south of the border of the Twin Kingdoms which dominated the Brittanic penninsula, a small detatchment like the 500 men of the Borderer Regiment II could make their way over the hills and stony precipices of the cliffs. As the vessels which had brought them here faded into the distance, Thorsteinson lead his men, hard-bitten individualists on rangy horses, into the unclaimed lands of the Isthmus.
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
The stranger was asleep has was his mule. Nikolsen hated that damn mule. It almost alerted the stranger to his postion a while ago, damn mule. Four of his lodge brothers were with him surrounding the sleeper.
Nikolsen crept into the camp, avoiding the defenses the stranger had erected earilier. He stepped forward untile he was at the feet of the sleeper. His borthers crept into the camp around him. It was then the never to be suffiently damned mule awoke with a bray of alarm. The short stranger jerked awake his hand on an ax. He sat up quickly ready to fight. He was at the center of a circle of arrows.
"You walk uninvited into the lands of the Son's of Gar, outrealmer. Our Counsil has decided to speak with you... At Halonmark." Nikolsen informed the surprised stranger.
Nikolsen crept into the camp, avoiding the defenses the stranger had erected earilier. He stepped forward untile he was at the feet of the sleeper. His borthers crept into the camp around him. It was then the never to be suffiently damned mule awoke with a bray of alarm. The short stranger jerked awake his hand on an ax. He sat up quickly ready to fight. He was at the center of a circle of arrows.
"You walk uninvited into the lands of the Son's of Gar, outrealmer. Our Counsil has decided to speak with you... At Halonmark." Nikolsen informed the surprised stranger.