Bluewolf wrote:Trying to hit 35,000km, the rocket is 4.18 Km/s which is a massive improvement over my older rocket designs. Sadly these Kerbals wont be coming back. It does make me wonder how will we get them back when we have to go space stations or planets.
Now THERE'S yar problem...
First, stay clear of 40km. I made a 52-56km orbit. At this height, one orbit takes about 29.5 minutes. You need about 2330 m/s to maintain it. Vesc at this height is about 3300m/s. You are at 4180 m/s, heading straight into SPAAAAAAAAACccccee
Good recipe for a setilite orbit. Have a straight burn up to 10km, try to keep in the low 100's of speed. TURN OFF SAS. It will actively mess with your steering. Then angle to one side, get the rocket pointet like 30° above horizon. Wait until the circular indicator is closing in on the +/- 0 climb border(blue/brown). When you reached that, keep your rocket aimed above the pink cross to bring the heading up, or belos, to get it down. LEAVE SAS OFF. You need to be quick with permanent corrections.
Keep an eye on your speed. Reduce thrust once you are nearing orbit speed. (See my example above) When your indicator is on the line, point at the forward thrust vector (pink Y) to increase speed and climb, or at the other pink indicator (counter thrust point, or whatever you call it) to decrease climb.
Once you managed to bring climb down to a halt, you have inserted yourself into an orbit. Shut engine off and turn SAS on. The closer you are to vOrb, the smoother it is. SAS will also give you a nice indicator of orbital position, as it will spin you in a way that points you at the heading indicator or the anti-heading indicator every time you pass a high or low point in the orbit.
AFAIK Planets will come in later versions of the game. they are still bugfixing the general model. I can't wait for satellite insertions or space stations &docking, which might come earlier... Earing money, having to buy rocket parts, training pilots (which will probably increase SAS or maybe even create an autopilot of sorts.)
A minute's thought suggests that the very idea of this is stupid. A more detailed examination raises the possibility that it might be an answer to the question "how could the Germans win the war after the US gets involved?" - Captain Seafort, in a thread proposing a 1942 'D-Day' in Quiberon Bay
I do archery skeet. With a Trebuchet.